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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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*standing ovation to tracyluver's post.*

Just...WORD. To everything you said.

In spite of Luke's freakish behavior,I'm giving him ONE.MORE.CHANCE today...or Monday if the story doesn't wrap up today,to redeem himself for yesterday.

If he doesn't,that's it.

I think I'm gonna jump on the TracyNeedsaNewMan bandwagon...effective immediately.

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I am going to be the lone defense for Luke here. (*I know you're surprised. I'm surprised, too.) But I saw the look in Tracy's eyes when she was talking about taking him to bed. The main emotion Luke was showing during those scenes leading up to the drugging were...FEAR. He wasn't disgusted; he was terrified. And rightly so. Any sane man would be terrified by Tracy in that moment, especially after she just came out and said she didn't know whether to kill him or f**k him. In the mood she was in, Luke wisely knew that Tracy was more dangerous than she'd ever been, and being that he's really attached to that part of his anatomy most vulnerable in those situations, he wisely chose not to go there.

Of course, the aftermath is gonna be much worse, methinks. I mean, really, son. You can get away with a sexual bait and switch maybe once in a lifetime. Twice in one year? Not cool, Lucas Lorenzo. Not cool at all.

Still, my heart beats to that trippy LuNacy beat, and hopefully we are seeing the start of something wonderful. And I agree with tracyluvr--our girl's no victim. She is a queen, a goddess, a Divine Ms. Q who is not afraid of her own power. She's not perfect, but at least she's not a whiny little snark who blames everybody else for her problems.

Happy Anniversary, LuNacy! Virtual Dom Perignon Champagne to all!

*looking for a woman's shoe to drink the champagne out of....*

Edit: Oh, and Luke/Holly so did not make love. I'm willing to bet Robert and Tracy drag themselves downstairs to find him stripped naked and tied to a chair, the jewels gone and Holly halfway to Denmark with all his money.

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Much as I love our girl, I don't think I'd like to see this played out differently. The alternative is, honestly, Luke not being Luke and Tracy not being Tracy. We've had enough character assassinations under Guza's roof, haven't we? Of course, I don't watch regularly by any stretch of the imagination, so what little I get, I enjoy.

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I don't know if I agree with that.

Luke's always had a dark side,unlike what some L&L's would like to say,I mean he grew up on the streets,was involved with the mob,raped Laura....he's got a dark core,no matter what some might say.

And he fights that darkness sometimes....and other times,he doesn't.

BUT he regretted what he did to Laura,and I just can't see Luke doing the bait and switch thing on a woman because of it.


Not even this Luke.

And Tracy?

The real Tracy would NOT put up with his crap,and even if she cared,they would've been divorced a long time ago.

I do enjoy seeing Tracy,but I don't like seeing too much of this limp dishrag acceptance of Luke's actions.

Our girl would've squashed him quite some time ago.

BUT I have to say,Luke/Tracy probably never would've happened under any other regime.

So....I'm grateful TG/JE got what they've wanted...to be each other's leading man/lady.

So,it's a Guzafied Tracy/Luke.

But it's Tracy/Luke.

And most of the time,they make me smile.

But I have to say,I'm actually rooting for a triangle with Robert.

That's big for me,because I hate triangles.

But I think if he cared about her, Robert would ultimately treat her a little better.

And maybe Robert macking on his woman will bring Luke to realize he has feelings for Tracy.

By recaps alone,I was very underwhelmed with today's show,which might have about ten minutes of Tracy,if that?

*sigh* I expected more,but at least TIIC remembered it's their anniversary.

spoiler talk

So what happened to the "Luke realizes he has feelings for Tracy?"

I can't imagine them cutting that,or TG not working it in somewhere else if they cut it.

So...will it happen next week,is it a fake spoiler,or what?

And yeah...woohoo...bring on Robert romancing Tracy to break up Lacy.

It's probably the only way we'll get the two of them to admit their feelings.

Plus,Tristan's cute.

That is all.

spoiler talk over.

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I agree with your concept of each character, but only to the extent that I always painfully remind myself that this is Guza and characters don't exist, only caricatures. That said, the caricatures of Luke and Tracy? Completely in character and untouched. And Geary and Elliot work their paychecks off to bring it to life the way they do. I go into it expecting as little as possible, so I don't tend to get disappointed. I think the fact that I've stopped looking at spoilers (in general, not just when it comes to Tracy or GH) helps. There's just so much out there that doesn't come to pass or only winds up being a rumor. I frankly got tired of getting let down. And this is a Guza show, you're going to get let down, no matter who you are. So the best you can do to avoid that, the better off, IMO.

