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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 7 hours ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Back to the current show - I think PM/EK are really struggling with some of the soapier staples that are needed narratively. There’s hardly ever any true cliffhangers anymore, and it feels like each episode ends on an awkward note. There’s a lack of suspense and passion, or someone’s creative vision (if one exists) is being f.ucked over somewhere. And yes, Frank’s sterile and passionless production doesn’t help. 


    Well to be fair...there were some cliffhangers when they started out. And now they just fell away. I'm shocked that now that we are digging into May, there has not been much of anything...especially on Fridays. 



    3 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    I'm not worried besides that but I am VERY worried about what in my mind is Patrick trying to connect all of these people. 

    Yeah, I do question some of the connecting...not that it is wrong per se, but I hope with some of the connecting, it is leading to some of the dead weight characters leaving. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Sapounopera said:

    Also I don't we need to watch a soap religiously to form an opinion. I watch clips, read opinions, and try to watch full episodes when I can. Or when I am not bored to death. 

    I agree. I don't watch DAYS at all due to the Peacock move and still have opinions simply due to the fact that I have been an on-again/off-again viewer since the first possession. 


    Even when I have been behind here, I have opinions and ideas. Or I see a clip. And I have a thought. 


    Hey. I'm still watching B&B and barely have a thought at the moment. Well, anything that isn't repetitive. lol. 

    45 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I just hope they are really looking at what stories and what characters actually work.

    I hopefully feel that they are. But I've been said some of the sort over the last few months.


    I simply hope there's not too much interference going on. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    It looks like reports were right about Bravo lighting a fire under her ass and now she finally has a storyline

    But she could have feuded with Kyle. 


    That said...is it for real...or just a storyline in itself? 

  4. NY


    Just finished Episode 5 of nuNY a while ago. And...still liking it. However it does feel like two different storms are building.


    One is everyone vs Jenna. The one thing I did not like about the first cast trip was that everyone was mad at Jenna because she stepped out...to her own house in the Hamptons mind you...to do work. They were partying still, so why not. She is a businesswoman. And she apologized if they took it the wrong way. Now, they are mad at her for wanting to spend X-mas with her son she does not often have time for? It seems like they are just finding a reason to pick on her.


    And the second one is Erin vs Jessel. What started as a nitpick (Jessel with a backhand apology to Jenna) has turned into what 'could' be seen as a character flaw...to SOME. It's becoming clear that Jessel...whether she is right or wrong...is not the type who backs down from no one. That can be good for a Housewife. So far....outside of the Jenna apology...I do think I am Team Jessel on that. Like Jenna, it seems like the ladies (re: Erin) is just trying to find a reason to pick on her. She gave her reason. She apologize if she offended. And she tries to keep it moving. So what is the problem? And on a whole other level, Jessel does seem to see she is being picked on and fighting back cuz...why you girls pressed? Over wording? Cuz Hag is a dated phrase. Over the word princess? Cuz Jessel has struggled more than some of the ladies. Over her sex life? You friends or therapists? It's Housewife petty, but that's why I'm here. 


    And now they seem like they are about to gang up on Jenna again next episode so le sigh.


    UBAH. I'm sorry she feels sad even though she's accomplished so much. 


    ERIN. I have been enjoying seeing all of the Housewives showing their actual work life. Erin is no different. But it does feel like she is trying to start some kind of feud. I even want to say that she appeared to be trying to be a wannabe feud between Jenna and Jessel. It felt like she thought Jessel would be the weak one. But she is finding that is going to be the case. And she seem a bit entitled during the luncheon with Jessel. 


    JENNA. Now Jenna, I didn't like them picking on you on the cast trip. But you did a bit of pot stirring during HagGate. ;) I see you. lol. And it was weird to see online how everyone pick on Jenna about her gf, but she IS showing family life. 


    SAI. You know what? Cleverly I stand corrected on what it takes to be an influencer after watching her show what it was like for her. I found it eye-opening. And I like her relationship with her husband. I can see why they are together. And I loved she was being a friend for Brynn.


    JESSEL. Speaking of husbands, I like hers. He's that goofy kind of guy that I like. So not shocked as he sat with her and tried to explain why the other girls might be having an issue with her. There's a Confessional she gave in this episode that made me giggle cuz it was so a Housewife Confessional and so effortlessly done. Yeah, I think I might like her. She definitely will be interesting to watch since everyone keeps coming for her.


    BRYNN. Still my fave. And hearing about her childhood...WOW. I feel so stupid because it didn't click for me for some reason that she was biracial. But seeing her as a kid...ooooooohhhh. 


  5. That's how I feel as well.


    I didn't watch cuz we know I usually do in order...lol...but I do know the ratings fell only a little from last season so they maintained their audience for the most part due to everyone wanting to see the true fallout. 


    It's also why I find it so odd what is going around about Bravo putting it on pause. I could get it if the ratings weren't there. But...it is still there. Wonder what's up. 

