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GH: December 2024 Discussion Thread

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Even this Lulu storyline? Because I feel like they have surprisingly slowed down overall, regardless of their writing flaws. Last week, except for some scenes that would have been better off in one episode (probably Thursday) to let the main plots be background noise in C plots that day only to finish out with a Friday finish, I felt was almost (emphasis on almost) perfect. Even when they were trying Frank's annoying fast cuts, I felt the acting overpowered the technique and forcing breathing and beats to be digested. 


Now...this week...I can definitely sense that the annoying pacing (and storylines I don't like) are about to creep back in. Abruptly at that. Like in the case of Michael being a C plot last week and up and vanished mid-week. 


Same. Or they call me Uncle. 



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Yes. We had an entire episode pretty much of her being chem tested with Cody. Then she’s with Lucky and he just barrels through her dead dad and Sam and some of those scenes were the shortest ones in the episode. Then Laura was a little better, but Lucky was just gone again when she walked in and saw Lulu. Which is the noticeably shitty taping schedule.

There is a happy marriage between faster paced and still slowing down for the right stuff. I agreed with many of the complaints about Mulcahey/Korte’s lack of story. But nothing from Lulu’s return so far has the weight of Dante’s shooting. And it’s because it’s told in this choppy and clip clip clip style. It’s a soap. Lulu/Lucky, Lulu/Laura, and TJ/Molly should each have been a center point of a single day this week. Not all crammed across two episodes.

Once Shelly Curtis described it on that State of Mind I can’t get it out of my head watching FV’s GH. Get the quick exposition stuff done in one, and give the emotional or pivotal core of the episode the attention to breathe. Every episode should have at least one important set of scenes, and they should be treated that way.

Blerg I’m very get off my lawn about the show right now. In many ways it’s better than suffering through Finn and JPS and RH eating the show and never seeing Liz for example. Much better.



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You know what? I guess that shows how engross I was with my long overdue and long awaited reunion between Laura and Lulu that I didn't even notice that Lucky was gone. Lol. Funny since I did notice that this was all happening in the same night.


I didn't mind the chem test with Cody too much. It allowed us to see AB show her version of Lulu off a little bit more. 


But I felt they did that. As much as I wanted the Laura reunion, they at least gave an episode to Rocco and Dante, another one to Lucky, and then Laura on Wednesday. And I think we know how I felt about that prolonged wait. lol. But I thought they were done well in spite of everything. 


tbf, we also know why there was some lack of story on that front re: PM. I know...moot point. While it definitely is not up there with Dante's shooting, I do feel (in their own way) these writers are playing the beats of Lulu's awakening. I just don't at all like the technique they are using to do it. And definitely on unnecessary characters in episodes that should have allowed the scenes to breathe more. So many unnecessary scenes with Natalia or a scene that could have waited for another day. I might have been the only person who would have wanted an episode for Molly and TJ, but I liked how they were used as a counterpoint to the Lulu drama in the episodes they were in. 


Yeah, I don't want to go back to the days of Finn and RH and we know how much I love Liz, but I understand what you mean. It's better, but it could be soooooo much more. And it's frustrating because the potential is RIGHT...THERE. For me, I'm at least happy that the slapsticky 'wacka wacka' humor style has been largely absent the last month or so. 

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That’s cool just saying that’s how I do it with my nieces and nephews and vice versa.

Thank you, I knew I wasn’t the only one that does that in their family.

That line was ridiculously funny. He was trying to somehow compliment this man for impregnating multiple women and none of the relationships working

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I was like God damn she’s cold blooded as hell. Are they even officially broken up and she’s already moved everything out like TJ did something wrong to her

One thing I absolutely miss about the summer is the longer scenes. These one to 2 minutes quick scenes rob you of any chance to ever even get invested. I’m enjoying the show mainly due to the performers I like but nothing from the production side outside of them having so many sets, which I will never take for granted.

You can add me to your island of people invested in TJ and Molly. But you and I largely seem to want and enjoy many of the same aspects from all the soaps we mutually watch.

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Looks like Scott is a casualty of the Jagger garbage. Having him around might remind us that maybe Jagger wasn't this super evil dude who deserved to be murdered by Sonny point blank, in cold blood.

I guess Scott and Ric are kind of redundant, and I understand going with Ric now for all the sleazy lawyer shenanigans, but I do hope they find a place for Scott, as well as for Lucy. I think  a Scott/ Tracy/ Lucy triangle played straight, instead of as a joke, could be interesting. 

Interesting how Mulcahey was very weak when it came to some of the vets. His Lucy was horrendous, his Lois a non factor, the same with Robert and Scott, his Felicia wasn't even on. I guess there were so many characters on the show, he didn't have the time to try and fix the more marginal ones.

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I was in a podcast where they said the show has tried to book some dates with Kin but he is declining each offer. I had previously posted this as a spoiler, but some time has passed now & I don't think it gives anything away. (Suds & Squared Media) 

Wait, are you imagining here, that Jane Elliot should be forced to keep a straight face while being romanced by Scotty Baldwyn?!! I find that a very amusing idea.


I was one of many at that time who was waiting for a Purge, one that never came. At the drop of a hat, I could have cut 15 people without breaking a sweat.


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