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GH: November 2024 Discussion Thread

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I was told that the reason they straighten everyone's hair, generally speaking, is because of continuity. It's apparently much harder to match shots that are going to be edited together, if naturally curly hair is in play. I laughed & laughed at this idea, although I kinda hate it! I'm not sure whether to credit this as a real thing or an urban myth or an old wives' tale, so, take it with several grains of salt. And, I can't go by who told me because they were just another soap fan, no one in particular, except to their own family & friends. And, looking at the clock, Happy Thanksgiving!

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I love Maxie and I am so happy for KS. She looks really good. 
I am willing to buy that Lulu runs around Port Charles carrying her tiny catheter, what I can't stand is Sonny sitting cosy in a courtroom watching a stupid trial, while he should be in prison for that agent's murder himself. 

Just NO to Gio being Brooklyn and Dante's son. First of all, NO to another Corinthos. And why give Tracy a grown great-grandson? Brooklyn is way too young for this story and this makes no sense at all. Why? For a random cute boy? 

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That's interesting.  I have never heard that before, but it does make sense.  But Frank could just let her wear it curly all the time I suppose.

You do have a point.  Curly hair doesn't really suit Carly.  Every woman on GH has variations on flat ironed/blown out hair and it's very homogenous.  It's a shame to waste those pretty natural curls.  Like I said, I haven't noticed her hair being bad lately, but she often wears things that are too casual and just not right for the character.  Things I could never imagine Sarah or Tamara's Carly ever wearing.  

LW has mostly looked good throughout her run as Carly, but about a decade ago everything was backless or had cut outs and it was clear she wasn't wearing a bra.  I thought that was more unflattering than anything she is wearing now.

Also, Happy Thanksgiving my SON Friends!!!!

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I would, too, but even she's stated her curls are too hard to maintain, continuity-wise, and Carly is more straight hair than curly.

As someone with curly hair I can tell you.... no two days are ever the damn same, lmao.

I will say, in watching 2018/2019 episodes, it does feel as if the hair department has become... less dutiful with their duties, re: Wright's hair. I don't know if it's based on her length, but it doesn't feel as "done" as it did before.

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They seem to be letting Annalynne McCord wear her hair natural on Days.  It does look a bit different from scene to scene but it doesn't bother me.  I also assume this is because Days doesn't have the budget to straighten her hair lol.

I'll check out LW's hair the next time she's on.  I really haven't noticed much of a difference.  I also haven't really been looking because it's Carly lol.

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It's not that. This applies to both Laura & to Becky, who both to me look so much prettier with their hair natural, which for them is quite curly. Becky, most of the time, looks like she's got "helmet hair". At least that's not a problem with Laura. Anyway, the thing about continuity is naturally curly hair doesn't "match" from scene to scene & that's the hair they're splitting. Frank's dam*ed way of taping causes continuity to be more important at GH than other places. Thanks again, Frank! 

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They don't have a budget, period. Just be happy it looks better than it did during the "green" era. Haha.

It's not even just Wright... it's everyone's hair. It seems like it's all "rush jobs" now, and it's off-putting. Just feels like the finishing of everyone's hair isn't paid attention to. Poor Becky Herbst is giving Sally Field's "football helmet" hair in Steel Magnolias for the better part of the past year or two.

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It's weird because Becky's hair doesn't bother me.  It's clear it's straightened and she should grow it longer, but it looks thick and healthy.  It's people like Sasha and Willow that walk around with limp hair hanging at their shoulder to match their personalities I suppose lol.  Those hairstyles look undone.  Some people on the show just look more 'put together' than others.  I assume some of these actresses are just better at doing their own hair and fix it up.

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You know what? Credit where credit is due. Perhaps it's the shortened week, but I felt the show stuck the landing and this was a great week to close out November Sweeps. Even with the flaws (the side-eye I gave Molly for coddling Kristina again, the propping of Kristina by Natalia), I felt this week had great A stories with Lulu Awakens and Ava's trial. And a C plot with all the Michael adjacent plot with Sasha. And this episode where Ava's trial has been B plot, I loved that it rotated with the Lulu Awakens storyline which has been a solid A plot.


It goes without saying that I love Laura and everyone here knows I love Laura. And when PM was in charge, my top wish was that her children (Lucky, Lulu, and yes I'm holding out for Nikolas at some point) would come home so she would be the anchor she was always meant to be. And have more storyline to boot. So I didn't like how they fumbled the heck out of Lucky's return storyline. Of course, I was worried about Lulu's return storyline. 


I know I've said this for the last week and I will say it now. I'm extremely shocked at how invested I am in Lulu's storyline. AB has been an awesome recast and, for me, is lifting the material. She IS Lulu. And even this episode with all the goofy near-misses. I thought I would hate it but in hindsight, it really felt like old school soap. And thankfully (for now) not stretched out over a month. Just the right amount of pacing. My highlight was her meeting James. I knew it was coming, but those scenes came out better than I expected. But I think that's because the writing for James has been so good this year that I actually care about him as well. And him cluing Maxie and Spin in to who he saw while Lucky and Liz saw the video while Lulu FINALLY ran into a member of her immediate family in Rocco, her son, was all pretty Friday cliffhangers!! I might actually watch live-ish on Monday.

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Speaking of Lucky and Liz, I thought their team-up was off to a good start. I thought RH did a great job even with my worries that she might fade into the background. She picked the right moments to be in the background, but found the moments in the scenes to let Liz be center in the scenes as well. Meanwhile, JJ was great as Lucky. FINALLY, no whining or trying to run away. Lucky being there for his family!! Which brings me to Lucky vs Cyrus. Cyrus read him down. Lucky needed to hear that and if spite will keep him in town when his son won't...so be it. Hope they have a rematch in exactly one month. And that's a conflict that I look forward to seeing as Laura tries to balance her old family with the discovery of her new family members. It writes itself. 


Ava's trial went to B plot. Oh, Ric...my Ric...he did so well. Hehe at Alexis getting kicked out of court. I did wonder why Natalia was there. And once it turned out she was a witness, I went oooh. But then it turned into a prop session and I zoned out. Just too much Kristina propping going on for my taste, but the scenes were still good. I fully expect Ava to walk and Kristina to either have a meltdown or a breakdown and go after her. 


I may not care for Sasha at the moment, but I do like that without Michael anywhere in sight, they are keeping his plot active through her. And I loved the scenes with her and Maxie. I wonder if Maxie will figure it out first that the babydaddy is Michael. 


Great week.

I can see that. Wardrobe really does matter. 



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