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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 9 minutes ago, ranger1rg said:

    And then Traci mentions a psychiatist from frickin FRANCE. Maybe we'll get a greenscreen with the Eiffel Tower in the background.

    Lol. Don't tell me they still don't know Ashley lied about that French psychiatist.

    1 minute ago, kalbir said:

    Traci is the heart and conscience of the Abbott family.

    Which is probably why that week I mentioned above resonated...especially when the writers brought Traci and Ashley's history into the intervention. I was not expecting that, and BM sold that. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    May I join you and your BFF?😂. I feel like dancing!


    cbs love GIF by LoveIslandUSA

    lol. I should he wouldn't mind if you were on the west coast. And according to him...plenty of hotties. ;) 


    5 minutes ago, Althea Davis said:

    YeyDance Wow GIF by Studio Moderna ltd


    Thank you! Our work schedules have been conflicting for over a month so I'm super excited.


    3 minutes ago, ranger1rg said:

    Find me a guy like Finn and I don't care if he has charm or not.

    hehe. Finn be fine. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    that role is now being filled by Ashley. It doesn’t say much of his writing abilities though.

    I agree. The best thing about the whole Ashley storyline has been how it's a masterpiece for how excellent Eileen Davidson is as an actress rather than that it's written well. Though I will give credit where credit is due...the week Apr 6-12...was great writing. The Ashley story (I will even include 4-4 for the coda) was the A story and it had movement every day that week (but Apr 12 when it took backburner status and even then it was referenced thruout the episode). And each day ended on a cliffhanger. I thought that week was well done and the acting from ED, JB, TSJ, and especially BM was flawless.

  4. 28 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    Beth deserves better than that. And I wish she would ditch the old lady hair do!

    But I like her hair! But she's been a ball of fire during this Ashley storyline with it.


    I do wish they would give Beth more to do though. I would hate to see her vanish again once this story is over. She seems more a heart to the story than Jack is. 

  5. 1 minute ago, carolineg said:

    Honestly if Valentin never appeared again I wouldn't even notice lol.  I completely forget about him and then he shows up and I wonder why he still is on this show.

    I am not complaining but it is a bit weird they built so much up with Charlotte and she just......disappeared.  

    Hopefully Lulu comes out of that coma soon.

    Yeah, with it seeming like he and Anna are never ever getting back together hehe (c) Tay Swift, and nothing Cassandine really on the horizon or needed and sitting here catching up as I work out, a case could be made for he's being written out as I type. But I honestly feel like a lot of the cast are dead man/woman walking right now and what we are watching on screen is PM/EK setting up for their exits and making them count rather than just coming in and people being written out abruptly. I can respect that. Honestly...who would miss him besides Alexis, Nina, and Laura? That's how not connected to the canvas Val kinda is.


    And of course, that does leave an opening in for PM/EK to bring back someone who would be connected to the canvas...Laura's daughter (and dare I hope her son as well). She has a son, a daughter who was just getting story before the writing change, and an ex that still loves her and has a more organic relationship with a new woman who has connections to the canvas. I mean...it writes itself.


    Lulu...just needs to...wake up.

  6. 5 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I feel like after this whole Pikeman arc is over that Valentin might go.  He's just not very connected to the canvas, Charlotte is off somewhere, he has no love interest or family, and he rarely appears.

    I feel that's what is going to happen as well to Val.


    And Charlotte...who was already getting a teen love interest...can go and stay with her mama Lulu.


    When is she coming out of the coma again?



    25 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    It's better than her and Valentin, which is where I thought this was going to lead back to.


  7. 18 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Hey Girl Heart GIF by Calvin Klein

    nene leakes alcohol gif | WiffleGif


    18 minutes ago, Althea Davis said:

    You guys all need to get laid Asap. 🤣 The hormones in this topic are making even the dogs in heat howl.

    toes GIF

    Meanwhile Who is Sugar?

