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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 22 minutes ago, Khan said:

    But I do!  I might kid about a lot of things, but I don't kid about bringing Justin Deas back to soaps and pairing him up with Jane Elliot on GH.  I (still) think those two would be great together.

    And I know Deas has his excesses, but I also know he's one actor on daytime who never bores me.  He just needed an EP at GL to rein him in when necessary.

    Ah!!! I've been misunderstanding this whole time. My apologies. lol.


    I agree then. I think they could be a great match. He does have his excess, but one thing I could say about Buzz on GL for better or worse, he was always ON. 



  2. NY


    I've continuing my binge of nuNY. I've made it to Erin's anniversary party and its aftermath.


    Can I just say that so far...I like all the husbands. I see why Erin and her man are constantly having babies...lol. He just seems like that strong silent type that is a gentleman in public, but behind closed doors WOOF!!! lol. Jessel's man seems like an adorable geek and not ugly by any means. And Sai's man totally matches her energy and at the same time blends in so well with her personality. I see why they are together. 


    I find the group as a group very fascinating to watch. See how they were acting at the anniversary party. Partly like friends. Partly kinda rude friends. lol. And Sai with the food. And then they had that little event thing where it did feel like a gang-up on Erin which is funny since Erin came in there loaded to bear. While I understand where Erin was coming from...GURLLL, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? Sai had already established herself as a no-nonsense woman so it did not surprise me at all that she gathered Erin with the quickness.

    So Erin tried to make it about Brynn. And Brynn didn't back down, either. And I saw both sides of that argument. Because in a way...Brynn for all of her Brooke Davis by way of Rachel persona...should have known that joke or not...her taunting with Erin's husband was in poor taste. On the other hand, Erin should have known...especially since everyone else at the table knew...that's how Brynn always is. So it can't be taken that seriously. So, why, did you take it seriously, Erin? Some hidden insecurity or just her way of starting a feud to be relevant on the show? Hmmm.


    And it seems I'm at the midpoint of the season judging from the promo. So where are the ladies standing?


    UBAH. I hate to say it, but it feels like she has just vanished. This last episode...she was there in Gizelle Bryant's phone. ;) Just...wow.


    JENNA. Still giving me icon. Sorry, not sorry. lol. If there's anything I'm noticing, it's that she is a sniper from the side kind of Housewife. And no one seems to have clocked that. YET. I am still not understand why the other girls are pressed with her about her social life. Also yet. Because she actually has been a housewife so far to the audience. She is showing her life. She is mixing it up a little bit. She has family to film with, too...if not as much as the others. And it seems clear, she is just...shy. And she's explained why she's shy. It just feels like they want her to open up sooner than she feels comfortable doing. And I can't say I like that. 


    ERIN. Well, I can't say she doesn't give us the good, the bad, and the ugly so far. Like Jenna, I feel she's showing her life as well. Her and Sai definitely do come across as friends...and all the things that come along with it. And I liked her sit-down with Jessel so she has someone to mix it up with. But post-sit-down, it's clear she saw Jessel isn't an easy target so she was going to have to go at someone else. Unfortunately for her, most of the cast ARE NEW YORKERS. You might think you are a bull, but so is half of the cast. Her storm-out after Sai gathered her and Brynn really paid her dust and no one else really had her back outside of Jenna was hilarious. Meanwhile...I loved her anniversary party.


    JESSEL. She is sloooowwly coming out of her own shell. Her marriage is definitely not what it seems. But...it makes sense to me. I cannot believe to tell you how many couples...married or not...who go through fertility issues or intimacy issues after kids...so it's difficult for them to rediscover how they were before. It's why it was a sore spot for Jessel with Jenna's gift. They still have a long way to go I suspect. And the girls are not helping. In fact, I would think they would be more sympathetic...whether Jessel is being a princess or not.


