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Episode 84

Lucinda tells Noah that his first attempt to unmask Sherry should be to take her on a "date". Luke overhears the idea and accuses Lucinda of interfering in his relationship. Faith has a nightmare about Andrew and turns to Holden. Lily's hurt by her daughter's words. Iris and Gwen share dinner and Gwen confides that she never thought there'd be a day when Iris would finally be a mother. A teary eyed Iris thanks Gwen for believing in her as she fights her past demons. Michael tells Lyla that he qu



Episode#250: Twist of Fate

*ALSO: This episode is devoted to ML Cooks, in honor of the six month anniversery of when he joined the writing staff of "Life in Salem". LIS thanks ML for all the wonderful service he has, is, and will be doing for the show* Downtown Salem 5th Circuit Court Abe, Lexie, Peter, Maggie, Celeste and Mr. Ji Min Kim all await anxiously to hear Judge Fitzpatrick’s decision “In the matter of custody of The Carver, I hereby grant sole custody to Alexandra Brooks.” Abe and Maggie are absolutely as



Episode 56

Interesting evening in Springfield...... Beacon: Reva is in her room. Jeffrey walks in. He's been out of town, "Hi, how've you been?" She sits, "Jeffrey, we need to talk." Jeffrey puts his stuff down, "Okay, what about?" "Us. You. Marah." "Reva there is..." She calmly stops him, "Yes there is. Jeffrey I have had so much fun with you. You are the first guy who hasn't hurt me. And I don't want to hurt you." Jeffrey takes a deep breathe. Park: Olivia is on a walk and runs into Ava and Bil



Elseworld - Chapter Four

As the sun has set, a mournful nation is in shock and heartbroken over the assassination of their president. Lawrence’s body has been flown back to Washington D.C., and as the plane lands at the airport.......a distraught Forrest walks over to the staircase as Jennifer is being helped down. Their eyes lock.........and, once at the bottom of the staircase, she falls into Forrest’s arms and sobs deeply, only mustering the strength to say...... Jennifer: I’m so sorry. Forrest holds on to her,




LIFE IN SALEM TO LAUNCH SPIN-OFF/MINISERIES THIS SUMMER! As LIS enters an intense May Sweeps, a huge announcement breaks! It can now be revealed that Life in Salem, which has been rather quiet lately, will soon split off into a spinoff/mini-series this summer! It will follow several characters already on LIS(who leave the original soap for the spinoff), and also some characters from Salem's past. It shall be used to tell a story too huge to tell on LIS, and to help trim down the bloated cast.




SOMERSET EPISODE 44 Originally aired: September 13, 2007 Written by: Steve Ungrey SCENE ONE FADE IN -- Giovanni’s Twilight has fallen on Somerset as Donna and Nick enter Giovanni’s. Giovanni and Rose aren’t out by the bar, prompting Nick to look around. NICK So what do you think? DONNA (Looks around) Nice. I like it. Reminds me of a trattoria that was just around the corner from my apartment. Clarke and I… (gets sheepish look on her face) NICK You can mention his name in f



Episode 55

Surprising Afternoon in Springfield..... Harley's House: Shayne and Rocky fall onto the couch kissing. Rocky hears footsteps. Suddenly they are shaken by the word, "SURPRISE!!" Their family and friends all stare in shock. Reva drops the cake. The two stand up and try and get dressed. Cross Creek: Bill comes home, "Ava?" Ava comes running, "Hi! How was your day?" "It was good." They kiss. Ava smiles, "Guess what?" Bill gets nervous, "What?" "I have a surprise for you!" He sees the packe



Episode#249: DiMera Dreams

In the underground bunker that hides below the Dimera Mansion Lexie gives a worried look to her newly revived father “The return of the Dimera’s? Father what are you talking about?” Elvis “My god, how on earth you get your medical degree is beyond me.” Stefano “Alexandra darling, it’s time this family takes it’s rightful place in Salem. All of my children are here. And now it’s time for us to take over Salem.” Lexie “I am trying to get my son back. I don’t want any part of this.”



Elseworld Promo

Next Time...........The Final Chapters......... Roman And Orpheus Play A Deadly Game Of Chess........ Enemies Will Do Battle......... Marlena And Kristen Race Down A Stretch Of Mountain Highway........ Life-Altering Changes Will Take Place....... A Surprise Return.........A Shocking Revelation.......And, Lines Drawn In The Sand...... And Lives Will Be Changed........ Forever. It's All Next Time...........In The Final THREE Episodes Of Salem Lives: Elseworld.



