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GH: New man in character's life

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If they are suggesting a Black love interest is a downgrade just on its face, that’s… not a good look. However, the reality is that Black/Black couples are isolated and treated as D-list at best on GH. Sprina gave Trina a spotlight that’s incredibly rare for Black characters in the same way Molly elevates T.J. in ways that wouldn’t be expected if his love interest were Black or Hispanic. 

If Kai turns out to be the long-lost son of Gia and Nikolas (Spencer’s brother!) or Jason and Keesha or even something crazy like Justus and Faith, it might be different. The actor appears to be biracial.

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Yes I am going here: What is with some Sprina fans? First NAC thinks GH is below him cause he unfollowed folks on socials. His current jobs could have mandated who he follow & what he posts. Now this new actor playing Kai for Trina is just stunt casting. I cannot with this.

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Yeah, they are intense in ways that remind me of fan bases of yore. Their criticisms have a lot of truth (GH has had little use for Tabyana since NAC left, and she went months without a single scene with her on-screen mother). But it also suggests that they themselves want to keep Trina in a Sprina-sized box.

OR maybe they’re simply realistic: Spencer is the only way Trina gets A-story on GH, and her lack of story since his “death” confirms that.

Maybe I’m missing something, but how is this stunt casting? This guy isn’t a name nor does he bring the show any major publicity. Or maybe you’re suggesting he’s only been cast to make it seem like Trina will actually have a story?

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They really do; even when was on as Rory, they blasted him from day one before Spencer & Trina even really began to date, because their pairing wasn't allowed to be "touched" or "tainted". It's bullshït to me. Time to move on; it's obvious they're not recasting Spencer, and are deviating from the Cassadine family (finally) in focus of the Spencers, and others. So, welcome aboard!

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I think they are recasting Spencer as soon as Trina is gone.

I share many of their complaints - the show doesn't care about Trina, I doubt they ever really did, and it's certainly valid for some fans to assume they are only pairing her with a black actor because that way they can have them on the backburner until Trina is quietly written out.

With that said, it makes more sense than pairing her with Gio, and a lot of her fans seemed to hate that idea too. And it's never a bad thing to have more black cast members on the show. 

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Absolutely. the more diversity in the cast, the better, especially when they are talented like Tabyana.  Donnell Turner, who can appear with the likes of Alley Mills to Genie Francis and just works... I can't say that about Michael Kruse, who played Rory.  I just didn't see that from him. As for Gio, we still have no idea who he is, outside of Scooter the muppet, always nice and smiley.


I agree that it's buzz giving GH and Y&R a wake up call. (Can't say that about B&B. Carter is heading to the front burner, but Zende is an afterthought and Paris is <coughs>.....)


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