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GH: August 2024 Discussion Thread

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Actually Kate is a member of the Kraze Fans List on Twi/X.

And, Kate came to Twi/X and began posting, so you have it backwards.This is not a case of fans going to her IG acct & accosting her there. Uninvited, she came & said what she said. Very shortly after she was lecturing fans & telling them they were wrong. Sometimes she was correct but other times she herself was in the wrong. 

It was a mess. 

As I have tried to say, it is a minority of fans that you seem to be thinking is most fans. It is not.

Obviously we do not know. 


Could be. 

And, Tom Freeman used what he knew from political campaigning & applied it to his favorite soap. 

But, honestly, most people are aware of fan campaigns. I mean the phrase "save our soap" is ubiquitous. If you do a simple search on those words you'll get so many hits that you will think you've lost your mind. 

And, fan campaigns are not limited to soaps.

Now I will shut the heck up. 

My rose today is Cody saving James. I must award a 2nd rose, this one to Mac, for giving up his stubbornness & welcoming Cody into the family. My thorn has to be Kristina, everyone wants to be there for her but she's not there. Her only interest is doing Ava in

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Donna, all I am saying is that if there is a big fanbase for Kraze there should be a clear agenda.  Use the data or whatever this base has and try to get JGL re-hired.  

The fanbase is clearly being counter productive if they are attacking Mansi, but yet still want the pairing to be re-ignited.  That's going to leave a bad taste for everyone including GH PTB.

I have said numerous times Kate Mansi should have taken a higher road on this, but why would she even want to deal with any of this at this point?  Why would GH?

Blaze is a C character at best and is not in any other stories besides Kristina's and her bigot mom, who I assume will last 6 months at best.  She needs Kristina and therefore Mansi more than Mansi needs her.

Edited by carolineg
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There was in fact a clear agenda. This kind of Twitter Blast is commonly used. Calling & writing the studio are information that is also given. A specific set of hashtags was developed & promulgated. A graphic was designed & distributed. The KRAZE NATION fanbase is not attacking Kate Mansi. Specific individuals acting on their own got into it with Kate. Members of the fanbase tried to get Kate to retire early on. Members of the fanbase praised Kate at any & all opportunities to do so. 

What this is, is a failure to communicate" (Cool Hand Luke)

It's like people here are not actually seeing what is happening there but it's been described to them by blind persons who do not speak English. 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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All I know about this situation is that the actress doesn't deserve even an ounce of the hate that she is getting. I'm not talking about people asking questions or reasonable upset fans. I'm talking about the derogatory name-calling insults I read here yesterday. And Thank God... they were cleaned up from the topic. God bless our admins. If there IS a problem of how this was done, and I think there is one, she is one of the victims and not the perpetrators. 

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Donna wants "Kraze" to be a much bigger thing than it is. It's not, because the bulk of the audience is just not super attached to Blaze or to Lopez. Twitter and FB are not real life, and even there the response to her firing was mixed at best. She was a dayplayer I knew they'd try to make work with Kristina simply because FV was never going to invest in a major star or someone even more mildly more expensive for a LGBT pairing - she's had some good moments, but I still didn't care much. I'm as disgusted as anyone with FV seemingly tossing the gays overboard and keeping Eva LaRue's bigot character, but Kristina can always get a new, much more interesting girlfriend. It's keeping ELR/Natalia that offends me far more than losing Lopez/Blaze.

I have no smoke for Kate Mansi, who may have gotten too involved talking to these lunatics than a soap star should but when they're calling you names for not standing up for a castmember you clearly did not have a close relationship with and whose firing you could not control, oh well. And she's right: Kristina is bisexual, no matter the random retcon the show pulled a couple weeks ago. I don't have a lot of sympathy for psycho fans attacking her. The pairing just was not that interesting, it was never even at the level of Olivia/Natalia from GL (which I didn't like either), and that's why at least half the audience is just shrugging at it. Hopefully the next time Kristina gets a girlfriend (if she gets another one, oy) these people won't overinvest too quickly to the point that they think they're the authority. Again.

Edited by Vee
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Actually many Kraze fans so early on it was almost immediate remarked how the couple resonated Otalia to us & very many of us were huge Otalia fans before Kraze was as much as a twinkle in an eye. Just sayin' is all since it was brought up. Collectively we deemed that finally here was a couple worthy of the legacy of Otalia. 

And, about the statement that I want this to be something it's not. 1. Untrue. 2. Rude & wholly  unnecessary statement & 3. You do not begin to know me well enough to make a claim like that. I would say you should be ashamed of saying something like that but there's no point. Besides as you constantly tell people you always have me on ignore. Must be psychic, I guess. 

Totally agree: No hate for Kate! 

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Yeah.  Obviously there are WAY more straight couples to compare and are very common.  But I don't think anyone should have to love or stand by a LGBTQA couple because that's the the PC stance to take.  Writing is writing.  Couples are couples.  Some work, some don't.  I don't think Kristina/Ali worked that well.  I am probably not wording this right, but can't we just like a pairing regardless of sex, gender, or anything else because it just works? 

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