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GH: October 2024 Discussion Thread

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I agree.  It's a different take for sure, but it made me feel like Lucas would be more of a presence this time around.

Oh, I didn't find anything objectionable with his performance.  I actually felt Carnes sometimes faded into the background in some of his scenes.  I would have been happy with Carnes, but I am happy with Van too.  I did like the Carly/Lucas scenes a lot.

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Same; I have that sense that Lucas is going to serve purple, from applying for the job he did, to the warning he issued Brad. It feels... like a more presentable Lucas happening.

I also get the feeling Carnes did not want to be front-and-center as Lucas during his second tenure, and was happy playing the supporting player that came in and out over time.

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Yes! I got that sense too.  I wasn't sure if it was the writing at the time.  He just felt a lot more subdued than Lucas already feels on this first day.  I do sometimes wonder if Carnes didn't want to overshadow Perry Shen, who isn't the greatest actor.  Van just practically ran circles around PS today.

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Welcome back, Lucas! We’ve missed you

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And welcome to GH, Van! I know I’m  glad to see you

I’m on board with the recast too, even though it would have been nice to see Ryan Carnes again. Lucas is too important of a character to not be on the canvas. Van does seem to have a different take on the character, which I’m liking. It’s kinda similar to the take that Jason Gerhardt had when he was Temp Eric on Days. Different, but not bad or better. If that makes any sense lol

I’m looking forward to seeing where his storyline goes. I wouldn’t mind a reunion with Brad, especially after their scene today. But I wouldn’t mind them casting someone new for Lucas. I hear Peter Porte is available

Shut up, Gio. I know you need a storyline, but shut up. Go play your friggin violin. And since when does Trashbag care about anyone but herself?

And yeah, Lucky doesn’t need advice about being a father, from the father who shot one son and knocked up the girlfriend of another, just sayin

But I am looking forward to Lucky’s reunion with Aiden. 

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I am not much of a Liz fan myself (although I've come to appreciate Herbst over the years after how they repeatedly tried to railroad her off the show) but I think a lot of the response is people who enjoy the chemistry between the two RHs after years of awful pairings where she had to just prop up the guy she was with. And another part is people who just don't like Lucky whether due to how he treated her or because they want her with Jason. I don't see a lot of ride-or-die "LiRic" in of itself after the way their relationship ended up.

I mostly stopped watching around the period he was trying to sexually assault Michael. I don't know if he improved after that. Did people enjoy the baby switch story he was in?

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IIRC Parry Shen wasn't in the role when Brad was the scuzz trying to get Michael in bed - that was the heavier dayplayer they first hired, then Shen came in. I may be wrong. (EDIT: I am wrong, I just checked, it was definitely Shen! Can't believe I forgot that. It was so weird how RC tried to awkwardly pivot months later to Brad begging Felix to see the good in him after that mess and Felix trying to train Brad like a dog to be a 'good guy'.) He was definitely a creep but they did try to flesh out Shen's Brad considerably and make him redeemable once they realized he had more chemistry with Carnes' Lucas than Felix did (originally sex pest Brad was clearly meant to be just a spoiler for Lucas and Felix, not that it made any sense for either to get involved with him given his known history) and I think Shen did a good job and I don't mind seeing him, but I've never really cared that much about the character either. 

The endless flopsweat attempts by both Ron Carlivati and every subsequent regime to put Brad and Britt over as the ultimate Gay Best Friends Forever, watching the Nurses Ball together and riffing on it like we were there with them, crowning her as the "Brittch" etc. were lame to me. I never bought into their forced merriment and was always deeply annoyed at the show regularly seeming to offer up Britt as some sort of sop to the gays, acting like she was some sort of gay/camp icon vs. having actual LGBT characters in major story or on contract. (IIRC, even her farewell party shortly before her death featured drag queens.) She was never all that. But I also just never bought her and Brad's friendship. It was always about the show trying to manufacture something (two catty bitches!) that should've been organic between actors.

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I enjoyed Molly once again having to read her mother. 

Glad they’ve fully repaired Ava and Trina.

Why do people not like Marshall? I actually like that whole gang. As a black man it’s always nice for me to see multigenerational black families on the soaps. And I really enjoyed the Curtis and Marshall scenes. They truly feel like father and son. But maybe I’ve missed a lot of annoying stuff

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If I can’t have LiRic, give me Ric and Ava. Maura and Rick literally have chemistry with everyone and naturally they have it  each other.

I hope Portia’s plan works and she can get the blame placed on Brad.


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I know there’s a connection because of Luke. But Sonny Corinthos’ murdering ass sitting around dispensing advice to someone on parenting is ridiculous and laughable. Also I assume Sonny’s restaurant is a front but like why is there never a single customer? Has it always been this way?

Never watched ATWT so this is my first exposure to new Lucas but he instantly had chemistry with Laura Wright. He definitely plays Lucas with much more energy than Ryan Carnes’ more subdued performance that I remember in the past. I’ve never really cared for the Lucas character as he was in terrible stories with Brad and Felix so I’m hoping this is a fresh start for the character and I’m coming in with a clean slate.

Gio is an extremely boring young character. He is just so blah and white meat. Josslyn mind your business. 

Yup again after today, give me Ric and Ava ASAP. I’m loving Ava having a brain again and immediately figuring it out it was Portia and covering for her after leading Ric down that path in the first place. And I loved Ava coming to Portia to help her because she loves Trina.

Add me to the list to write out BLQ and Chase with in their current incarnations even if I do think Amanda Setton has amazing chemistry with her onscreen parents and grandmother. But the couple being this sexless Amish couple because the actors don’t seem to know they’re actors is not the move.

I think Rachel is supposed to be a demon spawn given her mother. Young Spencer was supposed to be cute. It was awful.

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Ooooooo TEA!!! lol.


I knew there was some drama between MB and TB and also thought it had to do with the Alcazar stuff, but WOW at the specifics. At least he is owning it now and they are on much better terms. 



Well welcome. I always look forward to your commentary!!

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Oh...pray tell.

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