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An ATWT Fan Fiction by Actor87 & P.J.

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Episode 218

At Donovan's, everyone seems to be clearing out when Aaron comes in. Alison remarks how he's late for his shift, but Aaron wants to know why she let Jade suck her into her scheme. Alison sighs that she did it more for Luke than anyone. Aaron is baffled as to why his brother would want anything to do with someone like Jade. Across town, Luke appeals to Jade and suggests they fake that she has the diamond. Once the Taylors hear of it, no doubt, they'll come sprinting to town, he scoffs. Jade is re



Episode 217

Kevin approaches Luke and reveals what he heard Colin saying to the Taylors about a diamond. Once they question Jade about it, they realize she has no clue. Suddenly, Luke remembers something and tracks down Lily, who's in Old Town shopping with the girls. A cold shiver runs down her spine when she realizes that the diamond in question is the very same diamond that she, Rose, and Simon fought over all those years ago. When Luke returns to tell Jade, she's stunned and realizes that the Taylors on



Episode 216

After Colin has retreated, Jade thanks her cousin for looking out for her. Outside, Colin agrily tells the Taylors that he's done; he can't find the diamond anywhere and he gives up. Lurking in the shadows, Kevin hears everything. Meanwhile, Luke tells Lily everything and she's horrified to learn Colin was hoping to get close to Jade for money. Later, Aaron comes by and Lily accidentally spills that Holden saw Alison with another man the other night. Lucinda waltzes into Donovan's and Dusty r



Episode 215

After failing at convincing Alison to give one last go with Colin, Luke and Jade decide to confront him on their own. Colin finally admits his ties to the Taylors, but assures Jade that it's nothing personal. Jade is shocked when Luke punches Colin cold and knocks him to the ground. Alison meets up with Aaron at Donovan's for work and is surprised to find Gwen working there. The two old friends catch up and Gwen confides that she sees Will as a threat to Hallie. Alison doesn't think it sound



Episode 214

Upon returning from Chicago, Carly decides to spend what's left of the day with the kids at the farm. There, Carly runs into Jack, who asks her if she gave any thought to their situation. Carly bets around the bush and smiles that she'll let him know. Later, Rosanna confronts Carly aboout her weak hopes for Cabot's safe return. Carly replies that this whole Caot search started with James; what's to say he's not just playing mind games again? Unable to accept Carly's opinion, Rosanna changes the



Episode 213

While boarding the plane the next day, Katie walks up to Carly and again apologizes for the incident the other night. Carly reluctant mumbles her acceptance and sits down. Moments later, Katie recalls that she was having a martini and shrimp at the time that Carly bumped into her. Two tell-tale signs that she's not pregnant. Realizing that she needs to make sure Brad never finds out, Katie asks Carly to keep the run-in incident to herself. Intrigued, Carly nods, and later, wonders why Katie aske



Episode 212

Carrie runs into Paul while shopping. He trades a few insults with her before Carrie finally asks why he hates her so much. Paul snickers that he knows people like her think they can just rush in and expect to get the royal treatment, especially from someone as wealthy as Barbara Ryan..."but I can see right through you," he grunts. Later, Carrie and Noah go for dinner at Al's. Barbara spots the two and eventually gives them her blessing. However, while Noah is away, Barbara warns Carrie. If Noah



Episode 211

After Aaron decides to go spend the day at the farm with a sick Ethan, Alison decides to report back to Luke and Jade what happened with Colin. Jade's in shock, but Luke's curious as to why Colin thinks of him as being the key to getting to Jade. Alison hypothesizes that maybe it's because the two cousins are so close. Later, Noah runs into Luke and the two make small talk. After Noah walks away, Luke confides in Jade that he thinks he might still have feelings for his ex. Lisa meets with Dus



Episode 210

Dusty goes to the Lakeview in search of Lisa, but runs into Emily instead. Emily starts bombarding him with wedding questions. Putting her off for the minute, Dusty calls Lisa's attention from afar and runs to invite her to dinner with himself to discuss possible partnership in Donovan's. Lisa agrees and after eavesdropping, Emily takes it upon herself to tag along on the dinner date. As Katie packs for her business trip, she tells Lyla that she hopes being away from Brad will give her a chan



Episode 209

Carly's upset with Jack that he went to Lily for advice on them. Protesting, he lectures how he doesn't know what to do anymore. Carly later speaks with Lily, who tells her that she's becoming more like the judgmental Jack that she always loathed. Carly sighs that she can't even tell what she wants anymore. Lily suggests that the straw that broke the camel's back with Jack was him marrying Katie. Carly laughs it off. Back at work, Kim tells Carly of a job conference in Chicago and she jumps at t



Episodes 204-208

Barbara can't believe Carrie is Darryl's daughter. Paul accuses Carrie of playing on Barbara's grief. Looking for proof, Barbara has Bob run Carrie's DNA sample against a hair out of Jennifer's old hairbrush that Barbara had kept in a keepsake box. Sure enough, the tests came back that Jennifer and Carrie are half-siblings. Troubled by all of this, Paul seeks guidance from his ghostly father, who urges him to do whatever it takes to keep his mother safe. Later, Barbara reveals her plans to have



Episodes 201-203

Gwen frets to Iris how uncomfortable it makes her feel to have Will so close, especially when she moved in with her mother to stay away from him. Carly stops by to ask Gwen to watch the kids while she goes out of town for a day on business. After some intense interrogation, Carly finally gives in and reveals that she's actually going to Montana so she can get her head right. Gwen rolls her eyes and sarcastically giggles that Carly can't seriously be running away again. That's what got her in thi



