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GH: November 2024 Discussion Thread

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Wow today was heavy. Having lost a sibling in the last 2 years to a surprise heart attack as well, the Davis girls scene was really emotional. Everyone really nailed it even if these aren’t the two actresses with the most history with Kelly.

Jason telling Scout and Danny was well done too. I hope this loss is what it takes to give us a more human Jason going forward. 

Rocco with Laura admitting his jealousy and now the guilt for that jealousy. He’s a pretty good younger actor.

DZ was also quite good as Dante today. All of the various beats were played. I even allowed myself not to hate Sonny briefly today.

Robert and Holly felt completely out of place today but I did like the flashbacks since I’ve never seen them as a couple.  The flashbacks also highlight how well Emma has aged even if it’s with a little work, she looks amazing.

Edited by Antoyne
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Zenon jokes aside, this episode felt to me like the New/Old Writers thought the technique from Thursday's episode would work twice. And...NO. 


The best thing about this episode was the gradual way in which the canvas started to find out that Sam was dead. Sonny and Laura walking into it. Jason telling Carly. Carly telling Drew. Jason having to sit Danny and Scout down. Alexis looking all kinds of drained, having to tell Kristina and Molly, and they of course having two different reactions. It really was giving ripple effect. And I already wonder if that undercurrent of tension that's been there between Jason and Drew since PM was writing is going to emerge again over the kids. NLG was a force. SB was still giving. DZ took some time to warm up for me, but I felt that. And the actor playing Rocco. GF is a given. Just so many people giving A game.


So while last episode, I still felt there was room to breathe with everything surrounding Sam's death in spite of the other storylines going on, this episode...NOPE. I was happy I went ahead and watched it as soon as it dropped because the first drop, I am allowed to just FF through the commercials/ads. And I was extremely annoyed (Zenon joke aside) how so many other stories kept popping in, trying to kill the momentum. 


I really didn't care (outside of the flashback which I can admit were well done) about Robert and Holly. That honestly could have waited for another day. It was RME at being interrupted from the hospital scenes.


As a Star Wars fan, I didn't mind the jokes. And we know the Zenon joke. That said...given what was going on all over this episode, the scenes with Spin, Maxie, and the kids just seem so...tone deaf. What was FV thinking? Or not.


I even felt the Kristina vs Molly scene were annoying, but at least once I saw Alexis steeling herself in the doorway that would shift quickly. Though I admit that I can't believe (or can I?) that Kristina tried to make Sam's death all about her.


Overall, I can't say it was a bad week, but the schizo nature is going to kill the Sam momentum if they don't quit.



TBF, just about everyone thinks poison pancakes and think the mess surrounding Dixie on AMC so I can understand why someone would see it on DAYS and get triggered. Especially if RC used it the way that it was used on AMC re: out of spite. 


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Huge agreement with literally everything you have said here. 

Now, here, suddenly, oh no, disagree. To me, the breaks to other stories was a blessing. Why? Because if not for those little breaks I am afraid that the horror, the sudden unexpected death, the very heavy nature of the highly emotional, grief-riddled story would be too much. So to me the breaks were breaks from the unrelenting tension, sadness, shock & awe, yes, so I appreciated that they did this & I do think it was intentional on their part. So I had no problem in terms of momentum. Sorry that it was different for you. I get it. I can empathize with what you say. 


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