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GH: November 2024 Discussion Thread

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I knew these New/Old Writers did not at all care about the Drew Q storyline cuz it was clear it was a PM storyline, but Darrrrrrrn at them just speeding all the way through it with no pace, no buildup, no conflict...just DONE. He won. Nothing to see here. lol. Could have released that video during his speech or something, but no...lol. Avoidant much?


Hmm...I never say this, but Spinelli cleans up riiight well. lol. And I liked Maxie's blouse. I can't believe that they are happy together and it doesn't bug me at all.


Giving credit where it's due...I liked the little beat the writers did with Alexis and Kristina where she questioned if Kristina's accident was JUST an accident. Given how Kristina has been...accurate. Ugh at Kristina using the wrong babyname. 


Mmmm Beast in a suit. Though I felt it was a missed beat to not show Carly ask him out or he ask her out. I mean...this is going to be her next relationship, right? So where is the build? Then again...she still doesn't know it was Brennan that got her out of jail, does she? 


Hahahahahahaha!!! At the tiptoeing that Michael was having to do to not explode on Drew. Drew is still coming across a creeper. Willow is coming across as fake. And I want to feel sorry for Michael, but again...he slept with Sasha. I did like that CD sold Michael's sadness a little bit in his scenes with Jason. And just the sarcastic body language around Drew took me out. 


I DGAF about the propping of Natalia. The more I see her, the more I am growing to resent her presence. And who is Sonny to prop anyone when every time I see him with anyone not Dante or Alexis, I just sit and remember he killed an FBI agent in cold blood? 


I personally have always liked Gio and the idea of him and if not selling me on as a NY boi, then as a Jersey boi. Neither of which I mind. That said...he surrrre has been looking like a sneak when he pops up on the scene. And yeah given the last time Lois knew a secret, I wouldn't tell her either. 


And that ending...here comes Stone Cold.


Not a bad episode, but highly uneven. 

Say what now?

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I remember it pissing people off about a decade ago when NLG said out right that Alexis has never been a real character. She is whatever the writers want. She compared it to Julia on SB, who she said was a fully formed character and was easier to navigate because she was so well defined.

Thank you.

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Did she? That's interesting. I vaguely recall something about that.

I think Alexis was very well-defined and deeply explored from her origins in '96 to about 2002, when JFP turned her into a ditz/stand-in for Sexis. Ever since then she has careened from extreme lows to occasional better times and various other peaks and valleys, so yes, I can see Nancy's critique. But I think her intellect and her integrity onscreen has always carried the character through those times that would've wiped many others off the map (and has). So I think it's more that Alexis has been humiliated over and over. Yet NLG for all her social media foibles has kept the character viable. The actor is the core they can't break.

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On the topic of sets....am I the only one who thinks that foyer at the Quartermaine mansion is a mess?

I realize it's been refreshed/remodeled over the years, but I never remember them getting it right. It always looks like set designers are struggling to make it look elegant and expensive, and it always has a warehouse look. The most recent change gave it that awful wallpaper that I guess is supposed to warm it up.

On a show that does well with so many sets, I can't understand why they can't get this one right.

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I keep harping on it too! She has been missed as a lead, and has been a real MVP during this tumultuous year.

I hate that wallpaper.

Nothing looks as cavernous to me as the nurses station. When JFP had that new set built the walls were closer in. It wasn’t even this bad during the height of COVID. I know it’s to make the lighting setups easier, but it looks like the hallways are huge and the nurses station feels like a mile away from the elevators.

But I hated when they got rid of the hub design, which was also done way back in 1997 to make it easier to light and film. But what they lost was the effect they used to have of people walking around the hub from the hallways, it helped make things less static.

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IKR. I guess I've been starved for years because there has not been a moment involving Alexis that I have not been eating. 


Just the scene with her and Kristina where she asked about the accident I watched today. It was in how NLG played it that I stopped and rewinded it. So unexpected, but so good. It was a nice little moment that broke through the Sam grief while at the same time Alexis asked because of the grief. NLG gave that such a nice little layer that I really appreciated because I was not expecting it. 

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I'd forgotten about that. I think the way she was used to try to break up Katherine/Stefan and then had her whole backstory rewritten by Guza, etc. is an example right from the getgo. 

Now I'm thinking back to how many times I had to sit through her and Ned saying they were "gatekeepers." Ugh. Hell.

I am also sorry to hear about your mother. 

Edited by DRW50
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Now to be fair Ava...technically you harmed a pregnant woman...aka your now-BFF Nina? Or am I wrong? That said...I did love her scenes with Ric though I loathe whiny Ava. Meanwhile...is it safe to assume that when Ava wins in court that Kristina might have a breakdown, pull a gun, and shoot Ava?


My highlight this episode...Jason vs Drew. HIT HIM AGAIN, JASON!!!! HIT HIM FOR ME!!! Cuz they have had tension all year so even if the reason is not personal enough for me, it was nice to see some of it explode. Then you have the Michael/Willow talk and just the anvils...was actually well done. And...NED!!! 


OH...? So are we not getting Jordan/Isaiah? Or even more...could the growing rift between TJ and Molly result in a TJ/Molly/Isaiah/Jordan configuration cuz that would really be messy. That said...I liked the Molly/Isaiah scene with LITTLE WOMEN which is a favorite book of mine...and Isaiah's opinion on birthdays...looking a little flirty and oh so sexy smile.


Loved the Trina/TJ talk. Loathed the forced meet cute of Trina/Kai though Kai came across good in his scenes. 




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Except I think that backstory became the core of the character, and made up a great deal of her greatest scenes.

I also got tired of Ned and Alexis rambling on about being the gatekeepers, but I do think as smug as they could get the deep focus at least bolstered the character's integrity for a number for years when things got really rough later on.

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I think the backstory was compelling (even if it mostly seemed to be used for Helena taunting her over and over), but that whole period was so fly by night (the 1997 period), and still very early in NLG's run, so I can see why she never felt that Alexis was a character.

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