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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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Janelle's crazy if she thinks Chilltown is on her side.

I'll just laugh if Chilltown is spared and one of them wins HoH and nominates Janie.

Janelle, imo has to get Will out.

If she puts Diane or Danielle up she has lost James. He'll leave the Season 6 alliance. If Erika ends up going Kaysar's not going to be happy.

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Wow, I am gone for three days and look what happens. I don't want Will to go up, he makes the show. He is so much better without Boogie. Always has and always will.

Danielle is more dangerous, put her up. Will will not win, as much as I want him too.

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Erika makes me sick. She's such a hypocrite. I saw a clip of her talking to Booger after the nom ceremony and said that S6 should have put up George bc he is a true floater. She went on to bash his strategy and had the nerve to say she wasnt a floater; she was undercover Chilltown. She even said their alliance is at a disadvantage bc S6 is fighting for the HoH with all they got and then Will throws them and doesnt even try. Where does she get of when she's admited to throwing them herself?

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Do you think Janelle will nominate Chicken George? I'm assuming she won't put up Marcellas but after watching today's show, that alliance, at least on Janelle's part, looks shakey.

I think Diane is safe. Not sure about Danielle though.

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God, honestly, I don't know. I just want the POV ceremony to be OVER. And I want Kaysar and Howie and James to spend a lot of time with her and keep her isolated until then.

But I could totally see on Thursday, Erika, Di, or Dani winning and getting rid of Kays or Janey so maybe she IS onto something.

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Janey just sealed her fate. Will manipulated her AGAIN and then bragged to Dani about it who is now manipulating James. They've agreed that Janey gets voted out next week. Janey is playing so horribly this year, that she almost deserves it. :(

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She actually has a very valid point about the floaters. Chilltown's not a threat. They're weaklings. Marcellas, Danielle, and Diane are much more prone to win a challenge. Why she went after Erika of all people, I dunno.

Janelle an awful player? Breaking a record and becoming the second HOH in this short time span? Winning four challenges already? We all knew she was going to be targeted not because of poor decisions, but because she is the biggest threat. We all know the second a floater or Chilltown got HOH, Kays and Janelle and Howie were going up. This is NOOOOO shock.

Oh, and Diane is the one being nominated and, presumably, evicted. Janelle is citing the fact that Diane posted on Joker's that she hates Janelle and couldn't wait to evict her.

So, James is being a baby, per usual, and is mad that Diane, someone who said she'd keep him safe, is leaving. Well, get over it, James, and get over yourself!

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Let me first say that I like James as a person, outside of the game (we've chatted a lot, actually), but inside the game he's an ass.

I am hating him for wanting to get rid of Janelle. Waaahhh. Go cry to your mommy James.


I think if it's endurance, Kaysar or Howie know they HAVE to win. I cannot wait to see an All-Stars endurance challenge! It's gonna be BRUTAL, especially with Erika and Diane, who each won their endurance challenge during their seasons. Damn.

I think Janelle screwed herself with these nominations but I'm SO glad she stirred this [!@#$%^&*] up.

And I hope the rumor of this eviction is the first sequestered juror because I want Janie in sequester. If she goes out next week (which I doubt ... she can easily win the veto), then at least she can be in sequester.

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