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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 1 hour ago, carolineg said:

    Idk, I can see some logic in 'redeeming' Heather, but I feel like at this point the character is pretty far gone.  It feels more like a Days of Our Lives story than a GH one.

    Well I am not sure about kooky cousin, but I've been saying in the 'redeeming' Heather that she could very well be pulled back toward being cunning again and not over the top. 

    Time will tell.



  2. 2 hours ago, carolineg said:

    t this point,  I can't believe any audience member can invest in Sonny's love life.  I know Sonny/Nina have a few intense, vocal fans, but even the most clueless viewers couldn't possibly think that marriage was going to last.  The energy and screentime for that could have been focused elsewhere.

    But I liked Sonny/Nina!! 😜 Though they were (well Sonny was) more interesting post-Nixon Falls because the duality that MB was doing with Mike/Sonny was all over him and clear to see no matter how Sonny tried to hide it. It was fascinating to watch for sure. 


  3. 2 hours ago, carolineg said:

    Thanks!  The last appearance thus far for my Brenda!  Also probably the best scene of the entire return.  It made no real sense with the story but when you can just feel the illogical longing and love it still gets me.  Also 11 years ago makes me feel old.

    Wow. It really has been a loooooooooooong time hasn't it? 



    15 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    Van Etten apparently pitched the poisoned hip story and PM loved it 😑😑

    I could see that. I feel like PM is going to 'redeem' Heather somewhat. Or least have her be cunning vs just silly cray cray.

  4. 8 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    Y'all heard about the alleged beef between Lisa Barlow and Mary Cosby that Page Six supposedly released? Production or Lisa leaked that Mary called Lisa's youngest son the "r word." Mary put out an IG post saying that Lisa spoke about her son first, which suggests the comment was retaliatory. 

    These women are going to end up like Dallas. Season 5 and done. Idiots. All because you have too many people trying to be the top dog. 

    I heard! And they quickly moved past it.


    And I saw what you did there re: Lisa leaked.


    I also feel you are RIGHT. 


    4 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    TVDeets is saying that these five are returning. Nneka is out. Keiarna isn't being offered a flute. Shooting is supposed to start next week. I say take this with a grain of salt...

    I think Keiarna being out was confirmed earlier today. That saddened me because she has seen like a good new addition. 


    I can't believe they would aggressively start again (outside of getting to the DUI mess with La Dame) after the backlash from this just-ended season. And not to mention how rare a 5 member HW cast has worked. 

  5. 4-16


    Wow. The introspection of it all. 


    I know it's been mentioned, but I've enjoyed all the discussions going on. Easily the highlight has been Laura/Jordan and Maxie/Felicia. 


    I know it's been mentioned in here about Laura talking about Sonny. But it was just for me how she articulated herself. It was different. Perhaps it's because I love Laura so I enjoy moments that are just HER. Not her new brothers. Not even plot. But...her. How she's thinking. How she's feeling. Like Anna declaring war on Sonny which made sense even though they had gotten closer in the last few years, Laura just talking about it was just good. There's this one moment that really rang true for me, and that was when Laura said if it had been anyone BUT Sonny...yeah she would have thrown the book at them. And now she just might. I found that refreshingly true. And GF did so well with that. 


    Meanwhile, Maxie/Felicia felt more like a mother/daughter conversation than a 'let's get people up to spend on stuff' conversation. And seeing Maxie express how she thinks...how she feels. Again refreshing.


    Perhaps it's just because they have been background for so long. And now they have a point of view.


    I even liked the TJ/Gregory talk. And it did what I mentioned earlier that I liked...two people I should have realized are connected and then it hit me. Duh. Molly and Alexis. It was just a cute and organic moment. 


    Trina sighting! That said...I liked what she said. though I felt it was wasted on Dex and Joss. Speaking of Dex...is that the first time he didn't have his dog tags on?



