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A Days fanfic that has love, mystery, and adventure.

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Famed Soap Star IN! NEW OPENING DEBUTS! Constance Towers BACK!

KIMBERLIN BROWN JOINS LIS! CONSTANCE TOWERS RETURNS! MIRANDA WILSON OUT! NEW LIS OPENING DEBUTS! As the huge event for LIS, the "Secret Storm", continues huge changes hit Life in Salem! In yesterday's episode, a NEW OPENING debuted! LIS has always used the regular "Days of Our Lives" opening until this, but LIS has always wanted its very own custom opening! "I give all the credits to ML," Tara Smith says "I tried to make an opening once but was unsuccessful, and he has even been working on th



Episode#232: Trapped!

Written by: Tara Episode#232: Trapped! -Belle and Nicholas continue to drive through a snowy Salem in Nicholas’s escalade, and Belle comments that the snow just keeps getting more and more intense. Nicholas says yeah, and with how its coming down now he’s not even sure if they can keep going. After a little more driving as he examines the roads, he groans and says they’ll have to pull over. -In the elevator at Spears Industries, Lucas sighs and says there’s nothing he can do. Jan yells



Episode#231: The Secret Storm BEGINS!

Written by: Tara Episode#231: The Secret Storm BEGINS! -Jan is at her family’s business company, Spears Inc.’s main building that is in the middle of Salem. The company is a fashion company like Titan and Alamain, and a popular one but not as popular as Titan or Alamain. Jan is signing some papers, and suddenly there is a knock on her office door and she says “Come in.” and Lucas opens the door. Jan smiles and asks him what he’s doing here, and Lucas says that the weather is getting pretty




Pasedena resident hits Salem!!!! In the most recent episode of "Life in Salem", a mysterious character "Suga" has showed up as the "Secret Storm" storyline begins and she befriends Hope, and she also seems to be in the possession of drugs! However this is no simple new character: Suga has been on another soap, that being Co-Executive Producer/Head Writer of LIS ML Cook's original soap opera: S.T.E.A.M. The character, played my Missy Elliot, is a drug-dealer and is a criminal. Back in Pasadena



Episode#230: Hope Meets A New Ally!

Celeste rings the door bell to the DiMera Mansion. Lexie answers. They hug each other. Celeste “Hello darling.” Lexie “Hey mom, how are the roads?” Celeste “There getting worse. I hope everyone makes it safely” They hear Peter and Tony talking in the grand living room. Peter “I want answer’s Tony. What the hell is going between you and Kristen? What did you do to her?” Lexie “Peter, Tony, what’s going?” Before Tony can answer, Attorney Ji’ Min enters the living room “Sorry



Episode#229: Herbs and Spices

Salem Place Apts Anna pounds on Nicole’s door. Nicole answers Nicole “What the hell is your problem Anna? I was still sleeping.” Anna “Well wake the hell up!” Anna says waltzing into Nicole’s room. Nicole, closing the door “This is not how I want to start my day.” Anna “You have no one to blame but yourself. I hope you’re really happy Nicole” Nicole “I am. I found my parents. After all these years, I thought Faye was my mother. But who knew it was really Marlena Tony?” Anna



Episode#228: Tony and Anna SEPERATED!

University Hospital, Mike Horton’s Office Mike “So you want to talk to me about my son?” Nick “Yes, I hope it’s ok.” Mike “Were family, of course it’s ok. So what’s going on with Jeremy? You seem to know more about my own son then I do.” Nick “That’s just it. I know you two aren’t on the best of terms right now.” Mike “That’s an understatement. He’s shutting me out. I don’t know how to reach him. I don’t know how to get my son to open up and talk to me. “ Nick “You’ve bee



Episode#227: All in the Family

Hope walks into the Cheating Heart. She walks over to the bar and orders a shot of Rum. The bartender hands it to her and Hope downs it. Hope orders another. She downs this one again and she repeats the process. Sitting next to her at the bar is David Banning, whom Hope didn’t recognize “Easy there Hope.” Hope turns around and sees David “David, I almost didn’t recognize you.” David “I bet. I’ve barely seen you since I got back here on Christmas.” Hope has a flashback of blowing up at the



Episode#226: Valentine WHO?

