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Posts posted by DRW50

  1. 10 hours ago, Vee said:

    Dogging the very storied new writing team on IG is not a good look for future employment in a very small pond.

    I can see why she may have wanted people to know she didn't write the scene where Trina called herself a bitch and apologized to her horrible "friend," but I do wonder if these responses are from an awareness she isn't going to get other work in daytime anyway.

  2. As someone who always wanted more of the Burton/Brown era Jason and Carly, at least until it became clear how virulently Burton disagreed, their current relationship is so bittersweet to try to watch. 

    I saw the scene where Anna was telling Jason about Britt. I can't claim I was a Britt fan (I barely saw her last years on the show anyway) but it was a touch you don't get very often now on soaps. I especially liked Anna politely saying those weren't her experiences with Britt.

    The whole Jason's harem aspect has long been one of the most draining aspects of his tenure. The show doesn't seem to be playing into it yet, which has gotten some backlash from certain fan groups (like Liz/Jason fans), but I'm sure we'll get a lot more soon enough. 

    I was never that into Liz either, but I can see why her fans would be unhappy at her being stuck with Easton or Howarth year in and year out. 

  3. 32 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    When I think of Anne Heche beginning, July 1987. Then how long till Felicia's birthday party? That was Anna's first week back. Felicia had hair extensions. The party was this big deal with a Hall of Mirrors & Derek being the Strong man & Nicole shot Jason Frame. It just kept on being good. Who was writing? 

    That was February through spring or summer 1989. Swajeski had been headwriter for several months.

  4. 12 minutes ago, Sapounopera said:

    I really don't hate 1980-82 that much. That's three writing regimes right? The show is all over the place, but at least it still has glimpses of its old classy self. 

    Donna Swajeski's years don't look that great to time. First of all the era has aged horribly. I don't really care for the characters and the show has become way too generic for my taste. 

    80-82, when I try to watch that era, often seems incredibly dull to me - just lifeless, with an influx of dull new characters or iffy recasts. I can see where Swajeski's is worse, and certainly lacks many of the best of the early '80s, but the overall ensemble, at least up to mid 91 (I haven't watched a lot past that point), helps keep me more entertained, especially the spark plugs like Carmen Duncan, Anna Stuart, or Anne Heche.

  5. As I get older I try very hard to not put bad energy out there when people pass away, unless they are truly the scum of the earth, so I am going to just keep many of my thoughts on Lieberman to myself and say I wish his family grace and strength. 

  6. That's what it is all about, in spite of all the blather from people about hypocrisy over criticizing her hiring, or the importance of being fair and balanced. It's all about access, wanting to still cling to the GOP for dear life those book deals and dinner party invitations. They thought they could get away with anything. 

  7. 37 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    I would hope in 2024 giving writers a shot that are new to the genre and diverse would be paramount. These soaps desperately need diversity on both sides of the camera, especially writing!

    Frank loves kids almost as much as Gloria Monty hated them (or Labine killed them!).

    Based on all the propaganda going out lately about how anyone who is hired at a job is unqualified unless they're white, it's probably worse now than it has been in a long time. I saw earlier today people attacking the mayor of Baltimore as a "DEI mayor." Complete mask off racism. 

  8. 20 minutes ago, Wendy said:

    House District 10 goes blue. In ALABAMA. Clearly, IVF backlash and, you guessed it, women's rights. Thus why I think outlets are prematurely counting Biden/Dems out in 2024. AGAIN.

    Polls don't vote. People DO.

    The response is often that special elections are different because more motivated voters come out and Democrats often won them in years where they ultimately lost in November (like 2004), but this happening in Alabama is a better sign, especially as this was a very red area, apparently.

  9. RFK Jr's running mate:


    I'm already seeing people claim she will pull Democrats (Republicans certainly aren't happy with her, even if they likely share her views on IVF and vaccines). One idiot even claimed she will make California competitive. The polls that show him pulling a huge amount of support from Biden may be on their side, but then there's this, whatever it's worth:


  10. The Atlantic recently had an article about conflicts at Stanford. Some on the left are upset that the piece quoted a teaching assistant on his very extreme views about Biden and are doing their best to make him their martyr. Surprise surprise, this man is an extreme social conservative and misogynist. It's telling how many on the dead end left will happily side with people who hate women and lgbt people for the grand cause - likely because many of them not-so-secretly share these views. 

    This feels even more timely with the same few "don't vote for Biden, he's worse than Trump" Muslim voices in Michigan again and again (yet another New York Times puff piece today).


  11. 23 minutes ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    My issue with this is--what is the payoff? I bet there isn't a long-term payoff any way besides probably setting it up for him to be shot or killed at Xmas. I just this is disrespectful of the memory of Lisa. 

    The payoff is so they can be patted on the back for yet another "issue-based" storyline. 

    It's all lazy, cheap material, poorly developed and utterly predictable - of course as his father was EVIL EVIL EVIL, he must be too.

  12. Absolutely Rose Street is a very...of the era Sega 32X infomercial under the guise of a "hip" teen drama/comedy. The cast is not credited. I was trying to figure out if one of the guys (Max) is Ryan Francis (Georgie's son Trevor on Sisters). Can anyone tell me what they think?


  13. I didn't really mind the gorilla at the end either. They could have made better choices (I still don't know why they didn't have Sam Groom back as Russ instead of a minister) but I thought it was OK. I don't think it besmirched AW.

  14. 1 minute ago, Xanthe said:

    I don't really remember Taylor Halloway but I see according to the AWHP he was Kit and Rick's father and that he had an affair with his sister-in-law Miranda. Was there much of a storyline about this affair or was he just background for his children? 

    I don't remember a lot of him - I mainly remember him being involved in Kit's dramas. The whole family was dull. The only one who was interesting to me was Amy - her relationship with Jerry, her bitching sessions with Cecile about Pat, etc.

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