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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 7 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    It's funny cause SC has said his favorite story was the Adam & Eve story, cause he got to do something different. I agree though Liam does feel done as do all the the Spencer's IMO

    Well, I can see why. Decades...I mean years...waffling...I bet SC was bored. So something fresh. Kinda like how MB felt about playing Mike on GH for months in Nixon Falls. 


    Yeah...I don't want Dollar Bill gone. But Li's family is rising...so a family has to go and it won't be the Forresters or Logans. Or perhaps they will finally put Dollar Bill with Li. 



  2. 22 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    Frank is getting DRAGGED LMAO



    Rightfully so. Elizabeth deserves soooooooooo much better. Moreso since she's Head Nurse now.


    18 hours ago, OzFrog said:

    I fantasised for a long time about getting Rena Sofer back to play Lois against Amanda Setton’s Brook Lynn - and I’ve been nothing short of mesmerised by how natural these two have been playing mother and daughter. This scene here, for example… they just bounce off each other, and it’s as though they’ve been doing this for YEARS…


    Ooooo good to hear.


    1 hour ago, carolineg said:

    I think the show was teasing Cameron with Esme before Lipton left.  I could see him fitting in that story with Spencer/Trina.

    Same. I felt they teased it even before Esme lost her memory. And they had nice chemistry. And Joss would have lost it, too. Bonus.



    On 10/29/2023 at 3:43 PM, Donna L. Bridges said:

    But it is really Kristina & Dante that are really the very best of his kids. And they both, and each, take him just as he is. They accept him & love him. And, they don't honestly have some huge affection for Nina, but they don't need to. It is enough that she makes their Dad happy. 

    I agree. I've loved a lot of the Kristina/Sonny over the last few years for that very reason. And that throughline...even in the brief appearances Kristina used to have...that was pretty solid. Which is why I was smh when Kristina was accidentally the reason Carly walked in on Sonny/Nina in bed. She had no idea, but was just wanting Dad to be happy, not knowing the information she gave out led to mess.


    And I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE Sonny/Dante scenes. How Dante can just be a son to him and keep his cop side out of it. It resonates. But their scenes as of late always do.

  3. 21 hours ago, 1974mdp said:

    Same here. I love the actor, but the character has entered the "beyond annoying" realm. Maybe if they Jason Morgan him and have his entire memory wiped out. LOL. But, Liam as a character just feels done.

    Zende gave Luna the once over with an interested look. MAYBE they're thinking of using him as part of a triangle with RJ and Luna. It's a shame they don't do more with the character. The actor is gorgeous.

    Sadly, they already did that story when he was Adam. But I agree he needs some kind of reset/reboot cuz this version is loathesome. Moreso because every character already call him out on him sniffing around Steffy before the paint was even dry on his divorce from Hope.


    Oh...? Isn't Zende out of that age group? And I agree they could do more with him? I always said that Zende vs Thomas was the way to go since the writers gave bread crumbs from time to time that there was tension there since they are both designers. And then you have Paris who was close to Thomas, too. Zende/Paris/Thomas should have been the triangle...not Zende/Paris/Carter.



  4. 10-23


    Oh, how I just hollered at Katie just walking in as Eric said he was dying. This kind of thing happens to her a LOT, doesn't it? lol.


    But is JMc retiring or something? I admit that I feel invested. And these scenes with Eric and Donna have been interesting.


    My hate of Liam is GROWING. Sniffing around Steffy. Messaging her. Ridge not knowing he messaged Steffy. Just ugh. Go away!!!



  5. On 10/26/2023 at 4:18 PM, Donna L. Bridges said:

    I could NOT believe Joss made such a fuss! Is Kristina why? An old rivalry? 

    I think Joss was really hurt that everyone...as expected...was falling in line with Sonny again after making such an issue about Sonny getting with Nina. But she could not help but take a dig at Kristina. 


    It slowly appeared that the writers were setting up a Joss/Kristina (Carly's daughter vs Sonny's daughter) rivalry before LA left and KM came in...with maybe Dex in the middle. They would have brief scenes with looks and slight digs if I remember correctly. And I was here for it because I have been saying they don't use Kristina enough and she is more heir apparent to Sonny more than any of his older kids. Because Kristina as a character has sooooo much potential out of that batch of legacy kids. 