Somewhere, anywhere The Phoenix himself , indeed alive, and well, lays on a hospital bed, hooked to ventilators and heart monitors. Two masked figures, one male and female, look over Stefano, then they look into a tv monitor and look at the residents of Salem, at Stefano’s funeral, looking upon a woman in red, Back at St.Luke's, Vivian comes storming into the church "Somebody better get out there and get poor Hope. My God, she’s passed out drunk just outside." Vivian stops as she sees the



Episode#225: Megan vs. Hope

After the funeral ends, inside of St Luke’s Church, Marlena approaches Bo and Hope "Hello you two" Bo "Hey Marlena how are you?" Marlena "I am good. I mean what more can I ask for? The devil himself is finally dead. I think this calls for a celebration." Bo "Well we all know he is the Phoenix. I am sure he will rise again. Just like he always does." Marlena "I don’t know Bo, I like to hope and pray he is gone for good. It keeps me going." Looking at Hope "Hope, are you ok? Y



Episode#224: The Beginning of Stefano's Funeral

Written by: Tara/Daysfan Episode#224: The Beginning of Stefano’s Funeral -A new day in Salem rises. It is the day of Stefano’s “funeral”, and at St.Luke’s, Celeste and Lexie walk into the empty church and all that is there is Stefano’s coffin and his picture. Celeste asks Lexie why Theodore could not come today, and Lexie says with a sigh that Abe still won’t let her see him. Lexie then says to Celeste: Lexie: He wants to pursue custody of Theo, Mom. I don’t know what to do. Celeste: I



BIG Casting News!!! And, MAJOR STORY ALERT!

Two Suprise Faces Show Up in Salem! Life in Salem has just broken huge news!!! Apparently, Jason Brooks(ex-Peter, Days) and Andrea Evans(ex-Tina, OLTL, Rebecca, PSSNS) are coming to LIS in long-term roles! Brooks will be reprising his role of Peter Blake, which he played from 1993-1996, and then 1997-1998. The role is contract, and Peter will get mixed up with his sister Kristen and the rest of the DiMeras, as well as some other people in time. Evans will come in a new recurring role: diva Va



Episode#223: Tony learns who really killed Kate

Written by: Tara/Daysfan Episode#223: Tony learns who really killed Kate -Jan is at the Spears Mansion alone, and as she reads a magazine she hears a knock on the door and gets up and opens it to see Bo. She asks him what he wants, and he says he’s here to talk with her about Shawn’s child. Jan asks what does he need to know, and Bo replies: Bo: I want to discuss custody rights. -Nicole tells Anna to bring it on because if she can fry Victor Kiriakis in his bath tub than she can take



Episode#222: Celeste's New Extreme

Written by: Tara/Daysfan Episode#222: Celeste’s New Extreme -Anna tells Nicole to shut up and that she doesn’t know what she’s talking about, but Nicole says that now that Marlena’s husband is a veggie she’s free to be with Tony, and Anna snaps that Tony would never leave her for Marlena, and Nicole says: Nicole: She already stole Roman from you, right? Even when you had his saintly daughter Carrie, and you don’t even have a child with Tony, so he’ll drop you like a hot potato. Anna: Y



Episode#221: Marlena Meets Vince

Written By: Tara/Daysfan Episode#221: Marlena Meets Vince -Vivian tells Celeste to never touch her again, and Celeste tells Vivian that she won’t let her get her hands on something that is rightfully hers. Vivian then says: Vivian: Oh please…you are being ridiculous. I am wiser and more cunning than you, I shall have Stefano’s will. Celeste: Dahling, if you were cunning and wise then you would have Stefano’s will changed to what you wanted by now, and you wouldn’t be here. You are only



Episode#220: Who REALLY Killed Kate?

Written by: Tara/Daysfan Episode#220: Who REALLY Killed Kate? -Vivian knocks on the door of Celeste’s house, and looks around and comments that she forgot how middle-class people can live. Celeste opens it, and groans and asks: Celeste: Vivian Alamain, what more do you want? You already gave me and Victor a blasting at the Penthouse Grille, and I have enough on my plate with Stefano dead, and my daughter fighting her ex-husband for her son, so I am not in the mood to deal with you. Viv



Episode#219: The Bag Lady

Downtown Salem, Salem Place As Julie and Maggie walk along the store fronts, they talk about Julie’s son David Banning coming back home. Julie “I just don’t know Maggie. Something just seems off about him. I can sense something is wrong? Maggie “Mother knows best.” They see Jan Spears walking in there direction Julie “Would you look at that. I confronted her about being with Lucas last night. She was so rude. Little snotty twit.” Maggie “Oh I know. I already talked to Lucas about



Episode#218: Ugly Face!

