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GH: December 2024 Discussion Thread

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Well, I guess I jinxed myself by mentioning that wacka wacka humor. Cuz...Home and Heart? Again??? Oh, well, on the bright side, I guess I now know which HW to throw my disdain at when I see their name on top going forward so a win! 


That said...I am surprised it did not bother me. Perhaps it was because the story itself was focused on a character I liked aka Lois. I just figured when she hid her accent, it would be a nice C story. And the writers treated it as such. And we saw Lois struggle a little bit, but then it vanished.  I figured it was over and done. So seeing Home and Heart again was an eyeroll. But her Bensonhurst friends calling her to remind Lois who she is...it gave me something I don't mind having with this story...CLOSURE. It was ridiculous that Lois felt ashamed of her accent (or her nails) at all so that story was reaching. They would be better off with Lois vs Lucy and a new man for Lois appears at Deception. JS.


While Kai did look nice in his suit, this story is for the birds. I did like that Trina broke it down for him why it was so important to her in terms Kai as a football player would get. And she touched on Spencer without saying his name. I assume they will grow to that with Kai later. But arguments over class assignments ain't it. 


Yassss to Ava being free. Wiped that smirk right off Kristina's face. And how dare the writers tease that breakdown that I felt Kristina should have (and still might have hehe) only for her parents to snap her out of it. I did like the aftereffects of Ava's trial. TJ and Molly grow farther apart. And with Ava free, she can pursue what she really wants...her court battle with Sonny hinted at in the spring!! And with Ric as her lawyer I can see that being MESS-Y. And I loved watching Sonny/Alexis vs Ava/Ric. People got good digs in. 


You know what? I didn't see it when I saw both of the scenes, but now that I'm thinking about it...TJ's anger gotta go somewhere. hehe. And in a perfect soap world, yeah I could see TJ getting drunk and having a moment with Lucas that turns into an affair. And then Brad finds out or something. But...probably too tropical. I do like TJ having a friend outside of his family though and Lucas is perfect. Meanwhile, Brad doesn't come across as stalky to me. Yet. But I loved he was called out by Stella on him trying to get on that doctor trip WOULD make him a stalker. 


And you all was right re: Kristina's comment to Molly. That bitca can burn for all I care. Molly SHOULD have slapped the taste out of her mouth. And I loved how cold as ice MV played that scene. Her inflection was EVERYTHING. She went from emotional to ice queen to match Kristina in a snap.


Sorry, Alexis. The feud is BACK ON. 



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I enjoyed the Q party for Jane Elliott, Cynthia Watros and Laura Wright taking what they were given and running with it. I despise the one note nuisance way Tracy has mostly been written since CVE’s return but JE is always entertaining. I really loved the way LW played Carly circling in on Willow and Michael too, immediately peeping that something was wrong with them and trying to get answers from Olivia was classic mama bear Carly. Her annoyance with Nina was funny too and CW did nice work when Drew was so nasty to Nina by the Q staircase.

We got more Gio being BrookLynn’s kid anvils and this episode was the first time I noticed how much the actors look a like.

The football stuff was an okay way to get everyone around the tv but it definitely felt ham fisted. @ranger1rg I hadn’t even thought of the show copying All American for Kai and Trina but I think you are spot on with that, wow

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The nanny cam video reveal was kind of clunky and I wish Michael had done it on purpose instead of Tracy awkwardly messing with the phone and screen casting it to the tv on accident. The show continues to run from Michael doing anything real villainous and I just don’t get it, especially considering recent news. Hopefully the fallout in the next episode is played out well.

I liked seeing Alexis finally be stern with Kristina when it comes to Molly but she still ended up kowtowing.

Ava having insufficient funds was hilarious. Part of me thinks its not Sonny but Ric behind all of this as a revenge circle back for Molly which I’m absolutely fine with.

Sonny and Natalia continue to bore but I see they brought her son up again. New character otw?

I’m guessing Cyrus hit Dex with a dose of digitalis and thats why the machines went off towards the end of the show. Poor Elizabeth left holding the gun again. I don’t expect him to be killed off but I wouldn’t shed a tear if he was.

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In other soap times, that video would have leaked at a huge event, with everyone dressed to the nines. Add in a tipsy Ava letting it spill that scumbag Drew slept with both mother and daughter, and we have Willow running away in tears (hopefully to be hit by a car and killed, maybe even driven by Kristina), and Nina eviscerating Drew in front of the room before running after her daughter. You know, an actual soap.

And Michael was the one to leak it, and only Carly knows it was him.

Edited by titan1978
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I was right! Dex is dead! Cyrus snuck up and got him while he was watching the game. This is the second murder on Elizabeth’s watch. Anna is going to arrest her for murder and then Lucky will be her hero. 
Based on how Dex was killed off I don’t think that the writers gave a damn about him. The show wants Joss with Gio. I won’t miss Evan Hofer. He was not a good actor.

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