    SAI. I admit. At my former hotel job, we were known to get the heads-up when an incoming influencer was coming in. I took it with a grain of salt...though the few I've met were good folk. So it was nice to see behind the curtain with Sai. And what it takes to be one. She definitely appears self-made and takes it seriously. And that I can respect. Her family life fits her well. And regardless of her tough exterior, it does seem she has a heart. BUT...she IS NOT a pushover. Could she use a little more...hmm tact? YES. lol. Cuz her and food...lmao. She does not play. But she also ain't going to be a scapegoat for Erin's insecurities so I enjoyed her gathering Erin...friend or not.


    BRYNN. They could never make me hate you...LOL. Team Brynn in her fight with Erin though I do understand Erin's side. I was like the rest of the girls. It seems like this flirty persona she has on screen is the same off so Eric should not have taken it seriously. Her husband didn't. That said...I hope it doesn't mean that when Brynn needs to be accountable for something more...serious...she can own it. Time will tell.




  3. 3 minutes ago, Liberty City said:

    Hoping for a status change sometime this summer, 'cause he really is a fantastic add. And then we can rid ourselves of Curtis Ashford.

    I agree, which is also why I like when [sometimes] a character appears, at random, for a piece of time in an episode. It's nice.


    Him and Portia's brother. Alas. It would be nice sorry to say.



  4. 4 minutes ago, Liberty City said:

    Oh, he appeared before that, too, but since then he's been a consistent recurring player.

    Well, Eden McCoy (Josslyn) did state Mulcahey & Korte were breaking up couples to reset the canvas, etc. so... yeah. The chem-testing feels quite... old-school soap opera, and I am not upset by it. It's refreshing.

    Oh? Cool! And he can stay as consistent as he wants. ;) 


    I totally agree! It has been refreshing to watch. I see two people who I either never seen together or rarely see together and it just gets the wheels turning. It also gives a more wider sense of community. I don't hate it at all. Sometimes it's really nice to see people outside of their story bubbles. 

  5. 5-8


    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The reason that Jason is under the FBI's thumb is a plot point from the old writers? First of all...well-done for it to be THAT one. Because it was such a Carly thing for Carly to do back then. And LW was FIERCE in her white suit and in full Carly Boss Bitca Mode when she outsmarted Cyrus then. Second of all...it's funny to have this reveal just as Carly...is on the loose...going to the prison to see Brennan (mmmm Beast) to fish info and do yet another of her Carly schemes. Such a writing technique to use and used well here.


    This Dante/Sam scene. Just swoon. It was just so small and so intimate and just how DZ sells the love in his eyes for KM. I was just awww. It does make me continue to wonder if the writers are going to eventually attempt a Dante/Sam/Jason triangle or take Sam in a whole other direction. Because this just seems like a two-fold scene. One fold...strengthening the Dante/Sam relationship for if/when drama occurs...something the writers have done a great job since the change with them. Two fold...a small rift/potential-for-conflict that starts here, and will start to grow. Time will tell.


    Yes, I'm down for this Anna/Jason team-up. But I love seeing Anna in pure Anna mode. Little does she know she's closer than she thinks to the truth. So ready for her cat-and-mouse game to truly begin with Val. Because it feels like it is his exit storyline...something wished for often here. 


    Was Jagger even still in town when Lois arrived? That time period is a blur for me since I was not a regular viewer then. It seems organic enough for me, but I was actually shocked that she knew him from town versus just the old neighborhood.


    And here comes Laura with her concerns about Heather. But I like how GF plays her conflict over it. And I loved Kevin being there for her, but at the same time playing devil's advocate. 


    1 minute ago, Liberty City said:

    They're chem-testing a lot of people, honestly, and I'm not mad at it at all.

    Well he IS foine. lol. I was interested when he first appeared when Dex started the process of joining the academy.


    But yes, there seems to be a lot of chem-testing. I'm not surprised though. I've said when the writer change happened, that if the writers are going by 'The Rules,' they would be seeing what works on the canvas and what does not before they do major changes. And chemistry testing is part of that. 



  6. @DaytimeFan I saw over this past week that DYNASTY fans were celebrating Dominique Deveraux's appearance on the show. And I came across this picture...I'm so used to knowing Dame Jean as Alexis that I forget that her career was off and running loooong before then.  A beauty...





