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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. On 10/19/2023 at 12:21 AM, asafi said:

    nikki was such a bitch in the mid-late 90's.. fought with Victoria over Cole, with Sharon, with grace, with Christine, with Diane, with Sarah the maid.. truly a bitch 

    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="pl" dir="ltr">Nikki vs Grace Turner (1998) <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/YR?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#YR</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/YR50?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#YR50</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/theyoungandtherestless?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#theyoungandtherestless</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/youngandtherestless?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#youngandtherestless</a> <a href="https://t.co/bSwSvVbOBF">pic.twitter.com/bSwSvVbOBF</a></p>&mdash; Marco McInroy 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 (@MarcoMcinroy) <a href="https://twitter.com/MarcoMcinroy/status/1714902470990995494?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 19, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


    Hehe...I lived for Sarah always referring to Nikki as that 'bitca Nikki' throughout that storyline. 



  2. 10-20


    Yeeeeah outside of seeing Victor in the driver seat and plotting, I was not feeling the Newman stuff. It felt like more of the same. It actually might have even been better if Victoria WAS trying to set Victor up. Or...if Victoria actually tries to.


    Where are the Abbotts? From starting off the week to POOF!!!


    Thankfully, Mamie and Jill were on. Though we really need to get Jill out of the phone. lol. I really loved that Devon was able to get through to Tucker and admit that he was really on the warpath because he really DID love Ashley. After all, we know how hard it is to find a partner for ED that matches her. I'm curious to see how Ashley plays it once she returns to town. And if it will be as cool and calm as she was when she came back at the start of this Ashley/Tucker drama.


    I forgot to mention it...but I do love all the Dru mentions. 


    Nate/Devon scenes are always worth a watch. 

  3. 17 hours ago, lucaslesann23 said:


    Christian LeBlanc revealed today that the reason he has been absent from the show is that he has been battling cancer.  In June of this year, he was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, after he started having nosebleeds.   He is now in remission and recently returned to the set, his first episode back will be the Thanksgiving episode

    Sources to the above story.

    https://www.soapoperanews.net/2023/10/c ... t-his.html

    and link to video of his interview 
     https://www.wwltv.com/video/news/local/ ... bb1b7853af

    Sorry to hear that.


    2 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    Lord is Phyllis falling for Danny again?!

    I've been saying since he's been back, that YES, Giggly Heffa has been falling for him again...well timed to LB's anniversary this year because I feel the writers want to touch on Chris/Danny/Phyllis triangle from BITD. Like they want to touch on Psycho Phyllis again...but could MS pull it off? was my question. 

  4. 3 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    I LIVE for Garcelle's diva hair toss...and body turn...but not feeling that at all otherwise.


    My feelings for EricFake have always spoken for themselves. 


    That said...I guess my favorites are Garcelle (who was she talking about putting on a performance...hmmmm...?) and Kyle's actually. 

  5. 10-11


    LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like Olivia, I screamed. And I LOVED the dream Ned had foreshadowing her. If there anyone who can do creepy camp after B&B and other genre tv shows, it's RS. The directing was great in that moment.


    I awwww at BLQ being there for Chase as he dealt with his feelings for his dad dying.


    Good to see Laura back at last.


    I admit...I giggled at the warden paying Cyrus dust and leaving.


    So...it occurred to me that we are getting more hospital stories again. And it has been surprisingly well balanced with the mob stories. Who would have thought? 

    On 10/11/2023 at 3:26 PM, AbcNbc247 said:

    Lois’ accent makes me cringe 😂😂😂


    On 10/11/2023 at 3:34 PM, carolineg said:

    I kind of agree and I love Lois.  I think you get used to it?  It's just been so long and we weren't ready for it.

    I actually think RS toned DOWN her accent. Because I really remember Lois's accent being muuuuuch more out there. But I was young. lol. 



  6. 10-18


    Oooooo Audra vs Phyllis!!! That was some bitcafest chemistry right there. Well done to AS who I felt was denied a rivalry with AL's Summer so it was nice to see some hint of chemistry with her and MS. And they both looked good as they verbally sparred with each other in Tucker's hotel room. It was what I expected with Audra and Nikki when Nikki found out about Kyle and Audra, but Audra folded too quickly.


    And yeeesss at these Mamie/Nate scenes. They are really using Mamie to get into Nate's head. And I loved that she touched on Nate might have moved too fast, too soon during the Chanceller takedown #shadesofimani. I also thought it was slightly meta that she said what I feel we all think...Victor would only give Nate's crumbs even if he married Victoria...kinda like black characters in general on soaps when it comes to story. Though Mamie's dislike of Jill will always be a hoot. Or her shade in conversation. In any case, the humanizing of Nate continues.


