Episode#363: Wedding Day Part 2
-Vivian and Victor both greet Tony, and Tony asks how they've been....Victor and Vivian both say they've been fine, though Vivian then tells Tony about Valentine being Andre's husband...and Tony is STUNNED and asks how that can be as Valentine approaches and says:
Valentine:Did someone call my name?!
-Lucas and Eugenia both seperately get ready for the wedding....Eugenia is with Lexie, Laura, Belle, Cassie, and various others as she puts on her dress, and
Episode#362: Wedding Day Part 1
-Its several days after Nicole decided to go back to Salem....and also the day of Lucas and Eugenia's wedding!
-At St.Luke's Church, which is fully repaired after Elvis nearly blowing it up with a bomb last December, many are there for Lucas and Eugenia's wedding...as Eugenia prepares to get ready with Lexie and others at her side, Lucas gets ready with Will and others as some stand out in the main Church area....Dorian arrives as she thinks about how this m
Episode#361: Back to Salem
-Maggie says that she doesn't necessarily think that...it just seems odd. Faye tells Maggie that while she may seem like that type....she's not, she really isn't...Maggie sighs and apologizes, saying that she just had to put up with Bonnie Lockhart several years back trying to steal Mickey from her, then they had problems with Lexie when she first grew close to Abe...she just doesn't want another woman coming between her and the man she loves!
-Jan tells Josh tha
This week, on LIS......the biggest week in months has arrived.........
"Someone finally is able to prove their innocence to the world...."
*clip of Sami, Carrie, Brandon, Travis, and Nicole all at the place where Sami is staying*
Sami:At long last...everyone will KNOW I didn't kill my mom!
"And a wedding finally arrives....."
*clip of Eugenia and Lexie outside St.Luke's*
Eugenia:I wish Blake could be here today, but I know he's watching from Heaven and is probably happy for me.
Episode#360: Nicole's Decision
-Jan continues to think to herself about how she WILL escape this Secret Room by the time that wedding takes place.....she's not going to let Greta or Eugenia win...
-Faye knocks on the door of Maggie's house, and thinks about how great its been speaking to Abe more lately...Maggie answers it and Faye asks if Abe is inside...Maggie says he is, but she wants to know something first....she tells Faye she wants to know why she's constantly hanging around Abe all
Lines are crossed in Springfield..... Farmhouse: Police are all over the property. Liz and Jonathan are in the living room. Their parents are present. Remy walks over, "We have people out searching for Aubrey. We are looking all over Springfield." Beth is confused, "I don't understand. The woman is pregnant, she can give birth at any time. Why are you having such a difficult time finding her in her condition?" Remy sighs, "Well our guess is that once she got out of here she found a place
Secrets unravel in Springfield.... Motel: Ava walks inside with Emma and HB. She sits the baby down, "Now this isn't our home. This is temporary. I have someone who is getting us a big house on an island. This place is only a little place to get ready for our trip." Emma looks around, "Where are we going?" Ava smiles, "It's going to be a big surprise sweetheart." Emma sits on the bed, "Ava I think that if you told Mom and Dad you were sorry that they would forgive you." Ava shakes her head,
The past catches up with them in Springfield... Bauer Home: Michelle is in her kitchen cooking. Her children are out with Rick. Michelle has been torn up inside about having to break up with Bill but she knows she had to do it. Michelle talks to herself, "You did the right thing Michelle. You did the right thing for everyone." There is a knock at the door. A part of her hopes that it is Bill but she knows it's not the case. She opens the door, "Hello?" Two thugs grab her, "Come with us lady
Episode#359: Sami Loses Her Patience
-Down in the Secret Room, Greta is there, as Jan eats and gives Josh his formula...Greta says that in just a matter of days, Lucas and Eugenia will be getting married....Jan laughs and says to not be so sure...anything can happen. Greta snorts and tells her she's dreaming if she thinks she's getting out of here before the wedding....Jan tells Greta that she doesn't mean anything like that....she's sure Lucas is going to remember his love for her and back o
There is something to be afraid of in Springfield... Cross Creek: Bill just put HB down for a nap. A knock at the door. Bill sees Olivia, "What do you want now?" She sighs, "We need to talk Bill." Bill shakes his head, "I don't think so." She looks at him, "Please." He lets her in, "So let me guess. I'm a horrible person for falling in love with Michelle and allowing her to be a good mother figure to my son. Because I don't want to hear it." She shakes her head, "That's not why I'm here. Bi
Episode#358: Dorian's Information
-Bo is at his house with Pamela and Addie, playing and spending time with his beloved daughters....however suddenly, there is a knock at the door...he opens it to see Ji'Min...who serves him with divorce papers!
-Lucas and Eugenia continue to have a romantic time together, but the doorbell rings...Lucas answers it to see Belle! He happily greets her and she says she came to congratulate them on their marriage...they both thank her, and she then asks Lucas
Episode#357: Searching the Hotel
-Kristen yells "WHAT??!?!" and Vivian tells her she couldn't believe it either...but its true! Valentine steps out of the limosine and greets everyone, calling them all her family...she tells them they are going to have so much FUN living together!