  6. 4-18


    I swear...B&B stay using Y&R characters better (and they look better) than they do on Y&R...LOL!!!


    I've been liking this stuff with RJ vs Zende. I guess I can say the actor might look silly, but at least he is trying. And he did seem angry to me. Thought there's been a few moments when ironically he echoed RM's Ridge. For better or for worse. I don't like that it appears that RJ is now going to turn this around on Luna though. But least...movement.


    And going back to my first comment...HELLO, LAUREN!!! I was just about to get annoyed that this was a fly-in cameo regardless of next week promos. But I liked how they did Lauren's appearance. They set it up with her checking in on Eric...which I forgot about his being deathly ill. So of course she would come and see. And she got to figure out what was going on. Then she saw Deacon and called him out. And then I realized...duh...Lauren had some history with Sugar...whether the writers acknowledge it or not heehee...so her being the cliffhanger was cool. The fact LAUREN was the cliffhanger. All Deacon has been doing has been hoping to figure out who Sugar is...and now he has someone. Movement.


    Well done.



  7. 1 minute ago, BoldRestless said:

    So male stripper? Haha.

    LOL!!!! I didn't mean it and I feel like @Khan would have a better joke using that situation than I, but I still hollered all the same.

    1 minute ago, Khan said:

    Ladies and gentlemen, you've heard of "Magic Mike"?  Well, now, feast your eyes on "Nick the Stick," lol!


  8. 1 minute ago, BoldRestless said:

    JM would have worked in the Paul Williams hero archetype. He was good fighting off Cameron and Jordan. A career change at this point wouldn't be credible so they're kind of stuck.

    Yeah, I did like the twist of Nick being in on Victor one-upping Jordan and imprisoning her in that room. 


    And Genoa City could use the hero type since Chance has left that throne to play work politics. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Khan said:

    I wouldn't necessarily do anything different or drastic with Nick, but I would have others in Nick's life gradually realize what we have known for years: that Nick, as played by JM, is, at best, a manchild; an "overgrown frat boy" who's never gonna be the sort of solid, mature businessman and patriarch that his father is/was, but who nevertheless has qualities that others respect and even admire.

    That almost sounds like Billy without the low self-esteem issues Billy tends to get...even though Billy is at least a solid businessman.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    I would love to know what people would do with Nick if they had the power. Fire JM and recast with a more versatile actor who’d be credible as a father to Noah and Summer? Stick him back with Sharon and play him in “Dad to the rescue” stories, maybe with Faith back full time? Drug addiction/traumatic brain injury? Career change? Lean into JM’s fratbro goofiness with more comedic stories? Or just ditch the character entirely or send him away for a while because he’s just not that interesting? 

    Y&R doesn’t seem inclined to do any of those options, so they float him in repetitive leading man/business stories are DOA simply to appease JM’s fans. He’s obviously not going anywhere but he feels like dead weight to me. 

    An interesting question. 


    I personally like seeing him in Dad mode, but even I would be hard pressed to think of anything outside of that simply because any time they have tried to do something with him...it gets walked back. 


    Given that he takes after Nikki like Victoria takes after Victor, I would think there is an idea there where a story could be sprung, too. Outside of that, perhaps if Dad Nick actually took a firm dislike to one of his kids's significant other and trouble starts? 



  11. 2 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Who's to say this - meaning, the recent romp w/ Nina after months of enmity, the possible hooking up with Willow down the road, etc. - isn't all part of Drew's master plan (conceived while imprisoned, perhaps?) to get even with Nina for turning him and Carly into the SEC?

    Well...payback is a...has scruff. hehe.

  12. 3 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Lois was actually defending Nina, IMO.  Not shaming Brenda, but saying something about Nina/Sonny must be different.  And in a good way in regards to Nina/Sonny.  But it was back in December or something so I don't fault Lois.

