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Posts posted by DRW50

  1. 4 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Keep in mind the times. In the 50's and 60's  soaps pushed the narrative that womens' fulfillment came through marriage and children. That was their domain and major concern. So the wellbeing of their children was paramount. Husbands seemed to have a lesser say but older male figures either folksy types like Pa Hughes and Papa Bauer or successful worldly types like Judge Lowell were to be revered.

     Women like Edith Hughes, Claire Cassen and Meta Bauer were less stable and cause for concern.

    Although they often had way more interesting lives than the 'heroines'.

    It gave women at home some vicarious pleasure to see women with agency(hate that term) but the overall  lesson was that true fulfillment came from being a wife and mother.

    There are so many interesting dynamics I wish we could see with the Hughes family in the '50s which seem to upend some of the usual tropes, like Nancy's bitterness toward Penny because of Susan's death, or how Grandpa sacrificing to make sure Chris got the education had a negative impact on his siblings which seemed to carry through the rest of their lives. The dynamics with Grandpa, who seems so calm and even-keeled, and Nancy or the family at large also interest me.

  2. 17 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Are we sure that Jill had something to do with the promo?

    Judging by the actors that were in it, this looks like it came out when Chris Goutman was the EP. 

    I was joking because JFP would not stop having men playing pick up basketball games in "men only" episodes of her soaps in these years (AW, GL).

  3. 7 hours ago, I Am A Swede said:

    Emmerdale star Danny Miller addresses negative reaction to Aaron storyline

    What has there been to enjoy??

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    (Not that I ever enjoy Aaron, but that's another story).

    He's been rude, obnoxious and generally a bastard, and if Danny Miller thought that people would enjoy that then he's out of touch with reality. I wonder if he thought that just by showing up he'd be popular again?   🤔

    I can see where he might have thought fans would understand Aaron wasn't in his right mind and would give him a chance, but Aaron has always been a divisive character and Miller's peak of popularity was well over a decade ago. His initial return was horribly written. I do feel bad for him in that some people were fat-shaming him, which is why he left Twitter, but fans who are just sick of Aaron as a character have plenty of grounds to feel that way. 

  4. @AbcNbc247 @Vee Thanks for that promo. It's as funny as ever. I'd forgotten how funny. The actors awkwardly trying to give a sexy closeup to the camera, David Andrew Macdonald vibing, Eric Morgan Stuart trying to rock the one-shoulder overall look that never really works, the pick-up basketball game that must have made JFP weep with pride, etc.

    I had forgotten Steve Richard Harris was still there. A very pretty man but never a lot else going on in the acting department...but he is still working, so what do I know?

  5. 16 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I always assumed it was the issue of not finding the right Dawn more than Decker.  Not that I think Decker is super special, but it was more like this is more effort than we thought lol.   Let's just drop it.

    I had assumed the last Dawn was popular with fans, although someone left a comment on that promo saying the character never worked after the first Dawn was fired, so I don't know.

  6. 2 hours ago, j swift said:

    At the risk of once again being in the minority, I liked David Canary as a Steve re-cast.  He was blustery like Reinholt, but there was also a vulnerability that made his appeal to Alice more relatable.  I also thought the idea of Steve's re-entry was creative, because there was so much talk about his company Blackhawk before his arrival. 

    But, the recast Alice, and the poor excuse for his return from the dead ultimately doomed the character.  Along with the fact, that they may have underestimated the appeal of Rachel and Mac as an "endgame" couple. 

    That and Steve and Rachel were never seen as a supercouple by fans. The idea of him thinking he's still in love with Alice but being drawn to Rachel is compelling, but that wasn't really their history. I know Lemay said he played with a Steve/Rachel attraction more, and you could say Steve had some desire or fondness for Rachel, but she wasn't the woman who had been treated as his soulmate.

    4 hours ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    You can count me as one of "those people" who loved this & hated ER/NYPD BLUE! 

    I do get that the opening was badly out of date by 1996, similar to the tour of Llanview opening in 1992. I will give JFP credit for actually using the cast in her opening, unlike that soft porn muzak opening Gottlieb brought to OLTL. However, I think the style of that opening has ended up seeming much more dated in the long run than the 87-96 version, which isn't really that far off from something of today with Instagram filters or other little tricks.

  7. 1 hour ago, Vee said:

    I've never seen that promo. Top quality work from them as always.

    IIRC the talented Sarah Phelps wrote those scenes though I may be wrong. Den's return had such promise early on, it's a shame it got torpedoed mostly by outside factors IMO. I still miss him and think fondly of that story.

    Sarah Phelps did write a ton of that storyline.

  8. He was a monster, no matter how much the press, and many Democrats, will praise him for his decorum.

    4 hours ago, marceline said:

    This Michigan "uncommitted" nonsense was just the "red tsunami" all over again. Social media and cable news gas each other up with horserace narratives fed by garbage polls & sellouts willing to say anything to appear on TV. Then people actually vote and it all falls apart.

    Journalism is broken and frankly I'm glad to see all the media layoffs. I just wish it would convince the press to change

    I do think it's a worry, as the campaigns against Biden are so active and fruitful, but the goals they hyped up did not get the result they expected. It still doesn't bode well for winning Michigan in November, but this campaign is just a smokescreen for many of the real reasons - among them, extreme social conservatism and bigotry.

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