    Ugh! Shut up, Kyle. Such a baby now. 


    16 hours ago, kalbir said:

    In recent years not so much. There was that boxing lesson in the 1994 episode we saw during the classics.

    I missed it. :(


    16 hours ago, lucaslesann23 said:

    Oh no not a complaint, I like him more then I did under Stephen Nichols.


    True, not really rn.


    Is there a reason tucker hates Jill so much? I'm fine with him and Mamie colluding just,

    Ik. No worries.


    I would assume it's from Jill making him pay for cheating on her when he was originally WITH Jill back in the day. So there will always be that. And we know Jill holds a grudge. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    @Taoboi Are you checking for JM?

    Hehe. Probably more than I should be. He definitely looked good in that tanktop more than he did since he returned from his trip.


    I thought it was so 'like father, like son' that he was at the punching bag like how Victor tends to be. Has Nick ever done that? I know he goes to the gym, but I can't seem to remember if he and Victor has done the punching bag at the same time.


    3 minutes ago, lucaslesann23 said:

    Tucker is in every storyline, the Abbotts, Newman's, Mamie.

    He's getting that way. Which tbf is how Tucker SHOULD be.


    But is he really in the Newmans storyline at the moment? I don't think he is. 

  8. 10-16


    LMfao at Hope getting her freak on with Thomas all over. And yes, Brooke can't talk given her history of doing the same.


    Yeah, Luna!!! Stand up for yourself. I enjoyed her vs Li. But I enjoy seeing Li getting some form of a family. And the conflict that it presents to Finn. And I like how Finn has something going on now that can keep him busy until Steffy returns. Though I am wondering if she will be returning after the fashion showdown or the writers have another story planned.


    And awwwwa at Donna being given something to do. I liked her scenes finding out about Eric. JG played those scenes so well and different than what I normally see from her. 



  9. 10-16


    I hate to say it...but I've been enjoying it as of late.


    It goes without saying how much I love the Mamie storyline. 


    The Claire storyline has been intriguing to me. Like I mentioned in the Spoilers thread, I just feel like HK has been giving off a psycho vibe. So watching her being slooowwly introduced (remember when soaps did that with a new character?) has been giving old Y&R.


    Meanwhile, I continue to enjoy Heather/Daniel/Lily triangle that has been slowly building. And now Lily knows Heather is moving to town. Uh oh.


    We know I love the Abbotts and am looking forward to what appears to be Diane/Kyle vs Billy with Jack in the middle. 


    And yeeeeah, even the Newmans are slowly starting to get interesting again. Victor is TOTALLY faking this illness. That scene with him and Nick (mmmm Nick) after he made another slip was telling. To what end though? And then there's the stuff with Claire so Nikki will be kept busy. And I can even tolerate Nick/Sally/Adam again even though it seems clear Sally/Adam are heading back to each other. 


    And I actually enjoyed Phyllis getting the upper hand on Tucker. Nice ending. 


    I think the only thing I'm missing right now is more of Summer/Chance/Sharon. 

  10. On 10/22/2023 at 12:55 PM, Soapsuds said:

    No one likes this story. Who the hell would pic frat boy Nick over hunky Adam? No one!!

    While I'll give AG credit for all of a sudden having a bubble on him, Nick could still get it. 😜


    That said, the writing has been on the wall since Sally lost her baby. 

  11. 1 hour ago, lucaslesann23 said:

    Audra is an excellent vixen. I also feel they fixed up Kyle a bit. I like this smiling Kyle phase.

    I agree about Kyle. I never felt when he returned as a prick a la Jack Jr. they should have never softened his edges. 


    And yes, I've been enjoying Audra as well. 

  12. 3 hours ago, lucaslesann23 said:

    We really didn’t need her but they are giving her a good intro, making us think she's this boring, good assistant then reveal she has something against the Newman's. 

    I felt the same way, she's been laying it on a little thick the way she's been fawning over Nikki.


    I thought Audra was going to be the crazy one lol. Glad she's not. She interests me as well.

    I really do feel that HK is playing Claire like she's going to snap at any moment, but that could just be her eyes. Or me. But I know I'm in the minority of feeling she's coming across anything other than bland. Good to see someone else likes her intro. :)


    I think Y&R is overdue a young psycho just like it was overdue a young vixen which we have in Audra now. 





    Yay! Finally caught up again!!!! Ugh at my work schedule. Yay at my editing schedule!


