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DAYS: February 2025 Discussion Thread

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I think RSW and Abigail Klein have decent chemistry and at this point narratively their characters have to be together properly so it doesn't feel like there's unfinished business if either of them ever do move on, but fundamentally I'll always find it so creepy that they ever got together in the first place. Yeah, they're not biologically related, but they have been family their entire lives. It's weird. This better be the catalyst to making Joy more of a vixen. She and the show needs this.

Another example where something serious is happening, and Leo just looks like a dolt. He would be a smidge more tolerable if actually acted like a human being in these kinds of moments.

Other than that Leo scene, all the characters fainting and Abe believing he figured out who is targeting the show did come off sort of exciting to me.

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Don't let him win! He wants us to quit watching 

But if you do, I'll give you the signal whenever there's something worth seeing 

I could've gotten behind it if it hadn't been so forced... and so slanted in favor of Alex.

They didn't even need to drop the family connection either, IMO. All it would've taken was a simple throwaway line that Alex had always had a crush on Stephanie, even when they were kids. 

And this would've been the first time that she actually returned his feelings. 

Because nothing bad can happen to precious Leo 

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Another DREADFUL Body & Soul episode. I mean, it can't get any worse.

B&S is run by idiots and written by an idiot, and the entire cast is people off the street who announce they're quitting every other day.

These actors must have been horrified getting those scripts.

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Fair warning, y’all. Today was horrible.

I’m not even exaggerating when I say this was one of the worst episodes I’ve ever seen. The only reason I’d say don’t skip it would be just to see how awful it was. 

And today must have been a Jamey episode too, so of course, that’s just makes a bad situation even worse. The huge soap opera fan who doesn’t know jackshit about what soap opera is

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With the way that Abe’s been written lately and how Seth Burns was written today, maybe he’s projecting his own issues just as much as Ron does. 

Sorry to say it, but not only do both of these clowns deserve to be run out of this business on a rail but they need to get their asses beat too. They are seriously one of the worst, if not, the worst team in Soap history and thank God somebody finally broke them up.

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And this is why I was worried about BTG.

So many people are like, "Oh, he's just a breakdown writer" but yeah, so is Jamey 

I could totally see him purposely writing Mike Manning's character and just the female characters in general, as nastier or un-rootable in episodes that he works on. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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