  6. 10-24


    I know this heffa did not just try to take Danny home. I mean...



    And then...who walks in...but Christine. Nice cliffhanger.


    It just occurred to me that they are really using Nikki right now. And MTS does so much with her face. Her eyes say so much. Like when she can tell Victor was lying to Victoria's face, but her body language gave nothing away, but her face...gave everything. And in a way, her assistant is HER story. And meanwhile, she has the family drama as well. I am finding it ridiculous at the moment though. Can we get back to the Abbotts? lol. Even Nate is being written meh so far this week with his whiny little boy running to Victoria to tell on Adam. Outside of Nikki and Nikki stuff, I was just rolling my eyes.


    Ooooo at the friction between Daniel and Lily over Heather. And then there is Giggly Heffa stirring the pot. Not sure how I feel about this new set, but if that means MG...which I've started to wonder what his contract is...is sticking around...GOOD.



  7. 2 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    I think that coverage in the magazine should have been more about interviews with actors on current and past soaps, more in depth opinions on the current stories on the 4 soaps, and maybe even a look back at past popular stories on current and old soaps.. maybe interview the headwriter/stars that recalled that story, etc.


  8. I CAN'T!!!!!!!!!




    5 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    Yeeeah those came out so much better than everyone else's. Sorry POTOMAC.


    I liked Larsa, Guerdy, Lisa, and AmEx Nicole's best.


    Episode 9 and counting down to watching s6 e1 in real time with the rest of you. :)

  9. 2 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    YAAASSS Baby Jesus!!!!


    That said...I hollered at Candiace so easily my favorite.


    La Dame can do no wrong. And I liked that Gizelle had energy in hers, but just like BH's taglines...there was a lack of energy for me. The above had it and it showed. And btw, I don't like Gizelle's tagline. So that says something. 


    That said...I still liked Wendy's and Messy Mia's...and yes, I know I'm a fan of one. 


    3 hours ago, Cat said:

    Not sure Rinna has represented that "umph" for years. She'd wait like a spider for someone to trip up or misspeak, then beat them with a stick about it. My Truth! Own it! She really did nothing and showed nothing, almost like she was trying to punish the producers/Bravo. Only her white-hot hatred for Garcelle activated her, but even then, it was usually directed off-camera (I still feel in my gut that she set up those bots to attack Jax). I'm glad that malevolent, bitter presence is gone.

    I did think the premiere was very lowkey. However, within it were a few juicy tidbits. Sutton dropped an absolute BOMB about PK being in a car with another woman when he was stopped over the limit. The editors right away cut in a VT of Dorit saying that PK was often away in London and they had grown apart. So it appears that Dorit and Kyle have identical SLs. I wonder who came up with the SL first and who stole from their friend. Interesting that Kyle went to WWHL, not with Dorit, but with Teddi. 

    Another interesting moment was Kyle inexplicably deciding that Garcelle and Sutton were the wedge between her and Kathy, and not Rinna and Erika! That blew my mind until I realised that Kyle's problem is not about her and Kathy falling out. Rinna and Erika went after Kathy with Kyle's tacit acknowledgement, I am almost certain of it. She just didn't want to get her hands dirty.

    Garcelle's SL with Jax and him wanting to move in with his dad interests me.


    Miami gave in 7 minutes what BH couldn't give in 46 mins. Glossy, sun-drenched, top-notch -- more than that, effortless. No throwing around of too many counterfeit labels (always a red flag). On Miami, wealth both shouts and whispers. What is more luxurious than a walk on a perfect sandy beach in your exclusive Miami neighbourhood? A yacht lunch?

    That was a great sneek peak and now I cannot wait to watch! The fact that Lisa is contesting the pre-nup is juicy.

    More reason Garcelle/Sutton should give Kyle a taste of her own medicine. So I'm down for a Kyle takedown season. 


    As from RHOM, as that clip dropped, it was online that Lenny still is fighting over money with Lisa...and she sadly was forced out of the manison. He is something else. 



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