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GH: September 2024 Discussion Thread

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-- Jeez, the screaming in the Molly and Kristina scenes was WAY too much.

I've been a huge supporter of Kristen Vaganos as Molly, but someone needs to tell her to dial it down. Every scene with Molly and Kristina doesn't have to be a shouting match.

That was beyond annoying.

-- In other news, Lucky's hair is distracting and laughable. It's so obvious the stylist is going for a look, and it all looks so affected -- every day.

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Because it's the same writers who've been there for years (EK and CVE) and same producer who needed to be fired when RC was fired (FV).  It's the same show as under every previous FV head writer, just more hysterical, hyper emotional scenes.  And that performer playing Molly, yikes she cannot act.  Why was she given a contract??

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I disagree.  These recent Molly/Kristina scenes, like today and at the grave site, do warrant screaming matches considering what the situation is.  I kind of like seeing family scenes where people yell at each other, especially if it's a serious topic.  Kate/Kristen/NLG were once again great in their scenes together today. 

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Totally agree. All of their voices were well modulated. No one screeched! It would have been easy for them to screech. They were in control of their tone & pitch the whole time. Yes, there was shouting, but totally warranted & also there was variation in their voices over the course of the scene. Today was SO important. Molly finally just gave the hard truths to Alexis, who of course refused to hear them & came right back at her saying those things were not so. But, they are! Look at the obvious irony. Alexis is saying Kristina has no one (but her implied) AS Krissy is leaving with her brother who takes her to ... her father! Right, Kristina has no one if no one means everyone. LOL 

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I liked the Molly/Kristina scenes too, even the shouting lol for me, I think it’s because the writers are not holding back with this storyline. They’re really going there with both characters and delving deep into the anger that they’re both feeling instead of just scratching the surface. 

The weakest part of today was Curtis/ Portia and Heather’s crap. Seriously, why couldn’t we get a Curtis/Portia/Zeke/Jordan quad? It would’ve been a lot better than this.

And Chase seems to have the same kind of chemistry with Dex that he had with Michael

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Outside of Holly revealing that she has a plot in motion, yeeeeah I'm ready for Lucky to come home. Or for Laura and Kevin to pop up. At least, it's realistic that it would take them time to get to Lucky's location.


And speaking of Lucky's location...GANNON? REALLY?  I like everything about the doctor that is Lucky's friend so far, but please don't be connected to OLTL though I do miss my ABC redhaired stepchild soap. And a Friday cliffhanger with him and Sonny and the gun.


Speaking of...was that a spark I felt between Jason and Anna? It's been very interesting how these New/Old Writers are still bringing up the Jason/Anna team-up. Is there something else going on? Foreshadowing? I don't mean romance, but it feels intentional and intrigues in the direction it could go. 


Yeeeah Sonny can go to jail. And I respect Alexis said that to his face. And I respect that Joss got in Carly's face about him, too. JOSS of all people. 


Hehe at Liz and Ric being so cutesy in their banter. But you would think Liz could see where this is going with Ric given his history. Ric will always be about the payback even if it gets in the way of his love life. So set up to lose Liz before he can have her? And meanwhile...there goes Lucky with those flashbacks. lol. And speaking of Liz's love...has Jason run into Ric yet? Or seen him around Liz? 


Le sigh. So back to the slapstick humor that is in RC/FV wheelhouse. Let me roll my eyes. That said...I did like the actress in the Lois storyline, and she has presence. And it seems like the New/Old Writers have a point to this story. But their execution was what is lacking. And it would be one thing if this was a one (or two) and done, but since Tracy has that lady focused on Olivia next...le sigh.



Well if he's going to be walking around in those dressed pants...   


Very much this. It was cool for an episode or so, but now we are a week (and a half) in. I know...give Laura and Kevin time to get there...but this is already dragging.



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