That said, I think that a viable Robert/Luke over Tracy story would rock. I mean, two men over our girl? In Guza's world? I'm salivating just thinking about it. Robert's back fairly full time, Anna's only here for a stint, not sure about Holly. So, why not?

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LMAO at the remark putting down Holly's looks. Talk about desperate! She's stunning. I should retaliate but how can i when i love Tracy too? Please don't try and ridicule a fantastic character just because her story threatens your own. it was her last episode today anyhow!

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Okay, Marland. I am NOT the desperate one, here. No. 1, I never said that HOElly was ugly, just that Jane was more beautiful, and a little less cheap. Secondly, I don't think that HOElly is a THREAT to neone, when the b***h was there for like, what? Two seconds. I haven't seen todays eppy yet but HA! They didn't have sex. I've never seen myself as childish, confrontational, or desperate, but you bring out the worst sides of me, sides I've never even known. If you think i didn't like you calling TRACY deperate, how the hell do you think i feel about you calling ME desperate. You are the one who obviously likes others (ahem, skye, HOElly) more than Tracy, but this is a TRACY QUARTERMAINE LOVEFEST, a lovefest, dear. If you don't like what's said here, then you can leave. I seriously do not mind a good argument, I want to be an attorney after college for God's sake. People here disagree all the time, that's totally cool and it makes for interesting conversation. And I'm not saying that you don't have just as much of a right to come here as everybody else, nor am i saying that you don't have a right to your opinions. But I have the same rights as you do and i can say what i wish, and i have the right to do so without being insulted. Don't you dare call me desperate.

Oh, and by the way, i would feel bad about what i am saying here but....well, maybe it's the Tracy in me but i don't. In fact, maybe I don't because i shouldn't. I am NOT desperate. AARGH!! This also isn't the first time you've offended Tracy fans here. I don't know about anyone else but you've offended me personally, which i have never, will never do to you. Maybe i should have pm'd this to you but I don't know how so I'm saying it out in the open. Oh, wait, that doesn't make me "desperate" does it?

ETA: HUGE cahnge of pace here ladies and gentlemen but i have a quick question: there was a storm the night JE was on soaptalk and i have satellite and I missed her interview. I cried. lol! No, seriously. Does anyone, by chance, have any clips and/or have knowlege of where i can obtain some? Pretty plese with sugar on top and icing and a small yet satisfying marichino cherry on top?? :) thanksin advance ( and if noone has any, then just thanks for reading this incredibly long post:))

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of course you are desperate if your argument is baseless! You can rant and rave and call me and Queen Holly all the names under the sun... Luke wanted Holly and you CAN'T STAND IT.

And i LOVE Jane and Tracy so youll have to gang up on me as a collective to get me out of this thread.

In fact, i have a wonderful watercolor of Jane that i am scanning up and posting this weekend for you guys to enjoy, so thats something to look forward to isn't it. Chill mellow out.

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*enters quietly*

tracyluver, I don't have much time right now or else I'd find them for you, but pages ago, Linn posted clips from SoapTalk in which JE talked about DH frying her hair. I don't have the rest of the clips of the episode though, but at least it's something. :)

Some comments about today's show...

Talk about underwhelming.

Guess the "feelings" spoiler wasn't true. Figures. *sigh*

Love Tracy, but as ILoveTracyQ mentioned, why oh why does she put up with this crap?

I'm tired of the writers putting down Tracy and indirectly JE. Guess what, TIIC? She's NOT 29. She's 59, and she looks darn good despite the atrocious outfits your Wardrobe Department insists on draping her in.

Psst...The Coleman/Tracy stuff didn't take place on the honeymoon. Did I hear wrong, or did GH screw it up?

I HATE misleading spoilers. The "unexpected visitors" stuff lasted 2 seconds.

I did enjoy the brief "Happy Anniversary" and the kiss. There was a little kiss, right? LOL.






If there's a Robert/Tracy/Luke triangle, then MinervaFan is right. It's not going to be serious. On the plus side, JE might end up getting something to do while TG is away.

*exits quietly*

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Hmm...maybe the feelings spoiler isn't false.

Maybe it'll happen later,you know how we were all expecting Tracy to show up Tuesday and she showed up Wednesday at the tail end?