  6. 2 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I would say Logan and Cooper had potential and it was ridiculous Diego went out that way.  But I think Guza was entirely over the Alcazar clan.  Didn't Sage die a horrible death too?

    Georgie being killed off was just a colossal mistake.

    The Duhon stuff seems to be true since he barely worked again and wasn't a bad actor.

    It will never not be a missed oppurtunity to have made Cooper a Julia/Brenda brother or perhaps Julia's son.  Like why give him that last name and not go with it?

    Lulu had way too many love interests for sure.  And she didn't seem that fun to be around and had chemistry with approximately none of them until Dante appeared.

    I don't think Eden is an objectively bad actress and this girl has been playing this role since she was a child/tween.  I just don't think Joss is very likeable either.

    Yes. There were actually way more clues pointing Logan than Diego

    I agree about Georgie...her generation's Robin I felt.


    Same on JD and how rare he acted afterwards.


    Same on there not being another Barrett sibling. ;) 


    I don't think Eden is a bad actress, either. If anything it's a sign of her skill that audience members feel something that is not indifference. That said, Joss is annoying. 


    Ah! I see. re: Logan as Text Killer. 

    1 hour ago, carolineg said:

    Anyhow, Carly being scrappy AF was rootable.

    Yeah, I might have hated her, but I can't deny how rootable she was. I only did not root for her when she was up against Bobbie, Robin, and later Elizabeth. 

  7. 1 hour ago, carolineg said:

    Lulu eventually grew out of it and was tolerable, but I don't imagine Jax and Carly's daughter will lol.

    Eden McCoy just plays Joss like she's better and wiser than everyone else which actually might be how she is told to play it.  But the recast was much more enjoyable.

    Fair.  Figured that.

    I will give credit where it's due. It's not as bad with Eden as it was pre-writing change. Perhaps Eden saw the recast and thought about switching it up somewhat.  


    I definitely enjoyed the recast so much more. 

    22 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    I will die on this hill. GH had a great group of younger characters (though severely lacking in diversity) and they blew it all up. IMO it was the kind of group that would have been perfect for the next generation to lead the show- Georgie, Dillon, Maxie, Spinelli, Lulu, Logan, and Cooper should have been invested in and not dumped. Don’t even get me started on Diego Alcalzar being the text message killer.

    You're not wrong. It really did.


    At least there was potential with Logan as Scott's son and Cooper being allegedly connected to She of the Bren. And Diego...woof. Then Maxie, Georgie, Lulu, and Dillon with their history. Le sigh.



  8. 18 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    For some reason Joss reminds me so much of early smug Lulu.

    I can see that. I know I've said this before, but there's just something about how EM plays Joss that is annoying...that was not at all apparently with her temp recast who was given the same writing. 


    Smug sums that up nicely.


    PS. Not alone on the Aidan recast. Took me half the episode to notice. 

  9. 25 minutes ago, Khan said:

    He certainly can't pull off whatever he's doing now, lol.

    I'm kidding.



    23 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I think he looks way too much like Michael and reminds me a lot of one of Maxie or Lulu's boyfriends from the mid 2000's.


    21 minutes ago, Khan said:

    True dat!




    8 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    Selena Wu would certainly be a fun twist, didn’t they kill off the other family heads?

    Other than the mysterious enemy Jennifer Smith was talking to...yes. There was the loudhead nephew of one of the dead mob bosses, but Sonny handled that. 


    9 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    Except both of them were hotter and had more charisma and personality.

    Especially Logan. WOOF.



  10. 12 hours ago, Cat said:

    Is this... the end?


    I think after the 3 part finale the word on the street is that VPR is going on pause.


    And there is also something being hidden that comes out during the reunion going on that NO ONE has seen. 

    Speaking of REUNION TRAILER ANYONE...? 



  11. 1 minute ago, Khan said:

    Look at the bright side: if Ava drives a wedge between Sonny and Natalia, then Natalia can fall back on her other jobs: momaging her daughter's "trailblazing" music career, and tending to crime scenes in her push-up bra.*



  12. 33 minutes ago, Khan said:

    I wasn't watching then either, so I don't know.  But I do feel like Drew should display more anger or angst over having to live in the shadow of a "twin" brother who's really a common criminal.  Drew should feel very resentful toward Jason's return, how that affects his status in town and so forth; and in turn, that jealousy should be propelling Drew to make some very foolish and life-changing decisions.

    Cuz Nina isn't a foolish choice. ;) 


    But seriously, I think it has been there actually. At least before he started to sleep with Nina, Drew definitely showed some hints of that resentment. Everyone else was hearing about Jason return and Drew would be quick to change the subject. Wagger paid him a visit to remind him of what Drew could lose if he gets entangled with Jason, and Drew made his feelings clear to Wagger how he felt about Jason was another time he showed his resentment over the return. Jason's hearing where it was all over his face. I feel like he even discussed it with Jordan. Then again, typing all that out...I guess it could be more. Nina/Drew is just a good (and hot) distraction for me I guess. But scruffy Drew IS the best Drew. 