Episode 200

We made it to 200, guys! ------------------------------------- Through a visit with Lily, Carly discovers that Carrie is now living with Noah in Lucinda's guesthouse. The two ladies discuss the fact that Carrie's past remains a mystery to pretty much everyone in Oakdale. Whatever the case, James must have been holding something pretty big over her head for her to work for him, they conclude. Lily changes the subject to Jack and Carly, and Carly reveals that she thinks Jack might want to m



Episode 199

Margo is still feeling guilty for lying to Tom when he appears downstairs headed to work. When Lyla comes by, Margo berates her mother for keeping Brad in the dark about everything. Lyla can tell something is bothering her oldest daughter, but Margo argues everything is just fine. She knows that if Lyla ever finds out that she lied to Tom about Casey, her mother and her husband will both hang her out to dry. Lily catches Lucinda over at Worldwide and confonts her mother about all the whisperi



Episode 198

Margo makes a visit to Lyla and scolds her mother for lying just to keep Katie from leaving town. Lyla groans that she knows it wasn't right, but after losing Craig and almost losing Casey a few weeks ago, she doesn't think she can handle another loss. As tiresome as Katie is, she chuckles, she needs to keep Katie close to keep a watchful eye on her. Margo protests that now with all the lies surrounding both of them, Katie's going to need a life preserver to keep her from drowning in them. Later



Episode 197

Casey thanks Aaron for standing up for him at Yo's. Aaron shrugs that it was no big deal. He used to deal with scumbags like that when he first came to town and he hates to see them push around anyone else. Later, Alison thanks Aaron herself with a steamy roll in the sack. Meanwhile, across town, Susan's delighted to get a call from Michael, who insists that he'd very much like to pick up where they left off when he returns to town. Carrie thanks Noah for a wonderful time and goes inside to f



Episode 196

Alison's shocked when Aaron points out that he knows his jealousy nearly ended their relationship and he wants to make it right by hanging out with Alison and Casey more. Maybe more time together will help him see the good friend that Alison sees in Casey, he proposes. Alison tells him of a mixer at Yo's tonight and asks him if he wants to go with her and Casey. Later, Casey almost backs out when he learns Aaron's tagging along, but eventually gives in. At Yo's, a douchebag college student keeps



Episode 195

Holden, Jack, and Lily meet with Dusty, who lies and tells them that Clark's past came up clean. Lily begs Jack and Holden to let this go. Later, Holden runs into Clark and is surprised to learn that he's moving to Oakdale to be closer to Emma. Once Lucinda learns of the development from Holden, though, she doesn't like the idea very much. Across town, Clark arrives at the Snyder farm and gets acquainted with Luke. Clark notices something familiar about Luke and chuckles that he looks just like



Episode 194

After Jack escorts Will home, Carly calls by and warns Gwen that her husband has been looking for her. Gwen doesn't know what to do with Will anymore and fears for her safety and for Hallie's. Carly maternally scolds her sister for thinking such a thing; Will would never even think about harming Gwen or the baby. When Jack returns, Carly thanks him for all his effort in making her family at peace again and rewards him with a kiss on the cheek. Later, Jack confides in Holden that he keeps getting



Episode 193

Kim receives an urgent page from Chris to come to the house. Upon arrival, she discovers that she's been set up. The dinner table is set, Chris and Nancy have cooked Kim's favorite, and Bob is sitting at the table. Although reluctant, Kim finally sits down to the table to eat. Chris and Nancy take their cue and exit. Bob comments how nice the meal is and Kim's doubtful that Bob didn't know. Bob argues that he got the same urgent page from Chris and Kim seems satisifed with his defense. The two b



Episode 192

Thursday Susan approaches Bob at work to discuss an elderly patient about to forego a risky surgery. Chris interrupts the two and asks to speak with Bob. Jumping to conclusions, Bob blasts his son for being like his mother and thinking there's something more to him and Susan than just friendship. Chris denies he was thinking anything like that. A pause in the conversation amplifies the conversation between two nurses in the hall, commenting that they thought Dr. Chris Hughes was in jail for t



Episode 191

Wednesday Margo exits the police station in just enough time to run into Casey. He suggests they go get a bite to eat and Margo agrees. At Al's, Casey tells his mom that she really didn't have to cover for him like she did. Margo realizes that what she did was wrong, especially since she's the chief of detectives, but wants Casey to stay out of jail. She knows he only did what he did because of his rage towards Aaron, but asks her son to find her and talk to her if something happens again. Th



Episode 190

Tuesday The next morning, Brad still can't believe that Katie is pregnant. Katie seems shaken about lying to Brad in order to hault their plans to leave Oakdale and doesn't say much. When Lyla emerges from the bedroom, Brad urges Katie to break the news to her. Katie decides against it. She claims it would only devastate her mother even more if she knew that she was inheriting a grandchild, especially since she recently found out her cancer has returned. Brad's in shock at the news, recalling



Episode 189

Monday After a long night at the police station answering questions, Noah and Carrie return to Carrie's section of Barbara's penthouse. There, Carrie finally reveals to Noah that she is the daughter of Darryl Crawford and hence, Jennifer's half-sister. Noah urges her to tell Barbara, but Carrie refuses and starts to tear up. Unable to find any other way to console her, Noah gives her a gentle kiss on the lips. Carrie inwardly recalls making a deal with James, but he never had the chance to fu



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