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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 1 minute ago, Khan said:

    Enjoy it while it lasts.  It'll be gone again soon enough.



    Stalling aside, we were getting community again. 

    2 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    I said in the GH thread earlier what I was hoping to be true- that they would try to make this work for the good of the show. And if it was power plays I assumed PM would quit.

    Quit or fired, here we are. If FV wanted to play those games, then he is a fool. Because more of the same from before is not going to lure in lost Nielsen viewers. They have risked the show on letting him have control he doesn’t use appropriately. If he did, Liz would be onscreen more, same with Dante and even Sam. His instincts were killing the show slowly, and now it has taken an actual hit and he more than likely played a part.

    I’m so upset with how this has shaken out.

    Yep...FV has shown his slip.


    And now that I've seen the Emperor is indeed without any clothes on, I cannot unsee. 


    And all this because he wants to keep his friend Val employed rather then given him an excellent exit story?


    Definitely shaken.


    2 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I just think it's upsetting and a letdown all around.  I don't feel like I got to see anything great from PM, we didn't get any cast purge, barely any stories moved and now we are basically at square one.  Oh well.  If anyone thought SBu would be GH's savior in 2024 they were sorely mistaken especially considering his most consistent screen partner was a bag of coffee beans.

    And sadly the truth partly revealed. A shame. PM won't get the chance to show something great. 



    10 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Yeah, it seems Frank actually preferred the whole "Jason is brainwashed/the password is 'Susan Moore'" crap that's been rumored, lol.

    Which would have gone on for two years before there was anything resembling a climax.


    God, I am loathing him something fierce today. 

  2. 2 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    I agree. I’m sad things didn’t work out because the characters finally had personality in their scripts. 

    I see so many similarities to Sally Sussman returning to Y&R. All of a sudden it felt more like Y&R. She just didn’t have anything for them to do except be more in character. No story engine.

    If someone was paired with them who was a great driver of story, I think this would have ended differently.


    Well Sally was getting it in the end (or as fans during that time called it everything after the L.A. episodes) it was just sad that it was as she was on the way out the door. 


    2 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    I agree more and more. Look at the stalled Jason story. The story that was so great it lead to Korte getting the HW slot and the old ones fired. Where is that story? It’s hardly been played.

    Yep. Actively stalling at play it would seem per today's news.



  3. 5 minutes ago, Khan said:

    That's why I'm not sticking with GH any longer.  Because, even if something magical were to happen in the next several days or weeks, what would be the point?

    PM and EK could be replaced by Nancy Curlee and Lorraine Broderick tomorrow, but until FV learns to get out of the way and just produce the [!@#$%^&*] show, nothing's gonna change.  Nothing.

    And to think there was a time when I was ready to see Wendy Riche and Bob Guza go.  But, like the song says, you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone.

    But mid-summer could be fun. ;)


    But seriously. If there is anything that I appear to have taken from this news it's the fact that what I've said for years is true.


    There have been so many times where GH has been on the uptake. Where things are happening and it's not boring, but exciting. And then...something happens. I used to say that it had to be FV because it makes no sense when it looks like characters would be getting their comeuppance, or characters should be talking to get together, etc. and then some lame/lazy/stupid plot device happens and then we as the audience are right back at the start of the race/hamster wheel. And even if we get what we want some (lazy) plot twist happens and that actor/actress we were happy to get rid of is back in some way. Or worse the same exact plot.


    I don't care how 'under budget' FV gets GH if the only reason we as the audience are not getting great story or wasted potential is because he micromanages even worse than Ken Corday over on DAYS


    He can go find a golf course himself. Or the door period. 



    7 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    Funny, I just recently said that I missed him. Everyone wanted to know WHY. I said it was because of his access. He could get people to talk to him when they wouldn't talk to anyone else! 

    Soap journalism today is  ... meh. Mara's doing good work at Digest. SoapHub is in a state of decline. No other was very good in some time. IMO. 

    I mean the exit interview. But I guess would he be the only one who would have the balls to do it and make it no holds barred.



  4. 1 hour ago, Errol said:

    I didn't write this in my article, but since Digest is alluding to it, I'll say it outright here: Don't be surprised if an entirely new writing team is at the helm. Right now, it is 50/50.