    Perhaps it's because I had to be very scattershoted with my viewing over the last three weeks, but this last few episodes did not hold up for me like the first four episodes. I still found them good. And the ladies have found a rhythm that works for them while still keeping that chaotic vibe that SLC has been known to go by since Season 2. I think everyone here knows that I preferred the slow burn of Season 1 which I felt led to more mess. Still...it's been watchable.


    And look at Mary!!!! She's been such a FOH a la Adriana. She has confessionals. She has stories (how you not know your son is married and STILL living in your house). She has good friendship scenes with Meredith where she actually glows. I like they are touching on (though they need to go in as only Mary can) on her reasons for keeping her distance from the other ladies...which reminds me of Mariah for a few years over on M2M. But she's still open to them...shown by her growing friendship with Monica which I LOVE. And I laughed at her brief phone call to Angie K which was a nice nasty shadefest. 


    And now to the meat of the this set of episodes...Meredith vs Angie K. This feud came in hot from last year's reunion. And it has been giving moments. But now there's that rumor about Angie K's husband. And it's giving...thirsty. It seems like in Utah (as Monica touched on in her intro scenes) is full of secrets so it's hard to believe Angie K did not know about it. Why? Cuz EVERYONE knew about it. So I cannot help, but feel that Angie K is playing it up to keep her spot on the show. It allows her to play victim while at the same time giving her leeway to attack others re: Meredith, Monica. When in actuality the one she SHOULD be going after...is LITTLE GIRL. She's the one that's actually spreading it. But I don't feel that Angie K cares about anything but screen time. So...well-played on her part. Also well-played...the fact that Meredith is STILL living her best life by engaging when needed, but disengaging just to irk Angie K. And not invited to Angie's party? No worries! ALREADY...BOOKED. ;) Meredith has 3 seasons on Angie K so the heroine knows how to play the game. Their feud is definitely giving the season some legs. Go on.


    MEREDITH. As mentioned above...as the person who hinted at Angie K having secrets, she's keeping herself relevant. Another thing keeping her relevant...her friendship with Mary!!! I love that they are geniune and have each other's back. I thought it was funny that Angie K thought Mary would come to her party if Meredith was not invited. Just ha! Also her friendship with Fabulous Ice is back on. And we all know Heather will be with the 'cool' girls and that fly out to LA for the GLAAD event...#winning 


    LISA. So fabulous that Heather (with assist from Little Girl...ugh) had to resurrect some old jealousy using Lisa's son to do it. GIRL, BYE. Let Lisa's son alone. smh. I do like that this storyline about her son's mission is humanizing Fabulous Ice somewhat. But we still get moments through her rivalry with Monica. And typical SLC wife. Trying to get along with your rival, but not even hesitating to start mess with them later on by commenting on Monica's fight with her mom. Then again...how Heather.


    HEATHER. I admit...I giggled when Heather mentioned she met Snoop Dogg. She really should stick to just being comic relief/Greek chorus. Otherwise, her true self really pops up. That true self. A PICK ME. Ooooo Fabulous Ice is sooo fabulous. Ooooo Fabulous Ice is taking my storyline. Ooooo Angie K likes me now. Just ugh. And while I felt for her kids, it was not anything. But you know...keep giving nothing I guess.


    LITTLE GIRL. I LIVE for Monica dragging her at the bar after the trip. Who did she think she was? Shaming someone for being REAL. AUTHENTIC. Girl, go find something to give us. Picking on your husband who left religion and a job for you ain't it. 


    ANGIE K. I hate to say it...but...just as much a Pick Me as Heather. The difference? She's giving something. We see her family. We see her wealth...cuz one dollars bills totalling millions just casually throw at a party? WEALTH. She has a hot husband. She has a culture not looked into. And she's not afraid to be messy. Or shady. She also has storyline. Her rivalry with Meredith. Her friction with her friend Monica (who ate her up). Her storyline with the husband. So she's at least giving SOMETHING. I...might come around given she fumbled her potential last sesason.


    MONICA. ALL THE POTENTIAL!!! I saw online apparently wanted to make a thing about her having that fight with her mother as if they have never fought with a parent. Uhhhh NO. Her mother was clearly gaslighting her at the wrong moment to. The episode before this week's already shown they have a fun, but complicated history. And Monica has continued to be transparent about that. She has also continued to stand up for herself so I loved her dragging Little Girl as well as 'get...your...fingers...out...of...my...face' (so want a gif hehe). And I LIVE for her and Mary. That said...I did notice she kept changing the rumor story on Angie's husband. And that might come back to bite her at the reunion.


    Liking this season, but color me shocked. But like @Cheap21 said, that could be some good story, good drama, and enough Mary to keep me happy.



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