Maybe it'll happen next week,since the Luke/Tracy/Robert spoilers are so interesting for next week.

Luke doesn't feel threatened yet.

He thinks Tracy isn't going anywhere and neither is he.

Eh MarlandRulez you have a right to your opinion,but you were a little insulting on a personal level with a poster when you called her desperate.

Her opinion is her business and yours is yours.

But I don't think it's very polite to call someone desperate just because they don't agree with you.

And you can chalk it up to me being tired and exhausted and just plain stressed out...but I don't blame a poster for defending their original post.

They have a right to their opinion.

And because I hate it when people call JE names like "fat," etc....I'll refrain from saying what I really feel about Ms.Samms,because even though I think it,I think it's rude to say it,about anyone.

Nobody can be as good looking as me....so I gotta give them all a free pass.

It's a joke,ladies and gentleman.

Just a little something to lighten the mood.

I don't care if you post here MarlandRulez. It's a public board,but I will speak out against anyone who disses Jane or Tracy in this thread. There's a place for that,and it isn't in here. Now I'm not saying that's what you were doing,but I can see how and why it could be interpreted as so.

I don't really care,honestly. Chalk that up to being stressed and tired also. I like this thread,it is for the most part a peaceful place,which is why I come here.

I love everyone on here,which is why I come here.

I'd surely appreciate it if we'd all just GET ALONG. *said with a smile*

*hugs to Keith and YEAH. Two men over our girl? Are you kidding me? Even in Guza's world, I'll TAKE IT !

I bet JE isn't complaining,either. :)

Peace Love and Joy everyone.



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Okay, so, as someone who has just completed an AP Chem exam which she studied for MONTHS for, who's pmsing just a tad, and who's grandmother just passed away, maybe i'm stressed and in a generally bad mood. But that is also why I come here. Because no matter how horribly stressing my life is, I can always come here and escape for just a few moments, maybe read some fics, watch some clips ( thanx bunches Ms. Q, by the way :) ) and just relax in this imaginary world with pople I've never met and have a good time. But it has not been that for me today, and I don't want to take that away from anybody else, so I will just stop posting and coming here for a while, and maybe things will cool off. Because at the end of the day, Tracy IS just a charater in a show. I just don't see why someone would resort to personal insults over a fictional character, and after the day I've had (well the week in general has just sucked for all of the aforementioned reasons listed above) I don't care to find out. I'm sorry if you feel attacked or offended, I really do, MarlandRulez, but I still rest on my laurels and stand by everyhng I posted before, 110%. And thanx, ILoveTracyQ for defending me. again, i wasn't trying to be mean and nooone is going to stage a mutiny or any other group effort to get you out of this board. I, on the ther hand, will be leaving, just for awhile. because when your grandma dies, your dad is so quiet from grief quiet it's killing you, and your period (sry if im grossing neone out here) is just days away, you really don't need to be attacked. TA for now ladies and gentlemen, i wish you TQ luck and i'll be back eventually.

ETA: LOLOL ILoveTracyQ. You are correct. Noone can be as beautiful as you. It's a shame, I know, that you can not share your beauty with the rest of us but, well, we will learn to deal. :)

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tracyluver I know how you feel! *sends hugs*

As for everyone's opinions that's exactly what they are, opinions and everyone is entitled to them. I guess that's what we get for watching soap operas, DRAMA! :D;)

**slightly spoilerish if u haven't seen today**



Okay is it just me or is Luke having menopausal (sp?) moments today!?!? One minute he's defending Holly, next he's calling her a b*tch. The Beginning of the episode he's playing games with Tracy and fighting with her, next he's saying he wouldn't try to trick her into a divorce and acting all lovey and sweet. ::sighs:: I'm confused, lol. I don't need to be confused especially with finals coming on Monday and Tuesday.

Yippee, the writers remembered that its Tracy and Luke's anniversary! Lukey forgot (it seemed like) ::shakes head:: Maybe that's why he owes her big, lol.

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tracyluver I PM'd you.











about Luke owing Tracy,...grain of salt,but the breakdown states that Luke owes her for next Wednesday.

What happens>? She stops Edward from throwing him out,most likely.

Then Edward lets them think they've won...and viola !

Robert moves in.

So,anyone wanna spec....Edward is paying Robert to break Lacy up by running Luke off.

Will Tracy start to have feelings for Robert,too...or he for her?

Or not?

spoiler talk over

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