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Posts posted by DRW50

  1. 3 hours ago, Mona Kane Croft said:

    I totally get your point.  To make it worse, Liz's first job at the Cory Complex was as the switchboard operator (not secretary). Which made Liz almost laughable as a complete stereotype -- the nosey meddling old lady working at the switchboard. During this period, Pat Randolph was Mac's secretary. A couple of years later when Pat was promoted to editor, Liz took Pat's old job as Mac's secretary. And weirdly enough, all of this was written by Harding Lemay, who typically prided himself on writing "true to character".  It seemed Lemay wanted to have it both ways with Liz, and wrote whatever he wanted for her. For the most part, Lemay preserved Liz's wealth by having her and Iris become very close friends; by reconnecting Liz with her old wealthy friend, Helen Moore; and by having Liz date Mac briefly.   But on the other hand, there was almost no explanation as to why Liz would accept a job as a switchboard operator.  There were a few vague references to her being board with life, and that a job might help prevent her from meddling in the lives of her nieces and nephew.   And as the years went by, and later head writers diluted Liz's backstory more and more, Liz became rather middle-class, and was used mostly as comic relief.  Audra Lindley played Liz as the Phoebe Tyler of Bay City (minus the drinking problem), but Lemay wrote Liz differently.  And post-Lemay head writers continued that trend, sadly.  

    It's too bad they didn't do more with Liz buying into Nicole's fashion business. 

    (I suppose the strike writers came up with that - unless it was Lemay).

  2. 12 hours ago, LondonScribe said:


    Seeing reports that ostensibly nobody experienced or worth their salt wants the producer’s job at Coronation Street.

    As one put it, nobody wants to be the middle of a ‘MacLeod Sandwich’ as Verify MacLeod is supposedly going to remain in place, while Iain bears down from his new promoted position.

    It's mostly scapegoating. The show has been bad for a long time down to ITV refusing to let anyone make real changes or cut down the episode order.

  3. So many on the left, from dead enders like Brie Brie to the "look at how impartial and truth-telling I am," branch, jump all over moments like these for some in the media daring to talk about the latest violent, incoherent ranting from Trump. I've seen some Trump supporters claiming this is proof that many on the left believe Trump will win and are now operating as if he has won. Sad to say I think they are probably right. 

    (that and many on the left just really like Trump, mortal enemy of the "brunch-eating libs" they see as their mortal enemies, and always have)

  4. A very fun Cecile and Donna scene in this. Carl and Donna too. Anna Stuart really was divine to watch when not weighed down by Michael and sanctimonious writing.

    David Oliver was so lovely.

    1983 through parts of 1984 was a good revival period for the show. I'm sorry it all went aground again.


  5. 4 hours ago, dc11786 said:

    Briefly scanning these videos... I'll do a deeper dive later. The first one appears to start with episode #65 because Patrick Chapin dies at the end of the episode. It appears that in the opening scene at Gallaghers that Alexia Robinson may be appearing as Claudia, one of the students at Haddon Hall who is friendly with Julia. The next episode I think might #66 but its a partial because you have Christina and Taylor arguing with Christina still in her nightgown. 

    The second video looks like it continues into December 1984 complete with Horton family ornaments... err Gallagher family ornaments.

    The third video definitely jumps because you have crazy Nancy, the student in love with Mike who tires to kill Lacey. This was circa episode 130. The funeral for Eddie Gallagher should also be shortly after that. Margot Field (Sondra Currie) pops up and I don't think they brought her in until late April for the kidnapping story. There also might be a brief clip of Christina with Francine York as Taylor from august. Then it ends with the climax of the penultimate episode with Sarah Gallagher confessing to Michelle Davenport she is her mother and Patrick CHapin is her father. 

    It was nice seeing Stacey Anderson and Steve Burkow in the credits. 

    The end of the show looks like it improved immensely over the beginning. 

    Thanks for the extra details on the clips. I've read much more about the show than I've ever seen so this helps whenever I do go through them.

  6. 16 hours ago, Mitch64 said:

    I loved Hold on to Love...I am such a dork when I hear it in that slow version I kinda get..."verklempt" Whatever you say about JFP she knew music and there are some great scenes of Hold being played over a montage...a great one with Hamp on horn playing it...I just think it's GL...hold on to love is not just romantic love but for family or community or whatever. My second is whatever the theme is over the iconic Van/Nola coming down the stairs opening..but I HATED the cheap them and opening they replaced it with. The late 70s theme was so damn depressing!

    I think that's My Guiding Light.

    I have a lot of sentimental memories of Hold On to Love, but I think the first set of opening visuals and song to My Guiding Light is the best GL gets. If only the show had lived up to that theme...


  7. I love that at the start Fran mentions all the Streisand content on The Nanny.

    (Barbra says she'd heard about that but never watched as she didn't want to seem like an egotist - she then asked about seeing some of the material)

  8. 9 hours ago, j swift said:

    I was thinking about GH's use of the WSB vs. the FBI.  I know Anna has been employed by both.  But, was Reece the first person identified with the FBI within the universe of the show?  I assume the switch from Cassadine-like spies to more grounded mobsters necessitated the introduction of a more realistic law enforcement agency. 

    Did they say who Hannah worked with?

  9. This clip with Liza having to fend off Nick was on Youtube many years ago. I reuploaded it and the clip was taken down again, due to the context of the scene maybe. I found it on a disc and reuploaded to Vimeo. I set it to mature on there so if you aren't able to see it let me know.

    Liza clip (1979) (vimeo.com)

    This scene, which Youtube has still kept up, was not long after, presumably.


  10. I was so surprised when I learned she and Crystal were sisters, but I shouldn't have been, as they are very similar. I haven't seen Crystal in anything in years. I hope she's doing well.

    Terry seems to be one of those characters who was forgotten almost immediately after leaving, which is a shame. I don't even know if she was ever mentioned again.

    I remember hearing about how terrible the Laurelton story was - this was, back around the late '90s (more innocent times for GH I suppose), considered one of the show's all-time worst, beyond Lucy's introduction. 

    In spite of this, Bernard did stay around for a good while, which I attribute to how likeable and spirited she seemed to be in what I've seen of her run. 

    After Jackie Zeman passed away, I was hoping they might bring back or at least mention Terry Brock, as she was there through some of the most formative years of what Bobbie became - she was even part of the ceremony when Bobbie married Tony. I wasn't expecting to be reading this about Robyn not even a year later.

    I also had no idea she was in Diva or Betty Blue.


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