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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 3 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Chef's never like to cook for themselves or at home lol.  Anyway he's a general manager for a restaurant in Las Vegas.  So he doesn't actively cook on the line anymore, but the student loans were A LOT.   But it worked out fine for him and me so 👍


    hehe. I remember all too well. #talesofdatingchefs 


    Given my interest and dating history...I keep being told that it will be a chef I wind up with....cuz the way to my heart these days IS my stomach lol...Still I will be shocked if not surprised. 


    You have always had taste cuz VM hehe, but you have just warmed my heart in the middle of this workout I'm doing more than you know. 

    1 minute ago, Soapsuds said:

    Vegas is on my bucket list to visit.

    You will enjoy. ;) 


    Also...spoiler alert...potential location for my Bday this year. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    As for who is in control of Chancellor-Winters….let May sleeps begin @Taoboi 😴😴😴

    LOL. I just finished last week today and I have to admit...that (Vicious Lily) was one of my highlights...along with the new Ashley alter and Victor bringing back his cage (see April thread). Lily being bitter and taking it out on EVERYONE has been highly entertaining to me. I was DEAD at her checking Mamie. 


    Dare I hope it (Lil, Ash, Cage) is leading to an actual good May Sweeps...? 

  3. NY


    Well, putting my words where my mouth is. I did start over with NuNY. So I figured that I would do a first impression. Again. Since I did watch the first episode originally. I might even go and see if I can find my first impression again from then lol.


    Oh, one more thing...OH MY GOD!!!! THE CITY!!! It is making me miss New York City something fierce. Whoever was behind the photography is giving me so much life. And the fact the ladies are housed all over Manhattan and beyond was a clever choice and giving me so much to verbally devour. 


    UBAH. I find her light and breezy and I don't mind that. And she's beautiful. And I like her location around Columbus Circle...more or less my stalking grounds.


    JENNA. The icon!!! lol. But I find her quirky and fascinating. She's very...cute messy in the same vein as Julia was this past season on RHOM. And I don't think I liked her apartment the first time around. That has since changed. lol. 


    ERIN. Type A personality. But it is nice to see a little bit of a different kind of life through her religious family. And clearly in love with her husband given how many kids they have a la they have the sex. lol. I do think I found this cheese drama petty, but fun petty the first time around. This time around...it was just silly. Not bad silly, but hopefully not something that keeps going as the season goes on. I liked that her and Brynn resolved it quickly.


    SAI. I like her start-forwardness. I might have found it icy the first time around. Now...I MIGHT stan. I find it appealing. Perhaps it has to do with a lot of my life over this year, but it feels 'right place, right time' for me given some of the internal changes I've gone through. So I might observe her for pointers. Unless she is a bitca and then NO. 


    JESSEL. Hiding behind a mask. I like her. But there's something...off. I look forward to seeing what pops out.


    BRYNN. Hehe. She was my favorite the first time around. STILL is my favorite. She just screams Brooke Davis from ONE TREE HILL for me and her voice is Rachel's from the same show. 



    3 minutes ago, Cat said:

    @Taoboi @DaytimeFan Eric Fullner is the Notorious JFP after she killed AW and before she elbowed her way onto GH.... i can see that now!



  4. 4-25


    Hold up!!! Not Victor bringing back Julia's man's set. I...




    But seriously that set with the winebottles is giving me DAYS OF OUR LIVES Secret Room and I'm not hating that at all. In fact, I was firmly Team Victor for doing it. It could be my personal feelings about kids in danger, but I was mentally cheering him on. 


    It's been surprising how interesting this week has been. Nikki thinking she was going to get one over on Victor...only for Victor to be Victor-ing. It was a surprising good climax. Kyle found Harrison. And AL acted her butt off. The Giggly Heffa trying to make it about her. I just felt everyone did good. And smart on Victor for telling NO ONE where Jordan REALLY is. Given the last two Jordan fights, I wouldn't tell anyone of them either. So when people do find out...it better not be blame Victor. And now a new tale starts with 'where is Claire?'


    Meanwhile... Ashley has ANOTHER personality. Lord Baby Jesus!!! But like I said before...I can see ED is having a ball and she's playing them to the hilt. Cuz I liked the Southern Belle in the jazz bar. I did not like that they did a lot of the set-up off-screen. And then it was the cliffhanger on Tuesday and it was ignored on Wednesday. 


    Week has been good with these stories (and Vicious Lily), but there's such an uneveness to everything. 