    As I said earlier, "there's more to the story."

    So on top of PM leaving, EK being HW in name only now apparently, there could be a THIRD writing team.


    Hmmm...you would think there really is a whole different power struggle going on BTS. 

    Very interesting. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    Or how Mal Young sabotaged Sally Sussman for a power grab at Y&R. (Granted, SS is nowhere near the talent that PM or Labine is.)

    Which also got better right before she was out the door IMO. For all we know once the alleged PM scripts hit the screen, the show might be better, but they already threw PM out with the bathwater.


    They acted too quick.

    5 minutes ago, Errol said:

    Memes are fine. I was talking about something specific when I made that comment.



    The news is sinking in and I'm feeling a kinda way about it. My food is getting cold. 


    Regardless of the clear stalling and the lost of momentum, I've been liking GH. This is the most caught up I've been since Portia's wedding I think. So I'm not pleased at all with these turns of events. It does make me think of a post I made in the GH thread about how I felt momentum had been lost since Jason's return because everything did slowly but surely was moving in a specific direction. I'm saddened to see that that direction is nowhere. 


    I think it has actually soured my viewing. I still watch B&B and Y&R. B&B for the silly these days which only hopes my interest for so long. Y&R because like GH I was raised on it and even it has weeks I roll my eyes and other weeks are 'woulda, coulda, shoula'. Or...like in the case of the terrible story that Eileen Davidson is currently...I'm there watching how flawless excellent a performance she gives. 


    As mentioned above from where I'm reading. I've liked that the dialogue got smarter. I LOVED that we are getting to see the inner lives of a lot of the characters again...even characters that were not my favorite, but we got to see, hear, FEEL how their motivation. I really loved that character propping was down and people were being held accountable. Like Laura and Anna separating from Sonny and what was leading to some interesting drama given their history. Sad to see we won't see that end in a satisfying climax with caring for the characters on all sides.

  6. So...sabotage it is then.



    4 hours ago, Faulkner said:


    This is why we need a Michael Logan. A soap journalist attached to a powerful brand who isn’t scared of pissing off TPTB. We need a Patrick Mulcahey exit interview, STAT.





    Give ALL the tea!!!



    4 hours ago, BetterForgotten said:

    I hate to say it, but this is what I’ve saying all along with watching GH. There was a clear power struggle at play - and the show was suffering for it and it showed on-screen IMO.

    Indeed. It did seem very clear. From momentum to a flat stall of stories. The writing was on the wall. 

    4 hours ago, Errol said:

    Can we not resort to using memes or even commenting whatsoever if we can't respond to others in a respectful manner with our words? I'm not ready to deal with B.S. right now.

    Early apologies from this corner for mine.


    Just arrived. 


  7. 16 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    Yup @Taoboi. I saw it. I kind of figured Gambit will be brought back as the new horseman of death. 

    Yep. lol. It feels weird to have to explain so much to my brother. I could have sworn he kept up with me while I was the actual collector but...lol. smh.



  8. Yeah, I saw some of the Lois comments and was pleasantly surprised. I loved it on her. 


    I'm probably missing what everyone else is seeing in Kristina's outfit, too, because I liked it for it. And it's something that is currently trendy? Well-played, costumers.


    I liked BLQ's dress, but I looked at the bottom and immediately flashbacked to Brenda's 2011's wedding to Sonny. Thankfully, the veil was nothing like Brenda's. Though it made me wonder if it was a subtle shoutout.


    It's been so long since I thought about Ross's run for Mayor on GL. Did he have a scandal or was it a stuffed ballot situation? I honestly don't remember. 



  9. 1 hour ago, Cheap21 said:

    Some HOT RHOA tea. Word on the street is that new housewife, Brittany Eady is none other than Falynn's cousin! If true, she is definitely gonna bring Fallyn around Porsha

    And it appears she is already starting with Porsha so I'm down. 

  10. 48 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    That's it! Port Charles truly does have a vampire problem!!! You know they suspected that back in the 90s! 😉

    Dresses I loved: Jordan, Portia, Natalia, Tracy, Maxie, Blaze & Brook Lynn

    Kristina's dress was appalling! Olivia, Willow, I don't remember. 