The Horton House Mike with his son are sitting in the living room talking. Mike “I been back in Salem for over two weeks now and I can’t believe this is the first time I am seeing you. Where have you been?” Jeremy “Oh, here and there.” Mike “Well why didn’t you come to see me? You ignored my phone calls? Why are you avoiding me?” Jeremy “No reason Dad. I was busy. Why are you giving me the third degree?” Mike “Because I am your father and I can do that.” Jeremy “I’m a grown man



Episode#217: The DNA of a Jackpot

Chez Rouge Julie is dining with her son. David “This is a really nice place Maggie has here.” Julie “Yes it is. So how long do you plan on staying here in Salem?” David “I really don’t know. I am afraid if I stay too long I’ll get caught up in the craziness of Salem.” Julie “What do you mean? Salem is not crazy” David “Mom, this is the same town that saw Dr. Marlena Eva’s possessed by the Devil” Julie “Oh yes. Oh my, I completely forgot about that.” As Julie eats her food, s



Episode#216: Nicole's Plans

Episode#216: Nicole’s Plans -After Lucas leaves Maggie’s house, Maggie keeps worrying for him. She thinks to herself that Jan had better not hurt him, or Jan will have her to deal with this time. She hears a knock on the door, and sees Abe! She then asks: Maggie: Abe! What brings you here? Abe: I need advice. Maggie: On what? Abe: On whether I should pursue custody of Theo or not. -Vivian walks up to the grounds of the DiMera Mansion, and looks around. She says to herself it looks em



Episode#215: Anna's Shooting

Written by: Tara/Daysfan Episode#215: Anna’s shooting -Lucas goes to Maggie’s house, and knocks on the door. Maggie answers with a smile, and asks Lucas what brings him to her house. Lucas says he wanted to come visit since he didn’t get to go to the Horton House on Christmas, and Maggie says they all missed him. Lucas asks how it was and Maggie says it was very hard without Alice, but Mike and David Banning came home so that helped. She asks how his was, and he says he went out on a date.



Some Casting News

In the past couple of weeks some semi-significant casting changes have hit LIS, with a few exits and some stayings. Coming: Bree Williamson(Alexis Kefer): Expect the minor character to turn up on LIS again soon! Going: Julianne Morris(Greta Von Amberg): The actress and character exited on the Christmas Eve episode of LIS, but she could return in coming months, because there is still a story there with her being Steve's daughter! Charles Shaugnessy(Shane Donovan): The actor last ai



Episode#214: Jungle Fever

Victor, after a hard days work downstairs on the Titian floors, walks inside the Pent House Grille. He walks over to the bar and sees Celeste. He grabs a seat next to her and orders a scotch. Victor "Celeste, It's been a while. How are you?" Celeste, after sipping on her white wine "I am wonderful. The devil is dead." Victor smiles "I can drink to that." Celeste "I can too Darling" They toast to Stefano's death Celeste "That means one less enemy for you." Victor "Indeed



Episode#213: Stefano's Dead

Downtown Salem, Titian Victor, who has just finished up a meeting with shareholders walks out the main conference room and sees Vivian, waiting for him with a newspaper. Victor "What is it this time Vivian?" Vivian smiles, and turns the front headlines so Victor can read. In bold and large print, it reads "Stefano Dimera Dead!!..Again.! Victor smiles "That will just make things easier for me. My arch-rival dead. There is a God." Vivian "Now that you got that out the way, how about




2008 PREVIEWS!!!!! "2008 will be Life in Salem's biggest year yet," tells LIS EP/HW Tara Smith "MC and I have cooked up alot of drama, and it will blow the residents of Salem away. Romance, drama, schemeing, all of that will play a role this year on LIS as we explore stories that we've never attempted before!" Marlena: "While Roman remains catatonic for some time, Marlena must try to get through life without him. On New Years Eve, Stefano was kidnapped, and that will draw her into a whole



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