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GH: August 2024 Discussion Thread

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I saw one of the clips with Alexis mentioning her sister, Kristina. I don't know how often that character is mentioned but it was nice to see that history used. For such a forced and at the time pointless addition, her death generated story that still carries on now.

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Go Trina! Tell hypocritical ass Joss what’s what. Her mom’s best friend is literally a Hitman. Josslyn is truly Carly’s daughter. Her empty threat to Ava was laughable. I’m glad Ava opened up to Trina, they have a really nice relationship. I hope they keep her as Ava’s ally.

Kristina actually thought Molly and TJ needed to consult with her to name their own baby? My gosh I find myself disliking her more and more each day.

Lord they are determined to completely ruin Jagger. This feels like when RC brings back past characters for the sake of history and then completely ruins them or kills then off. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jagger leaves port Charles in a body bag. Showing up the day of the memorial and getting Ava to make a false statement as well damn.

Oop Jason went off on Anna and it was well deserved even though I thought she made good points to him about still working for Sonny all these years later. Anna didn’t even sound like she believed it herself when she said she was going to take down Sonny.

Molly found the papers holy shi.t! I’m ready for her to go ALLLLL the way off on Kristina.

Really enjoyed all of the Ashford family scenes. Just great acting all around.

Edited by Antoyne
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i skipped all of the James/Cody and Deception scenes so this was another really great episode to me.

Pleasant surprise to see LH pop up for such an important episode for the Davis women. KM hasn’t even been bad lately, but when LH plays Sam she’s so alive and vibrant. I would love to have her back on a soap permanently one day. Been a fan dating back to Passions.

So happy seeing Ric swoop in to be there for his daughter. It’s clear where Alexis’ priorities have been.

Everything surrounding the funeral was just done so well.

Kristina my gosh, the nerve. I am SO glad Molly overheard what she called the baby and went OFF. Because she’s right, Kristina was more concerned about mobster daddy than the baby she was planning to steal from her sister. And please annoying poster do not tell me I’m wrong for saying she was stealing her sisters baby. 

The Sonny and Ava scenes were interesting. I almost believe Sonny with how seriously they’ve shifted Jagger so quickly.

Overall I’m really enjoying the show right now. Most everything is working for me, except the lack of Liz.

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Cemetery scenes were AMAZING. I’m so glad that Molly laid it all out. I’m glad they showed the flashbacks too which again just show how awful Kristina is. If we’re supposed to feel sympathy for Kristina it’s not working. She was going to steal that baby and didn’t care how it would affect her sister at all. And Alexis knew.

I saw a lot of the Lulu/Maxie friendship early on so I thought KS did really well with comatose Lulu.

Were Dante and Lulu broken up when she went in her coma?

Oh man I hope Jordan runs into BOTH Alexis and Kristina and reads them the riot act.

NLG is so believable as the mom of the Davis girls. Even with this whole new crop of actresses, the chemistry is there.

Nice Friday cliffhanger with Lucky.

Really enjoyed the Ric and Molly scenes as well. 

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So, all over, everywhere people are hating Kristina & blaming her for everything. I do not hate her; I love her & also I figure there is plenty of blame to go around. We can blame Ava, Kristina, Tolly, Tolly's family, Sam a little bit & most of all, Alexis!

She warned everyone about these possibilities way back in the beginning. Yet, when things began to happen, she did nothing. Or at least nothing worthwhile.

She paid lip service to being Switzerland but gave Kristina websites & resources where she could look things up & became able to create that affidavit. Then, still saying she would not take a side, she looked over the affidavit & then kept it for Kristina, in her briefcase, which is where Milly found it!!!

So, I figure Alexis had 2 strong alternatives. 1. Tell Krissy she had to begin seeing a counselor or shrink because she had begun to be overinvested in the baby & it would hurt her in the long run if she did not. 2. Call a Davis Women Family Meeting & tell everyone that Krissy was overly investing in the baby & that she needed all of their support to begin seeing a counselor or a shrink.

If this had been done, it is true, we'd have been robbed of all of this high drama BUT the Davis family would not be split.

This was rare. So powerful. Also a possible reason why Alexis treats Kristina as the golden child. Her bias is so obvious. Molly always get short shrift. Krissy is #1 for both of her parents.

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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Wow. The show is on fire. The cemetery scenes, TJ's family, Rick and Molly, Laura and Liz, Maxie and Lulu, Lucky, Dante and Chase,  Kristina and Alexis, Jordan of all people!

A classic soap would invest in TJ and Molly as a couple. Not with the same old stories, WTD, divorce after divorce etc. With The Gates coming out, this is the time to write some modern day drama for them. The problematic bi sister from hell would bring an interesting aspect to them.

The only weak spot... Lois and the Deception stupidity. I am not sure I am interested in watching Lois doing anything, but those scenes were too much. FF material, but I guess the show is making money by partnering with a cosmetics company or something. 

I know this has been addressed before, but in some scenes the direction is way too static. People don't talk standing opposite each other without moving at all. This is Days of Our Lives bad soap. Have one person sit, bring some coffee, play with their phone, eat, do something. 

Edited by Sapounopera
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Yes, they were divorced & Lulu had been seeing someone new & that relationship had become serious. I cannot remember his name. Griffin? Dustin? I honestly can't recall but I have a vivid picture of him in my stupid brain. 

Jordan, who has been of absolutely NO USE to Molly, better watch her step. If she plays with fire, she just may get burnt. 

Alexis, as she is played by NLG is a very deeply flawed individual but nuanced, layered, complex. Her girls don't have as many layers to them. 

I have been SO worried about Molly because she has been so totally alone. That moment, when she saw Ric was wonderful. You could feel the relief flowing through her. Hip hip hooray for Daddy. 


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Lulu was dating Dustin played by Mark Lawson.  I think he was a teacher.  I think he was going to propose to Lulu, but he died in the explosion at the Floating Rib.  He sort of reminds of Josh Kelly and I can't recall much about him.  

DZ had left the show and then returned not too long before Lulu's accident.  He was all brainwashed in Turkey or whatever that story was.  lol

Edited by carolineg
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