    We are going to have to agree to disagree on Kristina's dress. ;) 


    Olivia's was a good one, but it's typical of her. Willow's was okay, but fits the overall theme.


    46 minutes ago, John said:

    Why couldnt Steve Burton have played it like Jason was at least happy or ok to be there? Also werent Drew & Jason better with each other before Jason "Died"?

    I admit I was wondering that, too. Because I felt they got along waaay better before the catacombs so it's almost weird to see Drew reacting like Jason has literally done something to make them mortal enemies since they been back. Even Wagger's threat to Drew about being around Jason should not be getting this kind of a reaction.



  11. 20 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    And, now, I'm kinda liking Drew. Scruffy Drew is not so "Ken doll" or Game Show Host! Scruffy Drew is also not so damned Ryan Lavery!!! 


    20 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    Never saw it. But this is what everyone says. So do you agree that she is even more beautiful now? 

    I think Eva LaRue is more beautiful, too, and I just wonder what's going on with these raving beauties & age?!

    I'm saying she's ageless. Or a vampire. hehe. 


    I would say the same about Eva as well. She's been nothing but beautiful (lookwise) as Natalia. Loved her wedding dress as well.



    3 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I was just trying to think of a really popular couple that had a really big event wedding in the last few years and I came up lacking.  Popular is obviously subjective, but I can't think of any off the top of my head.  And I honestly can't think of a truly popular couple in the last few years either lol.

    I agree.  When you put it like that and I look over the above list...the closest would probably say Nathan/Maxie, too, and I was checking out of GH around that time so I'm not even sure of that. 


    Now if we were talking dramatic weddings...there's been plenty at least. 

  12. 5-15


    It will never NOT be funny when Drew sees Jason enter a room. There is really no love lost between Drew and Jason, is therre?


    Honestly...I liked all of the ladies' dresses. Some more than others. And the aesthetic appeared to be flowing which I don't like. Still...I liked the dresses. lol. I think my favorites are Sam's...because KM rarely wears anything NOT black...cuz it looks soooo great on her outside of one second of a scene she was in...and Kristina's cuz while it's totally something I could see on Mansi's verison of DAYS Abby, it seems cute, adorable, and a way to show off Kristina's off-beat style versus the wedding aesthetic...if that makes sense. And Lois was Mother of the Bride crossed over with Diva and I'm not hating on that. lol. And Elizabeth looks so good in her blue.


    But going back over to 8-14 for a second...Ava, Ava, Ava. lol. I can't believe she found the guy who is behind Sonny's med. And she had no clue. lol. And I don't like Nina v Ava as much as I love Carly v Ava, but it was pretty good. And that twist of Wagger watching Ava's every move...clever. She is in an interesting position and like Scruffy Drew...I've finding her fascinating to watch. Speaking of Drew...hehe at the possibility of him even running for office given the secret fling with Nina he has going on and the potential of a Willow/Drew fling happening...and then all of that leaked during the election...the potential of a messy storyline.


    But back to today...see? They got Jason there after all. And Sonny is there, too. Uh oh. lol. That said...there were so many good moments. Lois and BLQ. Ned and BLQ. Tracy and BLQ had my eyes watering...hehe...calling her Granny only on that one day.  Ned and Lois. Oh, and Ned and Tracy. But I've always loved their relationship. Moreso now that Tracy shows she has a heart deep down. Let's see Jason/Spinelli. Kristina/Dante. Michael/Sam.


    As for Gio...yeah he could have been a Cameron recast with his look. And I rolled my eyes at Joss being the first one to meet him. I had so hoped it would been Trina. But of course, I should have known better.


    And of course, the cliffhanger was decent. Now let's see if there is one tomorrow. 

  13. 18 minutes ago, Liberty City said:

    I mean, I have ideas... but I doubt they'd be well received.

    I understand.


    18 minutes ago, Liberty City said:

    Carly & Jason had a decent turnout, but event-wise?


    5 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Sonny/Brenda was my first thought too.  I guess perhaps Patrick/Sabrina when Robin came back? 

    People have mentioned Curtis/Portia, but that to me was barely an event lol.  Even popular couples like Jason/Sam, Dante/Lulu, and Sonny/Carly had low key weddings.