    I have noticed chemistry between Drew and Willow for awhile and a mother/daughter triangle sounds fun.  I just really hate all the players involved.  I think Katelyn MacMullen has anti-chemistry with CD and I think the Michael romance actually bores her as an actress.  I am in no way defending KMM, but I think she might be slightly more capable than just mooning over Michael and corralling her annoying children.

    Ah! I see.


    I think you are right as well about KMM. But CD has anti chemistry with just about everyone.

    3 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Pretty much what's happening now with him and Tracy, or with him and Alexis, only without the cloud of ALS and its' inevitable conclusion hanging over everything.

    Ah! I also see. 


    I hate to even admit that he's grown on me, but it's nice to see the actor still has his 80s hotness during his and Alexis's hot yoga scene from years back. 

  13. 5 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Lois did to Sonny, but it was in a more "you hated Brenda when she betrayed you, but don't seem to hate Nina so you two most be soulmates" kind of way.  I don't count that lol.


    Ding, ding, ding! I think that's it. I do love Lois still and will always have her BFF'S back so she ain't liking Nina. hehe. 


    6 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I am also here for Willow/Drew.  They have had something weird I can't pinpoint for months.  Let's just go for broke and do a Willow/Nina/Drew love triangle.

    Now that you write it like that...lol. It never even occurred to me...the mother AND the daughter. One thing that I've been loving since EK/PM started is that links that I've forgotten about keep popping up, bringing with it interesting story possibilities.


    And I admit...I've noticed weird sexual chemistry with Willow/Drew over the last few months, too. It could even lead to all of them being written out. Or Michael going dark. Let's see that inner Quartermaine pop out.



    16 minutes ago, Khan said:

    It's gonna be sad to see Gonzo gone, especially when I think of all that might have been.

    Oh? What would you have had in mind if you don't mind me asking.

  14. 4-16


    First thing first...I cannot believe they split up Danny and Cricket again. I can't believe even more that I feel a way about it, too. LOL!!! I mean, I feel like they almost always getting close...VERY close...only for them to be tore up again. I would understand if they would use LLB more. But if they are not, I would not mind them writing her off to a happy ending with her clear sweetheart.


    Well...that kidnapping Harrison/Jordan story is off to an interesting start. But perhaps it's because I see possibilities there. Before the kiddnapping, Kyle/Claire had an interesting chemistry. And given how the writing has been setting up Summer vs Claire, it's just a new wrinkle...and creates a triangle. I hope the end of this leads to a more organic reason for everyone else to have distrust of Summer. Not that Summer was in the wrong. But it does give a good reset. 


    AL is love so far in this. And I'm surprised that MM is rising to the occasion. 



    23 hours ago, AMCOLTLLover said:

    How do people feel about the Audra character?  

    A loved character. Moreso for the actress playing her vs what is being written for her right now.  

    23 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    The character feels so stuck. Obviously, they want him to still be a viable leading man (he looks good) and JM has his fans, but the character is just flailing around in circles with no end in sight.

    Mal tried to take him to the dark side with Nick impersonating JT and launching Dark Horse, but it was obviously a poor fit, and the return of Adam (a more authentically dark character) shortly followed once Mal was out and JG was in. At that point, they could only generate story for Nick through Adam. 

    We’ve done Phyllis redux with both Gina and Michelle, both flops. Had Nick/Adam vying for the same woman again, flop. They seemed to open to the door to Shick redux with the Cameron Kirsten story, but obviously something is going on with Y&R and Sharon Case. 

    Very good. lol. But I'm bias. 


    I also agree...outside of his father scenes which IMHO JM does pulled off though I agree SC pulls it off better...there really isn't much for Nick to do. And I mostly definitely don't want him back with the giggly heffa. 


    I will say that while I didn't want Nick vs Adam over a woman again...I thought Nick/Sally/Adam was surprisingly good at the start. It was only when they threw in a baby that that flopped. 


    Even though he don't deserve her, it did look like they were circling back to Shick after Cameron...that story just fell apart. 

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