Episode 307 - Fallout and Questions

PC – Episode 307 Thursday, May 15, 2008 Written by: Tishy Smith and Ryan Chandler <HR> Emily opened her briefcase and took it out. Thomas reached for it and started to flip the pages, glancing through it. When their drinks arrived, he took a sip and leaned back nonchalantly in his chair. “Tell me Ms. Quartermaine, you just joined ELQ, is that correct?” “A few months ago Thomas. And please, call me Emily. It’s the family business and I felt that it was time I joined.” Emily replied,



Episode 83

Luke urges Noah to re-think his decision about going behind the scenes at Worldwide. At work, Noah learns that the mole has leaked information again. A furious Lucinda tells him to make a choice now. At a loss for words, Noah agrees to help Lucinda unmask the identity of the traitor at Worldwide. Meanwhile, Lily assures Luke that Lucinda knows how much he and Noah love one another. She would never jeopardize that just to save her company, but Luke has his doubts. Will checks on Barbara at the



Elseworld - Chapter Three

A new day has dawned, and President Alamain is in a hurry. The vice president and S.O.S. briefs him on his way to Air Force One on the plans he approved, and he tells them both to make sure that Governor Carver and Commissioner DiMera are briefed in full......he’s sick of the Bradys and what they are doing to the people of Salem. Jennifer looks out of the doorway of the helicopter, telling Lawrence to get a move on if they want to make it to Dallas on time. Lawrence shakes Forrest and Jack’s



Episode 82

Noah comes home from work and learns from Luke about his encounter with Carrie. Luke lets on like Carrie told him everything, but Noah doesn't buy it and plays it off as though he helped Carrie cheat on an important exam. Noah tells Luke that Lucinda has asked him to get close to a female coworker in hopes of unmaking her as the mole at Worldwide and Luke is very displeased with his grandmother's idea. Luke bursts through the doors of the mansion and tells Lucinda that her plan to unmask the mol



Elseworld - Chapter Two

Marlena ask Orpheus if he is ok. He says yes, but tells her he misses her and the children deeply. She can’t believe that Roman would have him charged with attempted murder. Orpheus tells her and Stefano that he didn’t know Kimberly Horton was near that warehouse when it exploded. He ask how she’s doing, and Stefano says that Tom Horton is taking good care of her. Marlena is glad, saying that even though he’s retired, he’s always been a wonderful doctor. Stefano also tells Orpheus that Alice



Episode 81

Lucinda, the search team captain, Holden, and Lily arrive home to flashing red and blue lights and policemen everywhere. Lily rushes into the house frantically while Holden learns from a cop that an intruder came into the house and Aaron bopped him over the head, knocking him out cold. After a tearful reunion and making sure that everyone's alright, Lily and Holden are shocked to learn that Andrew was the intruder and are happy to learn he's being extradited to Barbados. Aaron takes his leave, s



Elseworld: Chapter One

Salem, Illinois. Roman walks into the living room and picks up the morning paper. He looks at it and smiles, and continues to drink his coffee. The door opens and someone walks in. The person stops for a moment, stares at Roman, walks over to him and slaps him hard across his face. Roman recoils, rubbing his jaw........ As Marlena stands in front of him demanding to know...... Marlena: Why did you do that......you sick bastard?! Roman: Because I can, Marlena. Next time, tell your husb



Thank Yous

I just wanted to say, before I post this......... Thank you to some special people. To AML Production. You took a principaled stand, and you did it out of respect and kindness for me. I don't know if I ever told you, but I will always be very grateful for that one act of yours. You are good, good people. To Tishy. You never stopped believing in me. You kept telling me that I could do this, and you stuck by myside the whole time. You are a truly splendid lady, and I thank you. To Da



Episodes 76-80

Rosanna tells Carly of her plans to stay in town, and remembers seeing Carrie somewhere before. Carly shares this information with Carrie, who doesn't have the slightest clue where she might know Rosanna from. Later, Carrie has a dream of a baby crying. Luke comes into close quarters with Carrie on the Lakeview elevator, which gets jammed. Margo agrees to find out information on Carrie for Jack, but begs him to give up this jealous hunt for information that might somehow lead him back into Ca



Episode 54

It's a day full of surprises in Springfield..... Harley's House: Harley is with Dylan. Dylan is confused, "So Harley what is this about?" She is getting things ready, "I just think Susan needs some help from her family. So I invited everyone over." "Everyone?" She nods, "Yes my family and yours. She really needs us Dylan. It'll be sort of a surprise party." Dylan laughs, "Harley. A party?" She turns to him, "Dylan, our daughter needs this." Little do they know that Susan is listening in on



The Beginning.......

Come back to a Salem that many of you have grown up on. Only this time.......things are alittle.......... Different. See the people that you know act and react.........fall in love.........and deal with the many obsticals that confront them. But also..........witness a world where things are the same, yet........ Changed. And, this Monday.........witness the beginning........ Of Salem Lives: Elseworld. Right here............on SON.



Episode 306: Repercussions

PC – Episode 306 Saturday, May 10, 2008 Written by: Tishy Smith, Ryan Chandler & Jennifer Snyder <HR> The elevator sounds at General Hospital as Nikolas Cassadine steps to head to a board meeting. He looks around the nurses’ station and sees the young nurses laughing as if they haven’t a care in the world. Elizabeth sees Nikolas and goes over to speak to him. “Nikolas hi. I’ve been meaning to come by and visit you, but you know how Carly feels about me.” Nikolas’ attention is else




This Monday.........be witness to another universe. Elseworld begins.



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