-Lucas and Eugenia are spending time together at the Spears Mansion, kissing and being romantic....Lucas tells her that in a matter of days....they'll be married!
-Benard leaves the hotel, and Crystal decides
All the Days of Our Lives
Hope, Marleana and Sami are in the bridal room of St. Luke’s.
Sami: Well, that was unexpected.
Marleana: Imagine what’s going through Carrie’s head.
Hope: And Kate’s.
Marleana looks at her phone, and sees that she has a bunch of missed calls from the hospital.
Marleana: Oh my God.
Sami looks at her phone, and sees the same thing too.
Sami: I have so many missed calls from the hospital.
Marleana: Me too.
Episode#356: Tony and Kate Talk
-At the Horton House, Alexis is seen knocking on the door...she thinks to herself that she knows Jeremy may still hate her, but she has to talk to him about Robin accusing Laura of trying to kill her....Jeremy answers it, and asks Alexis what she wants!
-Mike asks Dr.Stansville what she means....and Dr.Stansville says no offense to him, because she's worked with him for awhile and knows he's been the COS for over a year, and is one of the best doctors in tow
All the Days of Our Lives
Brady, Carrie, Father Matt, Sami, Stephanie, Shawn, and Philip are at the altar of the church.
Father Matt: Brady, you may now kiss your bride.
Brady leans in to kiss her, as the church doors open. Everybody looks back, and gasps go through the crowd. Everyone looks shocked. Austin Reed is standing at the front of the church.
Carrie: What? What’s-
She almost faints, and Brady holds her.
Kate: Austin?
Victor: What on earth is
Okay guys, as nervous as I am to do it, it's time. I have decided to bring back "Return to Santa Barbara" and finish what I started nearly 4 years ago. I know it's been a while and the interest may not still be there, but I'm gonna go for it anyway. For the next couple weeks, I'm going to re-read the blog from beginning to end to help refresh my memory about where I was in the storylines. I still have the same ideas in my head of how I want things to play out but I need to see how far I've g
Austin Peck Returns!
Austin Peck returned to All the Days of Our Lives on Friday, when his character interrupted Brady and Carrie's wedding! But he is not returning as Austin, but a character connected to Austin! He has a 1 year contract!
Episode#355: Nicole Tells Brandon About the Secret Room
-Jan is down in the Secret Room....she tells baby Josh that daddy's wedding is approaching all too fast, but tells him to not worry because she's already got a good plan to get out of this room in time to stop it!
-Robin's monitor starts buzzing, and Mike calls for nurses and a crash cart...and soon they rush in there, and he says Robin got too worked up, she MAY have had an anxiety attack or gone into cardiac arrest or something....h
Episode#354: Brandon Talks to Nicole
-Its several days later in Salem and the world!
-Eugenia walks into the hospital, where she goes to Lexie's office...she knocks on the door and Lexie says to come in, and Eugenia greets Lexie...she asks Lexie how she's been, and Lexie says she's been fine...Eugenia asks if she remembers her....Lexie says she does, she worked with her for a time and she was involved in the crazy fiasco of Theo's paternity....Eugenia tells her that she is engaged to Lucas
Episode#353:Nicole's Resistance
-Will and Destiny are walking through Salem Place, Will saying he can't believe his dad asked him to be his best man...Destiny tells him he should be honored, and Will says he is...he's just been to enough weddings to last him a lifetime, and with this sudden engagement between his dad and Eugenia, its all sorta weird...suddenly they bump into Crystal, who begins telling them about how the custody hearing is beginning soon...and Arianna will be HERS! She taunts
Episode#352: Returning to Salem
-Greta enters the Secret Room, where Jan is cradling Josh...Jan looks up and asks Greta what she wants, and Greta tells her that she brought her and her new son a little update on Jan's ex-fiancee...Jan snaps that he still IS her fiancee...but Greta simply ignores her and pulls out a tape recorder...and plays the entire conversation between Lucas and Will!
-Kristen pulls away from Megan and asks what the HELL she's doing, but Megan keeps the knife to her nec
All the Days of Our Lives
Shawn Sr. and Carrie are in the vestibule of St. Luke’s.
Shawn: Are you ready?
Carrie: Yes.
She kisses him on the cheek. She puts her arm around his, and the music comes on. Everyone gets up. They start walking down the aisle.
Brady: She is so beautiful.
They get to the altar, and Shawn kisses Carrie on the cheek. Carrie and Brady join hands.
Father Matt: We are gathered here today to join this lovely couple in holy matr
All the Days of Our Lives
Anna is in the bridal room of St. Luke’s. Carrie comes with her wedding dress on.
Anna: Oh my God. Honey, you look great!
Carrie: Are you sure, mom?
Anna: Of course! You are so beautiful!
Carrie: I’m a little nervous, so it might be a little hard for you not to get irritated with me today.
Anna: Oh, relax! You are marrying the man of your dreams.
Carrie: I just wish dad was here.
Anna: I know, sweetie.
Anna h