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DAYS: September 2024 Discussion Thread

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With Days, who even knows how they shoot scenes lol?

Right?  You have an interesting character with interesting ties to the canvas and spend a bunch of time having her hang out with Brady.  I obviously get that was setting up the Sarah story, but we skipped over the entire Victor affair, the fallout, and anything about Xander's father.  It was such a quick shift in storytelling.  Like this story is done.  Let's move on. 

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If the scabs hadn't just pushed Maggie into an insta-marriage with Konstantin, this was the perfect setup for a Maggie/Fiona/whomever triangle.  I like the idea of contrasting the two women who beguiled Victor the most, in a new relationship. 

Or even having Maggie back Xander, and Fiona back Brady in the business domain.  Fiona could have pushed Brady to get his part of Titan, based on the performance of Basic Black. 

It just feels like a missed opportunity to have someone not as nuts as Vivienne be an antagonist for Maggie.  Thus, making the way for the final evolution of Maggie from meek farm girl to power matriarch. 

Edited by j swift
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I also don't get the sense that Fiona ACTUALLY gives a sh*t about Xander. She plays nice and cutesy with him and Sarah and Victoria, then is immediately like, "Get me away from these a-holes so I can have a drink." There's a strange gap in how she's being depicted.

They also have really not given any space for Xander to process that he's Victor's son. No one asked any questions, Fiona hasn't really recounted how it happened, etc. It's bizarre how they move SO quickly through some stuff but spend forever on little random things.

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There were a lot of good scenes today, especially Holly and Eric. Like Friday, it was the right combination of anger and heartbreak for the two of them and I thought both actors did a very good job. And we got a reasonable explanation as to why Holly never did an internet search about Daniel’s death lol 

Nicole lying about the drunk driver having died in the accident was also an interesting beat as well. And it’s too bad that it’s not going to be explored. 

I also really enjoyed the scene between John/Tate. They really seemed believable as grandfather and grandson and I hope Days continues to build the relationship between them, sort of like they’re doing with Maggie/Holly. 

The Xander/Sarah/Fiona scenes were good too. Xander pressuring Sarah to lie about seeing Brady could have been an interesting dynamic to this storyline but I don’t think they’re gonna go there. 

As for Ava, are they trying to chem test her with other characters? 

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You are on to something here, but she was around longer than a week. I know she was on set in December and everything in Xander and Sarah's apartment was filmed then, because it was demolished over the break and turned into Stephanie's apartment. The double wedding was filmed in early January, the car crash and hospital scenes in February, but I guess the scenes with Fiona in the flat babysitting were filmed December. The successful wedding was filmed a month before the aborted one, and aired a month after. I don't know how the actors keep this straight in their heads.

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She really has. There is no point to her being in town. She either should have left with Harris or left with Tripp/Wendy. But the show seems intent on pairing her with Brady, given all their scenes off and on. At least she is age appropriate for him. And like Fiona, will not be intimidated by Kristen, so there is that.

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OMG, that's as bad as it is at GH!!! And, there they say they live & die by their continuity people who they claim are the best in the business! 

Also, a teeny tiny thing: it is NOT Vivienne, no, it's Vivian. 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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Well, she is off the booze for now, which makes her decisions this week far worse. 

I hated the Victor reveal. After almost a year, we got almost zero Xander POV and it was all about Alex, AGAIN, when he got full episodes to whine about it when he 'found out' last year. They barely let Xander even get a reaction shot to Fiona revealing the news, because it was more important for Leo to shout out something stupid as Xander is processing this massive revelation. Then he got maybe one scene each with Maggie, Sarah and Fiona to 'deal' with it and got on with his life. I get stiff British upper lip but that was ridiculous, given his tormented past with Victor.

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I think TB is a chemistry magnet so I wouldn't mind a Brady pairing.  It's just icky she slept with his dad.  If we hadn't already gone down that road with Kristen it would be a viable option.  The show rarely mentions John/Ava and John could care less about her, but it still puts me off.

On another note, today's show was good.  Holly/Eric hit the right notes emotionally and it was nice to see John/Tate interact.  Also, what a perfect flashback to show with Eric/Sarah talking about Daniel/Holly.  Kudos to whoever found that scene!

I actually thought of that when the hit and run.  I remember LG's horrible accident.  I thought it was bit too on the nose, but LG is doing a good job with it.

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There's something funny, intentional or not, about the fact that every time Xander brings up wanting justice for Brady, people mentioned his past deeds that have gone unpunished.

It's like:

Xander: I want Brady locked up

Everyone:  But, didn't you kidnap Sarah, import stolen diamonds, kidnap Nicole, terrorize Bonnie, and steal a baby, and shoot Marlena, and….

Xander: Yeah, but that was over a year ago.

Edited by j swift
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