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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Re: Holly and Luke discussing how he can't be a slutpuppy rutting jerk of a dog with the British tartlet because he has a wife "at home." Does this mean I have to watch the fracking Luke-Holly scenes now? I've just been ff-ing through them.

As for Luke thinking our girl is at home waiting on him--man, he doesn't really know his wife at all, does he?

Places Tracy Could Be While Luke's On Adventure:

  • On a private plane (rented with part of that $15 million, since Edward wouldn't let her use the ELQ jet), heading off to the South Pacific to track his sad butt down? CHECK
  • In Europe, mocking Eurotrash and spending that $15 million? CHECK
  • In New York, catching the latest Broadway blockbusters and spending that $15 million? CHECK
  • In California, luxuriating at a big expensive spa and spending that $15 million? CHECK
  • Waiting at home for his sorry ass to decide to return? WRONG!
/end spoiler talk
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Ms. Quartermaine I just wanted to say I loved your banners. :)

I do have one question about the second to last one, where Luke tells Tracy that he love Lila and that she was an amazing woman and that she is an amazing woman, in her own way. When did that happen? Does anybody have a transcript of that scene or maybe a clip? :rolleyes:

*waves to everybody*

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ILoveTracyQ, yes, it's a cute article (was that the SID one you were waiting for?), although I wish JE could voice her opinion once in awhile. And I know, I know. We'll see our girl eventually. I'm just tired of waiting. And why did JE have to get the shaft for most of this SL? *thinks* I suppose it's for the better seeing that Holly/Robert/Luke all look like idiots. Stupid it as it, though, I still wish Tracy would come out and play. Oh, did you see the post at SD about Coleman/Markham Islands? Someone said Coleman should've accompanied his "mama" on this adventure, so she wouldn't have ended up lost in the jungle. :lol:

MinervaFan, thanks for the laugh. LOL.

nex4evr, smirks is on a mission to find the clip, but I'm not sure if she heard back from the person or not. Until then...here is the transcript. One of the best TQ episodes ever since her return. JE was more awesome than usual, and it was just...wow. One of the best Lacy episodes too. :) *sigh* We need more scenes like those. I hope someone finds a clip because you (and MinervaFan) would LOVE it. Thanks for the compliment, by the way.

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MsQ, I love the Teen LuNacy banner! (Sounds like a 1970s Saturday morning cartoon, doesn't it? Tracy and the Teens in Teen LuNacy. <i>Tracy and her best buddy Luke travel cross country in the Magical LuNacy Van, jamming with their rock band "The Teens" and solving mysteries as they go!</i>)

I'm hoping whatever gremlin has messed up my timer on the VCR for the last three days clears itself up before Our Lady of Snark returns to cast judgment on the Three Crabilleros....

ETA: A little side note to Natalia Livingston re: today's episode. Hon, stick to the two emotions you seem capable of playing, and leave the comedy to the professionals. Oh, for a good Tracy-Luke snarkfest about now.....

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*waves to everyone,including MinervaFan I see signed on.......

EEEE!!! Yes I guess that SID thing was just an issue late.

SZ really didn't do it justice,I'll try to elaborate:

Our girl and her "best buddy Luke"( thanks MF because honestly,marriage or not,that's how I see them,with fringe benefits *wink*) are also a "HIT" in SOW,and a recap of that will follow also:


the blurb is from "Hottest Stories":

"Is Luke in Love with TRacy?"

Mentions Holly trying to seduce him and says Luke may think Tracy is his spouse in name only,but has she really stolen his heart?

There's something about Tracy that fills Luke's needs whether he admits it or not.

She's sort of a hybrid(LOL,but I agree) of all the women who have come in and out of his life.

TG quote: "Tracy is the biggest challenge and combat of his life"," says the 15 mill is an excuse to be there,but it's so much more than that. "In her own way(awww... ) Tracy's been very comforting. He's not a sentimental man,so it's the kind of comforting he can accept."

It does say "while Tracy is back in PC,worried about whether her hubby and English are getting it on",but we know Jane will be on the island at some point.