    On 4/29/2024 at 8:28 PM, Antoyne said:


    Was not expecting Victor to have Jordan in his basement 😂

    Just watched. So hollered. Especially given Victor's history of keeping rivals in a cage (and Y&R history of keeping characters in a cage). Surprisingly inspired. 

  5. 6 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I am for the mother/daughter triangle mostly because it would finally give Willow something exciting to do and it will make Michael sad.  I totally get what your saying about Nina/Drew though.  They have potential on their own without any extra nonsense.  Since my tolerance for Nina, Drew and Willow is on the very low end, I say go for maximum chaos.

    And it is always nice when the writers see what us the audience also notice.


    But I do like calling it when I see it and I'm excited for Nina/Drew as a couple. And the added drama of Willow would be a soapy mess. So GOOD. 


    And anything that gets Michael to suffer at this point...I'm down. lol..

    5 hours ago, BetterForgotten said:

    It all comes to a head on Drew and Willow’s wedding day, when Drew pulls a Tina Lord and says Nina’s name at the altar. He then leaves Willow and professes his love to Nina in front of everyone in attendance. They can then leave town altogether for all I care, lol. 

    I'd make the story play out over 2-3 years to really build the relationships up for it all to explode. 

    LOL at the Tina Lord of it all. 


    But I do love it. And agree. Build that thing up for maximum drama. 



  6. 3 hours ago, Khan said:

    Who would have thought that I, of all people, would be looking forward to seeing what happens next to Sonny Corinthos or Jason Morgan?  That's the power of Patrick Mulcahey for ya, lol!



    53 minutes ago, John said:

    Well I think we are getting an Aidan story. Looks like Bullying/Gay bashing. I do not mind the actor. He has never done much, so I am open to see how this goes. Looks like more air-time for Elizabeth and I love that. I wish Lucky was around.

    Yeah, all of that. Perhaps he will grow as it goes now that a story is heading his way. 


    We all know I'm here for more Elizabeth and her kids. 


    And who knows...I'm still hoping that the rest of Laura's kids will show up by end of the year.



    33 minutes ago, Liberty City said:

    I like him, a lot.


  7. 29 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    Oh my lord are we going to get some crazy Drew/Willow/Nina triangle?! Am I reading the wrong kind of energies?

    I don't think you are reading it wrong. But the question is...are the writers planning something down the line for that? Cuz there is also Jordan and Drew in play. Maybe.



  8. 32 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    May 2020: The best one, especially when that episode from 1981 aired. Oh wait 😉



    35 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    Lol Josh Griffith has had a pretty mixed bag on May Sweeps during this tenure, let’s review:

    May 2019: Mixed bag. Adam’s return started out promising but then we got some whip lash and the story was rushed with Adam getting shot so quickly. GT Phyllis’ downfall was insulting before her exit.

    May 2020: The best one, especially when that episode from 1981 aired. Oh wait 😉

    May 2021: I have zero recollection of what May sweeps was for Y&R this year, probably that nonsense of Sally getting Summer her dream job but that being a very bad thing to do 🙄

    God, 2021 was terrible.

    May 2022: Okay this wasn’t too bad as the show felt like it was trying something in a new direction . Diane was back, Ashland was his bad self, we had the Teriah wedding, Rey was dead, we had Imani inviting Nate to take a shower with her (in Elena’s fantasy unfortunately). But eventually JG became rudderless again.

    May 2023: Depressing as hell. Dead babies, dead cats, bombs strapped onto teenagers,   Phyllis pretending to be dead. Obviously JG was going through something personal right as the writers strike began.



    But seriously...lol...I like what you did here listing his May Sweeps. 2022 was easily the best one. Diane was back. I actually LOVE the Teriah wedding. The Ashland climax with ice bitca Victoria was flawlessly done before that rushed death and wrap-up. Who's Rey? And we all know how I feel about Imani. So much potential and gone with the wind and not even fabulous. 


    Interesting that JG's writing does get dark when something is going bad in his personal life. I would say he needs a co-writer, but I guess that is a moot point now. 

  9. 4 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    overall i dont like them but. Teresa got hte best one

    Also why is Luis missing from her intro card?


    Screenshot 2024-04-30 at 4.43.35 PM.png

    Oh...? Interesting. Cuz her and Luis appear okay irl. Appear.


    That said...I have to give credit where credit is due. I know we all know how I feel about Marge, but I liked her tagline. And I love Teresa as well. 


