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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Sorry I was MIA last night. My little one came home and needed some "mommy" time!!

Tonight is the big concernt at the Rock Band Jam camp the boys have been doing. Well I am off to drive carpool!! Be back during the day.

LadyA hope you aer feeling better soon!

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Okay nailed it down..

Tracy is on the 24th ...


Lucky spends the night at Sam's and hides when Liz comes looking for her. Lucky hears Liz trying to get Sam to go back to Lucky. Tracy has a meeting with Nik when she tells him Lulu stole Edward's gun. She compares Lulu's situation with what happened to Laura. Scott learns from Nik that Logan is dead. Scott tells Mac and Lucky he thinks Lulu is apart of Johnny's escape. Carly vows to get Jason out. Jason tells Carly that Lulu killed Logan. Carly thinks about Lulu's reaction and how it mirror Laura. Claudia goes to the PCPD to see Jason and overhears Scott vowing to bring the killer to justice. Karpov arrives at Sonny's and Sonny denys Karpov of meeting with Jason. Max and Diane warn Sonny that being in association with Karpov could put him on Jason's bad side. Lulu has a nightmare about Logan. Johnny's student Lourdes likes Johnny and resents Lulu. AZ gots to Claudia to apologize. Carly goes to Spinelli with help pinning the murder on Ric.

Sounds like it is only a scene..literally a scene! Uggghhhh. At least she is on though and with someone other than lulu!


Tracy meets with Nik at the Metro and shares that Lulu swiped a gun from the Q's.

She compares Lulu's predictament with Laura's history.

So at least she goes to the MC! She is "all over the place" this summer according to Guza!

I am still hearing that GF's return is solely about Lulu's storyline.

Edited by hookedongh
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Thanks hooked. I admire your persistence on SD and your loyalty to our girl! :D

Sounds like a scene or so, huh? Makes no sense to me, but whatever. I wonder what the "something happens" is that causes Nik to tell Scott and not Tracy. Better be a good something happens that warrants her time offscreen. :angry:

On the bright side, Nik and Tracy MetroCourt scenes are fun! Shall we recall? I think that first one is calling for a caption. ;)



EDIT: I think Guza should have sent Tracy to Wyndemere for the Nik scene 'cause she hasn't been there yet! Would give him a better case for his "all over the place" statement. What's our list of places so far? Haunted Star, Boathouse, MetroCourt, Monica's rehab center, PCPD...Did I miss anything?

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Just bumping the thread...had a hot lunch date at Johnny rockets today with my little one and then we went bowling.

Still trying to find out info...but it is all lulu johnny at nauseum...supposedly Scott has one little breakdown scene about Logan after NIk tells him, and then he is out for blood and revenge. hopefully there will be at least a scott/tracy scene. They said he almost gets maxie to crack about it and scott will pick up some little clues along the way that it is not johnny who really killed him...I think he will suspect lulu, etc.

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On the Days board, for a long time they used to talk about who had the "Salem" brain that day.

I think they should have the same discussion on GH, and it sounds like Scott might have the PC brain for some time. The idiots at the PCPD can't put 2+2 and get anything more than 2. Lulu has acted suspicious from the get-go, and only Tracy so far has called it 'guilt', and she mistakenly thought it was guilt by association, not outright responsibility.

Glad you're having Mommy time, Hooked. The Diva is being picked up after supper but won't arrive here until 9 or 10, so I won't get my baby girl until tomorrow really. Then we have a full week of all the kids - all the time before VBS week after next, where 3 of them are gone all day long.

Downloaded Ru's first stage of history today, looks promising. The main text is actually open source now, so I can print it for free (where Amazon wants $32 for it; no brainer on that one); and I've just discovered that through iTunes I can download free ebooks. It's a project through the education department at USFlorida (or central Florida - which is it, Funny?) where they have tonnes of classics free for download and graded K-12. I just downloaded Treasure Island this afternoon, and I'm a happy chick. Free is my favourite price! Between that, the Gutenberg Project and the Bladwin Project, there are tonnes of free kids books around (the real ones like Wizard of Oz, not the Pony Club).

Ms.Q... weather report. Hotter then the hubs of hell here, and humidity like you wouldn't believe. Is there relief on the way?

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So I was bowling with my son and his friend and I am in the middle of texting TL, when she calls me and puts Funny on the phone! How funny is that. TQ lovers uniting all around the country! LOL!!!

So I got to say hi to Funny1, although it was very loud and hard to hear at the bowling alley!

Nex--did you see that Wally was at FCW showing a preview of his movie he directed I guess?

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You'll love this, the rumour de jour is that TG is 'cutting short his vacation to return because of GF'. Don't you just love how important she is? Tomorrow I think we will discover that Venus is named after her and she's responsible for saving lives during the earthquake in China.

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Was that from that knoxvilleblog thing? That was from a local paper tv reporter I think. I really don't think that is true. I just can't see laura waking up, luke reuniting with her and then her leaving again. Make no sense whatsoever and for it to not be during sweeps.

You know...if it means Tracy will get something meaty in terms of storyline, I almost am at the point of not caring!

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That has more credibility than the rumour de jour. I think it's wishful thinking - esp. the 'reunion' part. There are many way to 'reunite' and only one is to permanently run off into the sunset. There are still some LnL diehards who still want to believe in it.

The story right now, even as it's gag-worthy, is Lulu. And if GF herself says it's only a mother/daughter thing, than I'm inclined to believe that.

I would love her to discover Tracy is the real Mrs. Spencer, though. Guza created LuNacy and he's obviously not inclined towards ewcbo/LnL so that's in our favour.

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I AM PISSED!!! :angry::angry::angry:

I just received an email from abc.com about next weeks spoilers and I read this article about GF's return........

So we've just picked ourselves off the ground ... because we fainted (though we had great accessories on, keeping in true soap opera fashion) from sheer, unbridled excitement. Genie Francis is coming back to "General Hospital" as Laura Spencer! THE Laura Spencer. Of Luke and Laura fame.

In case you have been vacationing on Pluto for the last two decades, you know that Luke (Anthony Geary) and Laura were the biggest thing since sliced bread back in the day. Their wedding was watched by more people than any other daytime television broadcast EVER. Elizabeth Taylor even showed up (in a turban, natch) to curse them. Genie was last seen on the show in 2006, when Laura came out of her catatonic state (the reason the character exited in 2002) thanks to a new medicine. Too bad the medicine didn't have a permanent effect: She slipped back into a vegetative state, but not before remarrying her true love, Luke. So Luke was married to Tracy at the time, but it was the symbolic gesture of it that counted.

So what's the deal? Why is Laura coming back? First, because Laura Spencer is awesome. Second ... well, we don't want to spoil anything too much, but let's just say that Laura's love for her daughter, Lulu (Julie Marie Berman) is more powerful than science, medicine, earth, wind, and fire (which is a great band, BTW).

But what will she do when she finds out Luke is married to uber-wicked Tracy (Jane Elliot)?

So many questions! Regardless, look for Genie to first air on August 26.

Exuse me!?!?! :angry: But uber-wicked seems pretty harsh and downright nasty, considering how nice Tracy has been to ungrateful Looloo, it just ticks me off.

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