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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. On 10/15/2023 at 1:25 PM, dragonflies said:

    Phyllis is psycho cause of working with Jeremy Stark, then standing there smirking at her own "funeral" that's pretty psycho sh*t 

    I agree with that. I will at least give credit that I did 'appear' that Phyllis was having a nice breakdown that looked like the return of Old Phyllis. And they should have done more with her and Jeremy for sure than what we got.



  2. 10-5


    What? Sprina in bed all episode just talking (well, okay, not just that!)? YES, PLEASE. After all of the buildup and misdirection and bad pacing issues, YASSSSSSSSSSSSSS to Sprina finally sleeping together. AND a Round 2, too? Yay! Watching Trina talk about seeing art through other people's eyes while Spencer was looking at her with love in her eyes. Oooooo how I swooned. So WORTH...THE...WAIT!!! And catching up. 


    Meanwhile...watching this episode and seeing what looks like the climax to the Sasha/Cody/Glady storyline? I am surprised to say this...and seeing SOD in the store today that is on this week I'm watching apparently...it looks like the end...has made me wonder when the last time a story concluded on this show. Yes, there's a turn and the story keeps going? Or some plot twist that keeps a story going? Or delaying tactics? An actual conclusion...beginning, middle, end? And I was stumped. So seeing Sasha freed and saved by Cody, the evil doctor caught, and Gladys banished? It was so satisfying.


    Meanwhile, I am shocked at how much the Anna/Valentin story has legs now that Charlotte has been revealed as the person terrorizing Anna and why (keeping the spectre of Victor Cassadine alive). I am curious to see how Anna will react when she finds out. And Nina knowing continues to be a nice little subplot within that plot.


    And LAUUUUURRA!!! Counting down the minutes until she sees Nik.



  3. 10-11


    I wish I could say that I feel sorry for Kyle, but he's been such a prick as of late that I have no problem with Audra using him. Perhaps he will get so hurt and try to get back with Summer...only to see her off with Chance. 


    I continue to love all the Abbott intrigues. So we are going to get Kyle vs Billy. Talk about Old Generation vs New. I'm here for it. And seeing a hint of old Diane.


    Was that a hint of repairing Jack and Phyllis cuz...NO.


    Yeah, I definitely like Tucker back in scheming mode though. More in character. And yeah, these latest scenes with Audra were good.


    MG has been looking a whole dish as of late with that scruff and I admit I awwww at him, Danny, and Phyllis together. 

  4. 23 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:

    The young gentleman sure is furry. 

    May be an image of 1 person, swimming and pool




    14 hours ago, 1974mdp said:

    We've been getting episodes with at least two stories for a good bit of the writer's strike. It makes the show SO MUCH better to watch because if you're not into one story, there's still others being featured. I don't why the show can be structured like this every episode.

    Same. I love how they have been mixing it up again over the last month or so with multiple storylines again. 

  5. On 10/14/2023 at 12:03 PM, dragonflies said:

    Phyllis is still a psycho, that's never changed LOL



    I agree with David though. She hasn't been old school 'run down people, place octopus in bed' psycho in YEARS. 


    But I found her reaction to Danny saying he was looking forward to seeing Christine...actually flinching...telling. Or...foreshadowing? And it did make me go...who is Phyllis with now? Cuz Jack left her. Nick ain't wanting to be with her anything soon. And Billy is with Chelesa though leaning into Diane. So...

  6. 10-9


    I feel that the writers are definitely more invested in the Abbotts than the Newmans and it shows. Cuz look at this wedding!!! I felt everyone were more dressed to the nines than they were at the bicennetial by a mile. I loved Traci in that red. Diane's gown was breathtaking. Nikki Nikking-in in that nice number with the new girl who was also dressed to kill. So was Summer. And Mamie was bringing the regal classy...so much better than her other dress for the anniversary. 


    And then on 10-6, it felt like there were some interesting camera angles foreshadowing a lot. Are they really trying to set up Jack/Diane/Billy because Billy kept giving these questioning looks? People picking up on Summer's feelings for Chance? 


    And yessssssssssssss to Mamie checking Devon and Lily and putting them on notice about Nate. THIS was what I was expecting. I do hope they can bring up the hypocrisy of Devon while they are at it. Definitely the part of the storyline that I've been waiting for. 


    As someone who was intrigued in spite of myself with Adam/Sally/Nick right up until the pregnancy, yeah that storyline is dying with a whimper. 


    Where are they trying to go with Danny and Phyllis? And that talk of Christine? Would they dare turn Phyllis pyscho again? 

  7. On 10/10/2023 at 10:21 AM, Faulkner said:

    The gay viral hit of the fall. I’m sure most of you have seen this, but sharing it because it seems like it hit a nerve.