    Well find me a man with a sense of follow-thru and charm... ;) 

  8. Just now, AbcNbc247 said:

    I hope it works out then lol 

    I would hate for them to do to CM, what they did to Billy Miller

    You say as Jason 'appears' to be getting the Drew 'keep away from Sonny' edit that Billy's Drew got. lol.


    But seriously, everyone here have put out good ideas on where Drew can go. So I guess we will see.



  9. 2 minutes ago, BoldRestless said:

    You might not be up to it yet but the other day Billy gave this look like "why is HE here" when Adam was at the appointment with his own son's therapist!!!

    I know he didn't!!!!


    I'm not, but I have mostly been avoiding that story. I only noticed what I watched in the 4-18 episode with them because I didn't do my normal FF. ;)  I WILL be watching for that now though. 

  10. 4-17


    I had hoped before the writing change that seeing Anna/Sonny getting closer and Valentin/Nina growing close again for a quartet. But now that we are going to get some REAL meat in the front of Laura/Anna vs Sonny and it seems they won't sacrifice the ladies' intelligence, I do love seeing the beat of Anna talking about the closeness she had with Sonny over the last few years. It's nice to see those beats observed as we move forward to something new. 


    Let the games begin.

    11 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Every loss Carly has suffered the last few years except the loss of her mother has mostly been her fault.  Even when Carly is "down and out" there are a line of people willing to help her out.  If I am at the point where I am defending Nina, of all people, you know the writing is slanted.

    + 1

  11. 4-18


    Just ugh!!! What is Danny and Christine still doing in town? The more the writers stall on them going on their trip...the more the Giggly Heffa is going to mess it up. Speaking of her, I giggled at her not knowing NONE of the Newmans' business with Claire and Jordan. And really giggled at Nate checking her about being nosy about C-W business.


    I...am liking Scorned Lily. Even if it blows up in her face, I admit that she's giving people the business. Because I too was tired of (even if he's right) Billy making it all about himself. 


    I was happy to see an Ashley sighting this week because this week is not feeling at all as great as last week's 'masterpiece.' I guess it says something when one A story is better than the 'other' A story. Because the Harrison drama has been just as good, but perhaps it's the last of beat hitting for me or more off-screen happenings. 

    5 minutes ago, BoldRestless said:

    Amen. You can feel Adam and Devon's visceral hate when Billy walks into a room. I feel the same way. Dude walks around pretending to give everybody therapy because he's so screwed up and thinks he can pass along life lessons. I wish he would STFU. I can't stand him.

    OMG yes! I couldn't care less for Adam, but even I was Team Adam when he basically told Billy to GTFO when he and Chelesa was about to talk to the doctor about Connor. And I don't even like the Connor story, but that story too feels like 'must give Billy something to do'

  12. 9 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Obviously lol.

    Yeah, I hated the slanted writing for Carly vs. Nina.   I do believe Carly does know both Jason and Sonny better than most women and does understand them.  Instead of letting Carly watch the whole Nina/Sonny romance implode like she knew it would,  Carly always had to be 'right'.  Nina was always the designated loser.

    It also doesn't help that Sonny acts like he's never know love like this before with EVERY love interest.  

    Brenda coming back and Nina slowly losing it would have always been a great story.

    lol. ;)  And I trust her ability to get MB to play that particular beat, too. :)


    God, yes. Before Sonny was found, they used to have such great scenes. CW and LW have great adversary chemistry dating all the way back to their GL days. So I was sooooo looking forward to it. And even when Carly stayed losing things to Nina after Sonny returned, the writing was STILL not on Nina's side. And given it's been mentioned in these threads about BTS writer stuff...that makes sense to me now why it was so slanted. Like you, Carly does know Jason and Sonny so well...something the current writers clearly know and see thankfully. But Nina being in town as long as she has been would not just sit there and take Carly's abuse when she would have surely heard all of Carly's history. Nina would be throwing it in her face. Fingers crossed moving forward that happens. 