    I totally forgot Carly and Jason's. Rewrites aside...they did have a good turnout, too. 


    For sure, Patrick/Sabrina's. The whole town was there for Robin's return.


    I don't know. re: Curtis/Portia. Production actually was using up some sets for it from my foggy memory. But I understand. lol.



  14. 44 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    Color me confused. You think Drew is not as bad that way? Is it because he's less duded up being Scruffy Drew? Hmm. Maybe so. If so, he should definitely keep the stubble. I mean Game Show Host is NOT a good look for him!

    Actually now that I think about it...I have always loved CM's version of Drew (and he's written better) when he has scruff. He does nothing for me clean shaven, but scruffy him is the business. Even his sex appeal goes up. lol. That said...him at Portia's wedding was more CM than Drew Cain so I hated those scenes with a passion back then.


    46 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    Someone was saying, comparing her now to when she was on PSSN, that she doesn't seem to age yet somehow she seems more beautiful than she did on the other soap. 

    And she was very beautiful on PASSIONS. Soap's version of Bianca Lawson perhaps?







  15. 2 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    Boy, that was not at all my takeaway from Anna reading Carly the riot act. I mean she booked a driver to take her to the prison the next instant after Anna stopped chewing her out. 

    I loved the scene, but I thought Anna approached Carly completely wrong. 

    I was glad that Jordan brought Trina up to date.

    Frankly, I felt that Trina expressed what the fans are feeling about what Laura is up to.

    See? I might have taken that from that scene if the first thing that came to mind was...'Wait! Carly drove? Carly almost never drives? Lord...' It's been a running joke for decades about Carly and her inability to drive so it probably went over my head. 


    For me, Anna need not have worried about her approach. I thought she did fine. Carly...is gonna Carly. lol. So yep...back to prison to get in trouble she goes.


    Same. re: Jordan with the heads-up.


    How you feel about Trina is how I felt last week when it was Jordan talking to Laura about it.

    2 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    If what you're getting at is that it was a good wedding, then, I agree. My only beef was that they kept giving the mic to smiling Jack Drewfus who when he is in a tux & has a microphone in his hand, I can only see Product Spokesperson or Game Show Host!!!

    Portia in her gown was so lovely!!! 

    If there were other stories, I cannot think what. You? 

    God, I hate him for doing that. lol. What a difference a few years make.


    Portia really was. And BK stole those scenes.


    I don't think there was. None that I can remember off hand.



  16. 19 hours ago, Toups said:

    You can't have these crappy endings and expect people to want to watch the next episode. 

    Agree.  This is May Sweeps. There is at least a wedding coming. Where are the cliffhangers or scenes that lead to a coda that makes you want to see tomorrow?

  17. 9 minutes ago, ranger1rg said:

    Hehe I took the exact same screenshot from my TV today! That tight t-shirt is awesome, but those slacks....I mean, come on! No one fills out a pair of slacks like Joshua Hoffman.

    The cake is bountiful, and that package is special.





    7 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Isn't that the point?😂😁😉

    Hehe. You are getting ready for tonight's bday party. LOVE IT.



  18. 3 hours ago, Errol said:

    Not technically true. The Hulu part, I mean.

    Despite Disney+ having more overall subscribers worldwide, Hulu itself actually has more subscribers in the United States than Disney+. Additionally, based on available data (via Nielsen and other sources I've been in contact with), Hulu actually has a higher viewership churn than Disney+. That doesn't mean they won't fold Hulu within Disney+ at some point (likely to expand the reach of the original content library).

    The Hulu brand as a standalone service/app isn't something Disney will/should just get rid of anytime soon, especially with the Hulu+Live TV plan making close to $400 million for the company every month based on just 4 million subscribers.

    Thank you for the information.

    Also guilty of being a viewer.



    3 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    We just had parties, successful ones. I expect they had more covid precautions still in place for Portia's wedding. And it was totally eclipsed by the biological father of Trina reveal. They went directly from the ceremony to a huge fight with Curtis furious & also Trina furious. And, Taggert getting drunk. 

    But even with covid precautions, I remember them doing a pretty good job of getting plenty of people and a good amount of the town, too. Though was the reveal and the coming together of Sprina the only major stories though?



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