    @Taoboi @Gray Bunny @Soapsuds @AbcNbc247

    Well, I can see why it would hit a nerve. 


    Then again, not all of us want to share between a whole team that is not a rugby team, let alone two (one of whom is usually ugly) people. 


    On 10/10/2023 at 10:35 AM, Faulkner said:

    And not poly? Haha.

    Hehe. I find polys to be nicer than the couples that that video represents. 

  8. Just finished 10-4 and THAT'S how you do a CLIFFHANGER!!!!


    Bring on JILL vs Mamie!!!


    11 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    Mamie is the reason the Winters family exists on the show in the first place. She is needed as that family's rightful matriarch.

    AMEN. Totally agree. 


    Talk about proper course correction.

    On 10/6/2023 at 4:15 PM, soapfan770 said:

     I was waiting for your thoughts on this week tbh 🙂

    I think Claire Grace works on paper but HE is a miscast IMO.  Erin’s contemporaries in AL, ZS, and CH each have such distinctive looks and vibes about themselves while HE felt liked a washed up has been. Actually when in that first scene she kind of looked like Hunter King to me. I guess we’ll see where character goes beyond 

    Awww thank you!!! I've been looking forward to it so it's been funny how I've been finding time this past few days. And the Mamie storyline has really been holding my interest. When she's not on...I've been annoyed by most of what's going on outside of a scene here and there...like the abbot mess and that cute little scene with Victor and Nikki in front of his portait...oh, I enjoy when Victor shows a little flirty humor. 


    We know I'm not reading that spoiler. ;) That said...I might change my mind about HE in time, but I found her serviceable. But she does give off a 'going to go psycho' vibe. But I might be reading into it. 



  9. On 10/7/2023 at 1:05 PM, Cat said:

    We have about 8 RH franchises hitting us in November, it seems like, but regardless, I'm looking forward to seeing S2 RHODubai one of these days.




    Especially to see if the rumor that Lesa and Ayan really fell out.


    Moreso because Lesa's Inta is gone...she has taped very little...and now Caroline Stansbury...basically Lesa's rival...has gone online speaking up to basically mind your business. 

  10. 10-4




    Oh at the scream I just let out. 


    If we can't have Olivia here to get Devon and Nate to make up and deal with the shattered Winters clan, I'll gladly take Mamie. So her announcing she's staying to get them all the way together warmed my heart. 


    They already started to use her to humanize Nate a little bit so good start.


    And while I'm at it...I liked the flashback to Nate talking to Lily since I missed that episode and YES...THAT. Devon gets a free pass for cheating on Amanda, but Nate is still hated? I said it before and I'll say it again...the rivalry between Devon and Nate is a gold mine waiting to get tapped. 




  11. 10-2


    You all were right. The start of Mamie's storyline has been really good. And those flashbacks of her various fights with Jill and the scene of Jill giving her money to get out of town...a scene I've heard of but never seen...THANK YOU, Y&R for going to the vault. Those flashbacks were made of GOLD.


    We know I live for any time Y&R gets back to the Devon/Nate rivalry so their brief fight was good, too. So much gray with them. If only the writers would dive into it more. I was worried about Devon and Lily figuring out Mamie was the silent partner so quickly (though it led to that great scene of Devon vs Nate and Nate being the missing piece in the mystery....clever) but Mamie's phone call changed all that. WHO is HER partner? Hmmm...you betta get your own storyline, Mamie!!!


    Still yummy JM, but yep...back to not working out hard.


    I guess I'm in the minority. I liked HE's first scenes as Claire. I found it relatable actually. And it was so clear she was buttering them up, but that is what a newbie would be doing at a job interview I felt.


    The plot thickens in the Abbott storyline. Lord, Billy...why you gotta get insecure again? Le sigh. But maybe they might do something different with that. What is Tucker's endgame? Sounds like Giggly Heffa was a decoy. 





  12. RHOM


    Well before I get to all those thoughts on all those juicy trailers (and I waited ALL DAY for RHOM...ugh work days...hehe), you know I gotta talk about me catching up on Season 5...which I WILL have done by their premiere next month. 


    Episode 8...I loved. And it's funny what everyone is saying because what I loved about RHOM was on display in Episode 8. I love their telenovela. The scenery of Adriana video shoot. The high fashion (and even some of the low fashion) was jaw-dropping. I was sitting here watching the girls arrive at the shot (and the hottie extras) and they looked FOINE AF. And I'm gay so it was so lmao!!! It was good to see that it appears that the high production quality WILL be kept per the new S6 trailer so I'm excited.