    Oh, no question. If 'All One Has to Do is Nothing and Look Fabulous' was a person...that would be Brenda with her multiple ties to the canvas. Nina would sooo see Carly is a paperweight to the storm that would be Ms. Barrett and lose it, giving CW another award. 

    1 minute ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    I suspected both Brennan & Valentin being behind it but not carrying it out. 

    That was what I thought as well. Pikeman for sure. I would have thought it was Brennan until that conversation him and Val had in the van, but I think now I'm misremembering. 

  13. 21 hours ago, ranger1rg said:

    The fact is, JM did happen.

    He suuuure did. Hottest during the Amensiac story for me. 


    20 hours ago, kalbir said:

    The real hotness of mid-1990s Y&R was Shemar Moore.

    ALSO true. lol.


    19 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    Are there any actual fans of this Chancellor-Winters “business” story? It’s completely unwatchable. Not even having Jill and Mamie making appearances can save this story from being a sinking stinker.

    Not since Billy joined no. It was a clear case of 'nothing for Billy to do so let's put him in the middle of this story.' The real story is Jill vs Mamie and the repairing of the Winters rift...which Mamie already did. And Jill isn't going to make more big moves in the story then they can let it drop. Cuz Billy is just making it about himself and I rme.

  14. 4-19


    Yay!!!! FLASHBACKS!!! I was wondering if they were going to do that with Deacon/Lauren.


    Though I admit...I am conflicted...isn't that scene from 2005/6 when Tom had Lauren/Sheila trapped? And didn't Sugar come later on because Sheila went to the surgeons at the end of that stint?


    20 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Steffy was thirsty for those hot abs.

    She wasn't alone. ;) 

  15. 3 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I mean, I know Sonny/Nina have some fans and it isn't the worst Sonny pairing, but did ever think it was an endgame pairing?  

    Yeah, the story has barely started.  I am just not a fan of the idea.  Execution is key here.

    In a word...NO. But you know me well enough to know if GH was cancelled tomorrow what's on my wishlist for Sonny. ;) And I expect him to BEG. ;);) 


    In fact...one thing I was hoping for back then was that when Sonny/Nina got together that they would really play that Nina/Carly rivalry versus the slilted writing that came out of it leaning in Carly's direction. During and before Nixon Falls, I felt every scene that was a Carly vs Nina scene, it was even between both of them which is part of the reason I LIVED for their scenes. 


    Another thing I was hoping for was that yes, Sonny/Nina would be together for a while. And that the one thing that could break them up...no question...IS BRENDA. Not that she would be around. But I could see Carly giving Nina the Sam-in-an-Elevator Special because it would play on Nina's insecurities and something Carly would do and use. Only for Brenda to FINALLY appear. Or at least that was what I hoped for back when we were getting frequent VM teases. 


    I agree re: Heather's redemption. Execution is going to be key. And I have liked the fact they are playing the beats....again going back to mentioning upthread how new writers tend to just do it already, but these writers are slowly threading it into the canvas. Laura and Heather's conversation about the past. People for Heather. People AGAINST Heather...Portia's monologue coming to mind. If the cards are played right, it could be its own umbrella storyline that could actually divide the town. 


    Again...I would love to see Heather in a more cunning villainess role because currently there is not one. 

    25 minutes ago, Khan said:

    And we haven't even found out who killed Austin yet, lol!!

    I mean wasn't it made clear that we found out who did that? Though it might have been rewritten by this point. 

    2 hours ago, Aragorn said:

    The goal is a Hardy-Webber clan revival. Elizabeth will get involved in the Laura-Heather interplay. This is what Liz will be doing after Finn leaves her.

    Totally down for that. 


    1 hour ago, BetterForgotten said:

    They seem to be chem testing Drew with everyone, today with Jordan. Not sure he’s worth this much effort…

    Oh, yeah. Nina. Jordan. Willow. His presence around other woman NOT Carly has totally increased since the new writers started. Though it is funny given that the more Jason spreads his wings around town in places that Drew was in (and have done before), how pointless Drew is growing.



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