  7. 11 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Not really sure about the way EJ was written. He’s clearly coming off as a villain, but yet him keeping the secret about Jude is coming off as fear of losing Nicole. Maybe it would have been better if he had been a good person all this time, and finding out about Jude was the thing that made him a villain again. 

    Oh Lord Baby Jesus! He knows now? The irony! The way tables have turned. 


    Well, I hope WHEN Nicole finds out he knew, she reminds him of his history when she reads him for flith.



  8. 5-10


    Now THAT...is the reaction that I want more people to have!!!


    OMG!!! I'm glad that I kept watching then. lol. Sheila knew she was dead wrong to lay there and taunt Li. And Li's reaction. CHEF'S KISS!!! I think most people know I want a Round 2 between Li and Sheila. I STILL want one like Round 1 where Li beat her tail. But I loved Li pouncing on her. I was sooooo mad Deacon ran in and stopped her. Cuz Li was in her right to beat Sheila's tail a second time. 


    Meanwhile, I actually liked Steffy coming to the (very) slow realization that Sheila was alive. It was such a soapy ending to the week with that close-up on Steffy. I do hope that is the end of the mention of the word 'Sugar.'


    Then I just realized that BROOKE doesn't know yet. So...never mind. le sigh.


    And what is this storyline coming up with that young triangle? Ugh...no.



  9. 5-7


    Jordan is so camp. lol. But lord if I don't enjoy seeing CZ do her thing even though I hate the character. I am wondering if she is going to use that liquor bottle to escape a la a fire. But how to get it to burn. Hmmm.


    I see Daniel and Heather have vanished. *side-eye*


    Good to see that others are picking up on the hostility between Summer and Claire. And now the nanny is gone? I guess that should be coming to a head.


    I FF through most anything Chelesa/Billy and Adam/Sally. And I'm sad that Sally is back to sidekick to Adam in most scenes. 


    So the real thing catching my interest this past week so far is the Ashley story. And due to the story going on with Jack and Diane (which was so pretty great scenes, too), I expect that to have yet ANOTHER wrinkle in the Jack/Diane relationship...which I would say IT'S ABOUT TIME. Diane has been nothing, but background (outside of that C story with Kyle) for a year now. Let's test that marriage.


    But going back to Ashley...I don't think I had time to say before now, but I LOVE the episode where it was 'Jean' vs 'Niki' (I'm sure the OLTL fans get that). It was just such a joy (not the story) of watching Eileen Davidson ACT. And then to see that 'Jean' is back in control. Le sigh. Ashley takes one step forward...and then more steps backwards. And now there was Ashley already sending her friend off. I really hope that is not the last we see of CC though. 

  10. 59 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Yeah, we really need an exclusive interview with EK and PM.  I, for one, would love to know what their vision for GH is.



    And I giggle each and every time you bring up JD as a love interest for Tracy...because I know you don't want THAT.



    56 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Has FV even given any recent interviews about the writing change and future/vision for the show?

    I don't think he has.


    And as said above, he rarely does himself speak on it. 

  11. 5-08


    Oh, how I hollered when Hope did the perfect soap faint. Good job, Annika. lol.


    I may find this Sheila storyline ridiculous and repetitive, but I have been living for the funny moments. So Hope doing that faint was right up my alley. 


    And Lord, how the writers are setting Steffy up for a big fall. Cuz her at home with Finn and the dinner. LOL!!! 


  12. 49 minutes ago, Cheap21 said:

    No its defnitely real. Notice how he wasnt really there for her last season. He spent alot of time overseas. At the reunion she revealed that he was doing better and sober which implied he had a drinking problem, which no one caught. They've been having troubles for a while but she's been trying to save face.

    Hehe. I bowed out of this past season...outside of Part 1 of the Reunion. This is good tea for me. :)


    But I agree that he was slowly stepping back from Dorit for a while even before last season.


    40 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:

    Shame they didn't bother to do that with Vyle Kyle

    Exactly. I guess it IS who you know.