    Another thing I liked. In true telenovela fashion, there was a lot going on from Adriana's photoshoot to the perils of Lisa to Alexia vs Guerdy which has been a slow burn feud since the start of the season to the mystery of Julia and the man she kissed. And of course, there was funny moments to like Kiki vs Adriana ending in a Burger King promo. Martina's reaction to the Julia/man mystery. Marysol being a drunk. And also in true telenovela, things get quickly resolved and then we move on to the next...which looks like Nicole vs Larsa. No stuck on one storyline here!!! Other HW shows...take note. 


    ALEXIA. I feel everyone has been right about her this season. The fame has gone to her head. And she was using that fame to start mess. So I enjoyed Guerdy gathering her after all that shade she threw at Guerdy in her Confessional. And I LOVED that she could not use any tricks on Guerdy because Guerdy KNEW all the tricks...and met her with ICE. Beautiful flawless ice. But...I liked they made up in the end.


    LARSA. What a difference a season makes. From doing nothing to doing stuff, Larsa has definitely been putting in the work. First fueding with Lisa. Then having Lisa's back against Lenny. And now here she was starting drama with Julia. Or at least keeping it going since Julia vs Alexia kinda resolved itself. She is definitely not boring me.


    GUERDY. YASSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! I mentioned the last time I wrote about RHOM that I was looking forward to seeing those bangs from the S5 trailer and mmmmmm bangs. I was getting my life. And her gathering Alexia was a thing of beauty. This rivalry with Alexia has been a lovely subplot within the telenovela, but it was about time they went head to head. And love Alexia, but SHE...MET...HER...MATCH. And no matter what she did...Guerdy countered move BETTER. Her confessional said it all...Alexia using all those mean girl moves, but Guerdy knows those moves, too. Tread lightly. BLOOP! lol. And I liked she was an adult and spoke her feelings DIRECTLY to Alexia when pressed. And they resolved it. 


    LISA. Nothing to report this week. 


    NICOLE. Same. But that stops in the next one so...hehe. Oh, I liked her at the video shoot. God, she's so fun. 


    JULIA. Like Larsa, she did not do much last season...though more than Larsa. And her feuds have been fascinating to watch. And now this story about the man. I loved that she was upfront. And then Larsa brought it up in front of Martina...juicy. But loved that Martina paid it no mind and laughed it off. It was so reminiscent of RHOA season 6 when the gang got Natalie together and Kandi flipped the script. And I awww at their romantic moment in the water. 


    MARYSOL. She was a hoot at the video shoot.


    ADRIANA. Always Team Adriana. And loved her in her gorgeous element at her video shoot. I wished everyone else took her and this side of her more seriously. 


    Another good episode.





  13. First of all @Liberty City sorry I did not see the individual shots. 


    And second of all...


    2 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    RHOBH trailer and photos



    See? THAT was juicy with real life stuff (and some scripted) and I felt everyone was working. And JENNIFER TILLY!!! Work those connections, Sutton.


    And I will always be here for a Kyle takedown (and EricFake can STFU), but I gasped when she gathered Mo and have to give her her props for that. 


    Best of all...no Ex Soap Opera Star in sight. 


    ETA: Get her, Garcelle!!! And by her, I mean KYLE. Why? Turnabout is fair play.

  14. 7 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Has anyone seen Elena Goode (Jade Taylor, ATWT) in that Old Navy commercial with Natasha Lyonne? 

    Wait! Is that her?


    And congrats to Kristen!!!

    On 9/20/2023 at 9:45 AM, Darn said:

    Angelica Ross (POSE, American Horror Story) tried to get Debbi Morgan work with Ryan Murphy. It didn't happen because he's trash but that would've been a moment.

    "The culture would LIVE" is right.



  15. 9-26


    Well, I continue to be fascinated by how much the stories are moving around again. Who's writing again? lol.


    From Sheila/Deacon (loved KB's outfit btw) to the Eric vs Ridge storyline and look...there's Liam (ugh) vs Finn again. It's been missing, but nice to see it again. And because I can't mention it enough...Li talking common sense to Finn.


    Ooooo Deacon bribed the Judge? Wow. It does make me wonder where they can go with Sheila's story with that news.



  16. 9-19


    OMG!!! It REALLY is Charlotte. I admit...that was a nice twist in the Anna story. And a great Cliffhanger Friday as well. And to think that it had started so lame with Anna being all woe is me. lol. And on top on all the mystery/drama with Valetin/Pikeman...juicy for Vanna, but NOW Anna has a story for herself. And I liked the added turn of Nina at the reveal given Valentin/Nina's history.


    It should be clear that I love seeing Ms. Wu, but I'm not liking this part of her story coming after Curtis's club. Well...I would rather Curtis be more involved versus Marshall. 


    Is anyone really checking for Esme like this? Cuz too whiny for me. 





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