    It does make me want to catch up a little.


    9 minutes ago, DaytimeFan said:

    We most certainly do say this all the time. Bravo = ABC Daytime under Frons. They're recycling talent, both in front and behind the camera, and floundering with production.

    And every new day...a lawsuit. What is going on in that Bravo house?


    Yeah...with nothing reality tv wise to watch and an off day...I'm seriously considering starting NuNY again tonight because it seems like it might have gotten interesting before I got too busy. But watching it knowing that 'Eric' might be behind its second season does not give me the vote of confidence. As much as I liked most of this past season of RHOP (and I still have to finish RHOA since I stopped midseason before the Drew divorce really started due to work), it really stalled midseason and was a mess until the end...and as time has gone by...it was a case for me of too little, too late. And I know of the gaslighting of Candiace by the GEB, Andy, AND Production so I'm not looking forward to sitting down to the reunion. Sober at least. lol. 

  10. 10 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    It'll be sleeps for sure. This show is allergic to drama, all we get is "mints and toes" and "connection to my birth mother I can't explain" stupidity

    Yeah, I'm feeling the same way because until a miracle it won't be this show leading May. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    It’s kind of amazing how much conversation Sasha being the Q chef has gotten. I definitely must’ve missed that fast forwarding her at the stables. She and Cody are on my perma fast forward list right now.

    4/25 was just great soap all around. Sonny vs Jason, the Molly and TJ scenes, Kristina and Nina comparing Ava notes. Just a lot of great stuff all around.

    Also just wanted to say this kinder, gentler, Q matriarch version of Tracy really works for me. I’ve always liked Tracy for the most part because of Jane Elliot, but I didn’t enjoy the pairing with Luke. Tracy always looked so stupid when he would just skip town because of Geary’s vacations.

    Lol. They are usually background music some days so I understand. ;)



  12. 4-29


    Yeeeeah if this is the set-up for May Sweeps...I'm liking it.


    Watching Jason/Anna and Valentin/Brennan (mmmm Beast) doing recap touch base was great. There has been so many fits and starts there. And then add in Jason's return and ugh. So knowing what's up what's up pre-Sweeps was the best move at the start of the week. Fingers crossed we have a Friday cliffhanger coming on that. I also loved that in V/B's talk you see how sadly unconnected Vanna has become. Love Brennan has Anna's number and knows NOT to underestimate her. And it goes without saying that I love FH in Boss Bitca mode.


    Awwww at Joss/Dex/Kristina. A nice calm before the storm between them. It was nice to see Kristina interact with Dex alone. Nice to see Joss actually apologize. 


    Silly, silly Ava. THAT was the last person you should be spilling any tea to. That said...WOOF. AH (for me) has been hit or mess in his last few appearances. But this...bullseye. From the moment, he saw Ava, Nik's eyes gave it all away. He is still on that leash. 


    Oh, Drew/Nina...lol. They are starting to become my favorite to watch. They have the makings of a scheme team. 


    So THAT's what's over Jason's head? Meh. lol.



    On 4/27/2024 at 7:39 PM, dc11786 said:

    A lot of random comments from this week...

    I enjoyed the parallel betrayal conversations between Carly / Sonny and Ava/Nina. I didn't expect Nina to sign the divorce papers. That was a pretty nice shock for me. I didn't mind the montage, but the song wasn't for me. 

    I think the show is planning an immediate triangle with Nina / Drew / Jordan with the story being set in Drew's work to help the city change the image of Port Charles. There seems to be a slowly building campaign to clean up PC which I expect will also involve the arrest of Sonny. The clincher for me was the Jordan / Drew flirtation at the bachelor party where Jordan made it clear that she doesn't need a man. This is a direct contrast to Nina, who needs Drew to help her. Playing the dynamic between the clingy Nina and the independent Jordan is intriguing, but I imagine that Jordan will be the loser. The potential of Drew/Willow is good, but I think it will be the second arc of the story between Nina and Drew because for the Nina / Willow conflict to have real meat I would expect there to be a relationship between Nina and Willow first. 

    @Khan I was thinking of you when Brook Lynn pointed out that Natalia's concerns about Blaze's sexuality is outdated. It seems pretty clear to me that the impact on the career is not the real issue. I thought the back and forth over Blaze wanting Brook Lynn to focus on her wedding was a great contrast to the Brook Lynn / Natalia confrontation earlier in the week. 

