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BTG: March 2025 Discussion Thread

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I get that you have to hook viewers, but isn't it a little early to play the "they really are just two crazy kids in love" vibe with Dani/Bill? Being willing to do another tour of duty with each other's vindictive asses isn't romantic.

Getting really annoyed with some of the Dupree sanctimony over Dani's arrest.

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I think it would be good if a non-villain character called out the Duprees for being sanctimonious.
How about an "imperfectly good" character - someone sympathetic who can see/speak things in an unbiased way.

Edited by janea4old
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A lot of these plots are moving way too fast. I appreciate that BTG doesn't move at a snail's pace, but we're still getting to know these characters. Hayley is coming off as the most likable of this trio, and that's saying something.

Dani's mugshot photos were cute. Not withstanding, this story is spiraling. 

Naomi and Jacob should be engaged--not married. It's ridiculous that Naomi is old enough to have her own law firm. Whatever. But she knows what job her husband has. He was just doing his job because your mom fired at your dad in church. And when are Naomi and Hayley going to have a real scene? 

Chelsea is quicky losing my interest. She's so passive in everything and a part of it has to do with the acting.

The biggest WTF is Ted knowing Leslie (who doesn't seem that crazy after all). If Ted is just another cheater, why has he been portrayed as a stiff, one note good guy all this time? They missed a beat by not having Bill and Ted be close.

Also, what hospital is going to allow a suicidal woman to be alone with a shrink on a rooftop, then alone in the doctor's office and then be sent on her way to roam the rooftop again? Huh?!

The show is still new, and I know daytime legends are writing it. But today was a complete mess. An editor should be pointing out these huge plot points. 

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I agree about Hayley, and I don't think that's a popular opinion. The more I see of Bill and Dani, the more it seems like Hayley probably got caught up in some weird power play and is eventually going to be crushed.

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Oh right. It was a church. I stand corrected.

Beyond the Gates is still the only show that makes me want to watch, and not out of habit. One lousy episode isn't going to change my mind. But I hope the writers course correct with some of their choices. 


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To be fair, all of these characters have been on for less than 12 episodes, so we don't really know the true character to some of these people because we don't actually know much about them and their history.

Loved the nod to Sheila Carter!

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Bill has had multiple confirmed affairs throughout his marriage. His worse was with his daughters best friend who was in his home, got close to his wife and even worked for him. He most likely paid some of his side chicks off before caught. As of now, all we know is that Ted only had one affair over 2 decades ago.

Bill was and continues to be emotionally abusive towards Dani. She's not innocent but he gains pleasure out of torturing her and is a narcissist that gets off of being her obsession. Ted is not out here intentionally trying to hurt Nicole nor does hurting people satisfy him

Bill did not support Danis dream. Immediately killed her career and had her world revolve around him. Ted was supportive of Nicole's career and they mutually helped build each other up professionally.

Bill's not a good father and isnt above using his children to hurt their mother. We havent see much of Ted's parenting yet but thus far is seemingly a loving parent to his kids an nephew.

Bill isnt above bending the law to get what he wants. Its been alluded that he's used underhanded methods to get his clients free. We know he blackmailed the Duprees over Martin's crime. Ted isnt out here blackmailing and using his power as a doctor to cover up crimes

So do I think Ted is worse than Bill, at least from whats been shown to us as of today? Absolutely not

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I understand that MVJ has said that this show/characters has been formulating in her mind for years, but sometimes things that look good on paper doesn't always look good when written and filmed.

Today's episode wasn't horrible, but it wasn't as good as the previous episodes were.

I didn't think that Derek/Ashley were necessary to show though I did like the interaction between Eva and Andre.. plus Eva figuring out that Silk Press Sheila will be more of a liability then a help.  

Dani treating her arrest/mug shot as an opportunity to model just underscores how one note her character is.  Karla can bring it, but she can only bring it if there is something on the page for her to play.

Hayley showed some spunk and good sense.  I'm intrigued to get a one on one with her and Naomi.. plus, I'm curious to see if Ashley knows Hayley or not.   I would assume Hayley at one time had to have known the have nots at one time and she was kicked out of the club after her home wrecking.

I welcome a faster pace, but we're still getting to know the characters so doing all these plot twists doesn't work if we don't know nor care about the characters.

Edited by Soaplovers
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