    And what was I just saying about investment. I'm liking the whole Dante-centricness of this episode. From talking to Sam (who got to express how she's thinking which I liked) to him heading to Anna. Under the other writing team, I had been wondering if Dante/Sonny being so close (and I talk all the time about how I love that) and grew closer would someday result in a conflict of interest for Dante. And OMG...THAT DAY HAS COME!!! Under better writers, too. And I feel invested because the groundwork has been done for me. Dante smacked that badge down on the desk and I gasped. I'm talking to my tv. I mean...when I think Dante, I think COP. It's such a part of his identity that where would he go if he left. Anna trying to talk him out of it has been superb. I hope that this is a sign that the writers are invested in Dante and this leads to more story for him. Perhaps in the form of a former wife of his that is off canvas...?


    Kristina did what now? Uh oh. I like this (not unexpected) wrinkle in the Kristina surrogacy storyline. At least she did it around Alexis. And it's great to see Alexis talking it out with Diane.


    Blaze has a brother? Hmmm. That said...I have liked Sonny/Natalia so far. But she might want to watch out for Ava. 

  13. 11 minutes ago, Khan said:

    I'm still amazed at how quickly Store Brand Jason bailed.  I mean, no lingering feelings between the two of them, no playing "Will they get back together?" games with the audience.  It was just, "Peace out, girly!  Oh, hi, Nina, have some of my shirt!," lol.

    Yeah, even if that has been Jason's motivation at least, someone needs to remind Stone Cold that Michael is a grown ass man with a wife and kid of his own now, and that neither he nor his mom need protecting anymore.

    But seriously...lol...yeah. No lingering feelings. No Get back together. Just stormed out. And left...right into hate sexing Nina. Shocking, but can't hate Drew for that. I mean didn't the last time Jason come back, Sonny and Carly immediately drop him, too? I wasn't regularly viewing then.


    You remind me of Anna clocking Carly, too, when Carly was hiding Jason at the house and stalling for him. Anna even knows at this point. lol.


    I wouldn't be surprised if at some point, a character will now call Jason out on that very thing. Watch. 

    Just now, Khan said:

    Hey, I love store brands, too!  But I know when I'm buying Wonder Bread, and when I'm buying Great Value Bread, and why, lol.

    lol. Same way about my beards and especially my oj. 


    Not hating. Just found it unexpectedly funny. 

  14. 8 minutes ago, Khan said:

    I'm still amazed at how quickly Store Brand Jason bailed.  I mean, no lingering feelings between the two of them, no playing "Will they get back together?" games with the audience.  It was just, "Peace out, girly!  Oh, hi, Nina, have some of my shirt!," lol.

    Not Store Brand!!!


  15. Oh, I totally agree!!! If Jason and Carly were not obsessed with each other, we all would side-eye them during this return. 


    I still hollered in my head at the fact that as soon as Drew found out Jason was alive, he broke up with Carly and left with the quickness. And Drew has been around for their history as long as the rest of us. HOLLERED. Because...what he said to her as he broke up with her WAS...ALL..TRUE




    7 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Thanks, I really do try.


  16. 5-2


    And to think I almost skipped the standalone. It just reminds me of GL Wednesdays and I never really loved those. And they are hit and miss at Y&R. Usually, they have almost no consequences on the show.


    But WOW!!! Seeing Jack fall off the wagon...IS a gamechanger. And fall low. And it doesn't seem seem like it was a fantasy of Nikki's either. So BOOM!!! Diane gets a story...and new energy a la new feud with Nikki going forward.







    On 5/7/2024 at 2:18 PM, YRfan23 said:

    For some reason I always think Morrow is against a Shick reunion

    But he has been from what I've seen in interviews, boards, all around. Didn't he and SC fall out over some comments he made years ago while Nick/Phyllis was back together. And then there was that time he gave an interview...maybe on THE TALK?...where he was asked about Nick's relationships and made a comment and then MS fell a way for a while. As a reason, he rarely speaks about Phyllis or Sharon in order to not get either woman in their feelings.


    And then there's the times JM always try to play up all his leading ladies not them over the years because the sad truth is that SC is his best acting partner, but JM is NOT hers. 

  17. 3 minutes ago, Khan said:

    I'd still love to know why this show thinks Alexis can't do both (practice law and run a newspaper).

    I'd also love to know WHY Jason constantly puts Carly's needs and safety above most everyone else's.  What makes him do it?  Does he feel sorry for Carly?  Is she that good in bed?  Have they even BEEN to bed, lol?

    That would be a GREAT compromise and I wouldn't mind them coming to that conclusion as well.


    I don't think Carly and Jason have been to bed...other than that almost moment before Sonny post-Nixon Falls walked in...since the 90s. They have just always been THAT close. But now that he has children (and babymamas), it does seem odd, but it's ALWAYS been that way. 



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