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Big Brother 7: Official Discussion Thread (NO Spoilers)


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You know, this pisses me off too. You aren't backdoor when someone, like Janelle who was the legit target won the veto. Someone has to go up. Danielle has to put someone up so she puts up someone from the strongest alliance. She already promised Howie that she wouldn't put him up. Kaysar wasn't backdoored. Jase was put up because he was a threat. He wasn't backdoored. Get over it.

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Please.........the competition was NOT fixed

Janelle buzzed into 3 bad things and Danielle only buzzed into one (in time).

The rest of the alliance CLEARLY was playing for the prizes and in the end Janelle sacraficed more than Danielle and won the veto, deservedly.

Danielle lost because she was not fast enough.

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I think that !@#$%^&*] Danielle deserved everything she got, from not winning veto, to soliatry conifinement, to not getting a call from her kids. She was only going after Janelle for vengance. She talked all that [!@#$%^&*] about how Chilltown had to be taken out. And what does she do? She makes an alliance with them! She is one, if not, the biggest hypocrite in this house.

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I think it was fixed because this was a game that the producers could pick and choose who won what. It wasn't a timed competition where all the times of each competitor are shown. The producers aren't going to lose one of the most popular houseguest in the house this early into the season.

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OMG! Where?!?!?!

I feel so sorry for Danielle. :(

But I LOVE HER for the fact she didn't chicken out and put up a S6er for eviction. No "I'll play it safe and nominate Marcellas". You go girl!!!!

-The hair removal was disgusting. Ewwww...

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this game was not fixxed. I dont know if you read the live updates but before the competition actually started, the house agreed not to take anything that would punish the whole house. Thats why Danielle only went after the things that would only punish herself. Janelle ignored their agreement bc she needed that veto. Had Danielle done the same she would have won. Based on that, there's no way it could have been fixxed bc Danielle didnt go after everything which would have given her the points to win

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Toups, what you don't know, and it's because they didn't show us, is that the six agreed not to buzz in on the bad things. And they all said yes, they swear they would NOT penalize the house.

Janelle was lying. :D

And I believe the other 5 have said on the live feeds that they did not buzz in for the slop which was worth 8 points and the cot/water which was worth 7 points. So, they knew Janelle did it because her total was 55 points. (or so she says...she's lying about the POV.)

So, I do think the BB producers COULD rig the challenge, they didn't. Because no one else buzzed in for that stuff. Or so they say.

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I agree. And its definitely harder to backdoor someone this season since you can't control who plays in the Veto comp.

I don't think Danielle let the power go to her head. She was going after one of the "stronger" players and she wanted to avenge whatever she wanted to avenge I guess :) In addition to wanting to eliminate seasick, so why not have Janelle be the first one to go?

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