    I think the wedding preparation was fine, but something is missing. These sorta nice everyday gatherings are more meaningful when there is something on the horizon ( an ex returning to town, a secret). It just seems to be present without the dramatic tension that would make it pop. I thought the blending of stories in both settings was nice. Josslyn and Kristina's confrontation was a surprising highlight. I enjoy the animosity that is building almost as much as I enjoy Kristina honing in on Ava's duplicity. I know some people think Ava will cause Kristina to miscarry, some think Josslyn will, but I am of the camp that Ava will somehow manipulate the situation so it looks like Josslyn is the cause. Especially if Nina and Carly come together to go after Ava now that they know that Ava has set her sights on Sonny. 

    Kristina going to Molly for the truth about Sonny was a smart move and allowed us to play the dramatic irony of knowing that Molly knows all about Sonny / Cyrus and will have to prosecute him, which will only piss off Kristina. I liked the ensuing conflict between T.J. / Molly. T.J.'s point of view on this issue has remained pretty consistent since Dante's shooting; the presence of Sonny is a threat to his unborn child has been the topic of most of T.J.'s limited scenes. I was happy we finally got the conversation between Molly and T.J. after it being between T.J. and Jordan and T.J. and Marshall. 

    I also thought the T.J. / Trina / Ace scenes weren't about Trina being a nanny, but rather setting up a dynamic where Trina is involved in Ace's life as a springboard for T.J. and Trina to interact more if Kristina were to lose he baby. I felt it was more a chemistry test, but no one else seemed to feel that way so maybe I'm wrong. 

    I know the reaction to the Gregory story seems mixed, but I find it rather emotional. The paralysis moment was rather dramatic. I keep wondering when this is going to end, not because I want it to, but just because I am invested. I thought Finn / Gregory's conflict over the caregiver made sense. Both men want to be in control. Tracy's intervention was also smart both in the officiant conversation and in the caregiver conversation. I like the chemistry between Gregory / Tracy and I think their romance has twinges of tragedy that I think that Jane Eliott is going to play the hell out of when it reaches it climaxes (hopefully on trial for easing Gregory's misery).

    The Finn / Alexis scenes seem to be leading to some sorta of connection. I think the fallout of Gregory's inevitable passing has the potential to create enough dramatic ripples to carry the show for a bit. The potential of either Alexis or Finn falling off the wagon works for me and I like the potential of Finn once again going after his father's woman, even though they seem to be leaning more into Gregory/Tracy than Gregory/Alexis. 

    Laura turning down the donation of art from Sonny was good. I feel like Ava is being set up to take over the powerbase once Sonny is sent to jail with the potential for Sonny to go straight (have they done this before? does anyone else think they might go in this direction?) In the end, I think Sonny will end up back on top of the mob, as he always is, but I can hope to see the elimination for at least a little bit.

    Sasha the cook seems like an attempt to do some Upstairs/Downstairs set up with the Quartermaines. I do feel there needs to be a bit more work to make the Qs a strong force again, and I don't have a problem with using Cody/Sasha until they can actually build a stronger presence. 

    Love this. 


    I didn't even think of the Kristina/Molly talk as yet another layer to the Fall of Sonny that is slowly building. And I didn't think that Ava might just manipulate Joss in the event of Kristina miscarrying. 

  13. 4-26


    Well...getting to this talk about Sasha becoming the Q chef. Could it just be an attempt to beef (pun unintended) the Qs. One thing that Chris and Dan did well was to build back up the Q house which had been hollow waaaaay too long. To the point....the Qs were getting strays a la side-supporting characters a la Chef, Reginald, etc. again. It keeps Sasha around for strictly C stories, but not really around toooooo much like she was before. Or it's a temporary place for her until they write her out. Because outside of the Cody relationship and her connection to Nina, what does Sasha have going on now? Not much.


    Love Laura vs Sonny at the art gallery. There was nothing but truth going on in their confrontation. The history echoes. The touches on their connections to each other. Because we don't see Rocco enough to not be reminded the links Sonny and Laura together like Spencer does, too. I had forgotten. And given the episode before where Sonny was calling Jason out on his kids, oops karma cuz here's Laura calling Sonny out on his. And I found that pointed as well given the TJ/Molly talk in the episode before, too. Again...foreshadowing on Kristina...? And to add on to the foreshadowing...Ava eavesdropping in the background. Nicely done.