  13. 39 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    I mean PK has seemed completely over listening to Dorit talk about the robbery for two years now. And then the way she ruined that anniversary.

    I think we are all over her talking about it. lol.


    That said...I missed the ruining since I bowed out viewing this current season.



  14. Yeah re: the wedding. It seem like PM and EK was hinting at things going down at the wedding (besides the wedding) for a while. But it really occurred to me when BLQ sent Lois to get Sonny to go. Sonny who is currently off his meds. And at least with his storyline getting heat (from first the audience finding out, then ava, and now Carly suspecting), it would be a prime time to come out with everyone there. And that's just one story.


    Then there's Gregory and his health. And that's been increasing in story over time as well. And that immediately connects to Tracy given her feelings for him. Tracy connects to the Qs where we have Drew/Nina, the growing relationship with Sasha/Cody who now live there, her friendship to Finn who is already having issues with his dad. 


    And those are just small parts of the whole canvas and not everyone who will be at the wedding. I mean...wasn't Sonny worried that Jason and Carly would be there? And they are just now suspecting he's off his meds. So...


    ...if I can see that, I do hope that the writers take that ball and run with it. Because it does seem like they were really setting up for a climax with the wedding BESIDES just the wedding.


    Meanwhile...Alexis out of town (the only person NOT at the wedding really) arguing to get her license restored would be a great B story.



    9 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Still hoping for this at the wedding…..😗😗😗


    Hahahaha!!!! Honestly with Jason and Carly possibly there and Sonny definitely there and Pikeman maybe climaxing...that could happen. ;) 



  15. 9 minutes ago, John said:

    People were concerned about The Heather story especially with Laura getting roped in. However Wednesday & today we had a total of three people that getting Heather released is not a good idea. They talked about not only the victims, but their families and  PC as a whole's reaction to this. 

    I was glad it was addressed and hopefully Laura thinks long & hard about this. 

    They have a vison but they were told to write the Jason return. Given that PM does not like the mob and he also only likes to use action when it benefits characters I bet this Jason/Pikeman story may not be his bag but they gave us some surprises like Valentin being the head of the snake. Anna is smarter in this story too. 

    Well, that's good to hear. Because outside of Jordan dragging her (and to a lesser extent Ryan at the start), I don't think anyone is opposing Laura supporting Heather really. 


    I agree. I like the twist with Valentin because that story has been an uneven mess and I suspect that it spells the end of him. That it might be Anna who does it...AND she is being played smart and fierce like Anna should be is just a bonus. 



  16. 2 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    It’s a very weird time for sure - why did this show go through the trouble of a regime change just to be so damn reserved and stagnant? That, to me, is the most interesting thing about GH right now - what the hell is going on behind the scenes there to lead to what’s on screen? Is there a power struggle? Is it Valentini? Is it Varni? Are PM/EK just executing a vision they’ve been given or is this indeed their own vision? So many questions. 

    Exactly. I'm still enjoying it...some parts more than others...but even I've noticed for all of the enriching dialogue and talking...there's been a decrease in action. When PM/EK started, there was the talking that was character building, but there was at least some form of action (in the form of Jason's return for the most part) going on that gave the overall momentum. And somehow...that momentum has been lost. 


    Outside of Jason's return, the only other major thing going on that has momentum behind it has been Chase and BLQ's wedding. It has beats. And it definitely has enough parts to it to be called a potential umbrella story for not just the wedding, but several of the guests that have been invited who have had their own stories slowly building since the start of (and some even before) Jason's return. 


    I'm trying to wait and see if it all comes together with the wedding. And with the coming together at the wedding, that momentum kicking back in. Because right now, while I like that we are getting character building conversation, lately it's been mostly all talk. 


    And I can't help given previous history under FV, if it's a case of interference again. 


    Until then, like you, I have a lot of questions like what you have as well. Though I do feel as has been mentioned on the thread before that PM and EK's full vision won't be seen until the fall. Though I said as early as late summer. lol.



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