    Wow. Alexis and Gregory are more or less done ain't they? Tracy is more in his storyline than she is. She and Finn have been friends for a while. But...is THAT her potential love interest, too? 


    I love the meeting of the minds between Carly and Nina. I'm for an evenly matched C vs N so I liked they got their shots in. And then for that to turn into a comparing notes session on Ava. Also nicely done. 



  14. 22 hours ago, Toups said:

    Here are my thoughts on the album. :)  I loved it (of course).  LOL   I definitely liked album 1 more than album 2.    Album 1 is more poppy, has singable choruses, has better melodies.  I’m a pure-pop guy so album 2 was a bit slow for my taste.  I don’t mind slow songs, but I need something to connect to…..I need some sort of hook or melody.  I’m definitely going to listen to those songs if they come up in a shuffle, but I doubt I will intentionally play those songs.  But there are three songs I really liked on album 2: So High School, thank you Aimee, The Bolter. 


    On album 1, I pretty much love every song except for I Can Fix Him.  This song just went nowhere, unlike The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived where it started out really slow and then it slowly builds up to probably the best the bridge (at the 2:25 mark) on the album. 



    My Tier 1 songs:

    - Down Bad: After 1 week it’s my favourite.  I already posted about it above. 


    - But Daddy I Love Him: In this song she puts her parasocial fans on blast.  LOL  I love the lyrics!  The chorus just makes you want to run and shout those lyrics out.   It can definitely see it being an anthem for those in relationships that people don’t approve of.  LOL 


    I'll tell you something right now
    I'd rather burn my whole life down
    Than listen to one more second of all this bitching and moaning
    I'll tell you something about my good name
    It's mine alone to disgrace
    I don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empath's clothing

    God save the most judgmental creeps
    Who say they want what's best for me
    Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I'll never see
    Thinking it can change the beat
    Of my heart when he touches me
    And counteract the chemistry
    And undo the destiny
    You ain't gotta pray for me
    Me and my wild boy
    And all this wild joy
    If all you want is gray for me
    Then it's just white noise
    And it's just my choice



    - Guilty as Sin?:  Who knew a song about masturbation could be kind of romantic?  


    What if he's written 'mine' on my upper thigh
    Only in my mind?
    One slip and falling back into the hedge maze
    Oh what a way to die
    My bedsheets are ablaze
    I've screamed his name
    Building up like waves
    Crashing over my grave
    Without ever touching his skin
    How can I be guilty as sin?


    Oh Taylor.  LOL



    - I Can Do It With a Broken Heart: It’s about Taylor having to perform on the tour during one of the toughest times in her career – going through two breakups in a short period of time and with guys she’s known for a long time (6-7 years in a romantic relationship with Joe.  Then over 10 years of friendship to on-and-off to officially dating with Matty).  


    I'm so depressed, I act like it's my birthday every day
    I'm so obsessed with him but he avoids me like the plague (he avoids me)
    I cry a lot but I am so productive, it's an art
    You know you're good when you can even do it
    With a broken heart

    You know you're good when you can even do it
    With a broken heart
    You know you're good, I'm good
    'Cause I'm miserable
    And nobody even knows
    Try and come for my job

     It’s a sad song set to upbeat/bubble-gum pop that’s also funny.  It has Taylor’s classic spoken-word parts.


    - loml: The saddest song on the album.


    Tier 2 songs: Fortnight, The Tortured Poets Department, My Boy Only Breaks His Favourite Toys, Fresh Out Of The Slammer, Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?, The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived, The Alchemy, Clara Bow, So High School, The Bolter, thank you aimee (this song is also pretty funny). 


    Tier 3 songs: Florida!!!, The Black Dog, So Long, London, imgonnagetyouback


    Over both albums, there was definitely more instrument based (drums, piano, guitars) songs than on Midnights.  A lot of songs could’ve been on folklore.  Taylor is someone who uses songwriting as coping mechanism.  She was going through so much during the biggest tour of her life and she need to get these songs out of her.  So, it wasn’t a surprise she stuck with Jack Antonoff and Aaron Dessner as her two main collaborators on such a raw and emotional album.  She trusts them and is very comfortable with them.   

    For her next album, I think she’ll have more time (once the tour ends) to experiment more a bit, and to try and find other collaborators.   I’m still waiting for my pop-rock/stadium-rock album.    I hope it’s next, her 12th album, because I think album 13 will be her going back to her pop-country roots. 

    So worth the wait, Toups.

    Thank you.



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