Maybe she does give up and comes back,unable to find him?

Then when Dillon goes missing she leaves again?

Or maybe Tracy being added in is last minute,or the mag blurb was written not knowing Tracy would be part of it?

Don't know.

TG says Tracy is so far away from Laura that she's the exact opposite (yeah Tracy's not boring,my thought only),TG says there's nothing in Tracy to remind him of Laura( funny since the mag just said she's a hybrid of ALL the women...Laura too,right?)

The mag quote,not Geary: "WE've seen T&L be combative,supportive,humorous,sometimes soft,flirty and jealous.Those tender moments are isolated amongst lots of sparring.

Geary says "That's (meaning the sparring) their safe place. They catch each other being more connected than they're comfortable with,particularly in public."

TG adds he doesn't know what happens when the doors close.

Cute write up.

Too bad no Jane. :( That's just not right.


(cool title) HIT

"GH's Luke and Tracy: Cold feet,warm hearts?"

Says their connubial miss(meaning the vow renewal) was just the shot in the arm the moribund Q's needed.

TAlks about Robert coming to take Luke to the MI,and the hijinks with the ceremony (or before it),and Luke going out the window.

Mentions Tracy's slip of the tongue letting Lulu know Luke was in her heart.

Ends by saying Luke's pratfalls had not been in vain: this marriage is no laughing matter.

Luke has conned Tracy into falling in love.

Awwww...sweet. :)

NO LOL Ms.Q I didn't see that on SD.

Can you just imagine Luke's face?


It'd serve him right if Coleman were with her. :)

I need my girl. NOW. :(

Thanks for the link to the transcript Ms.Q. I agree it's a good one,one of Lacy's best.

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Luke has conned Tracy into falling in love.

Or, maybe she has conned him into connecting to something bigger than his only boyish whims.

Oh, downloading the Trax eps. My kingdom for a Tracy pairing that does NOT include Skye. I mean, really, folks--how long have they been sticking her with Skye's hand-me-downs? We need a real man, with nothing to prove or no axe to grind, to come in and challenge Tracy into love. (Hey, I wonder if we could get Dr. John Carpenter from CoH? ;) I know, it's time for work.)

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I think Tracy would have liked Dr.John.

I think she might have openly mocked his clinic at first,making a few well placed hoodlum comments.

But her brother being a doctor,and her family so wrapped up in the hospital,I think she would have respected him,and the charity work he did would be a common ground also.

Five minutes in his presence and she would have been enraptured,even if she wouldn't say so.

I agree about Skye though,and I've said before I'm afraid Skye's exit when RC goes on maternity leave,will involve Luke somehow or he'll leave to go find her or something.

Which is a shame because I think Skuke was never that great of a couple in the first place,but whatever they had is so tired and over and I really wouldn't mind if they never shared a scene again.

Plus as a Tracy fan,I want a man that actually has more consideration for my girl's feelings than to run off chasing an ex.

Ew. Did I just say that? Because that's what he's doing right now with Holly. It's different with HOlly I guess since we know ES isn't permanently staying...but still.

Guess Luke better step up or step off.

ABout Jax...they've always kept it vague as to how far Tracy/Jax went,they knew each other before PC and never did anything but kiss onscreen.

HOwever there were hints more had taken place.

I doubt it,based on Jax's attitude,plus the fact that Tracy would throw it in his face if they had done anything other than kiss.

But IMO it's still debatable if Jax is Skye's hand me down. Tracy was there first,even if it was just kissing.

PS the SID mentions Tracy as PC's worst mom,and in a blurb about Lois's fake nails,there's a pic of OriginalLois,Ned and Tracy,when she came back to PC. She's got the short cut,and this is the same time frame from the clip where she kisses Jax,but if anyone can scan the pic,so others could see it,it'd be appreciated.

JE looks so much better now IMO.

Maybe the hair was just TOO short,maybe she was too skinny then,I don't know,I just think she looks worlds better now.

I reiterate....the shoulder length bob is her best look. The almost but not quite honeyblond during the time she first teamed up with Helena,is also her best color.

The harsh red just doesn't flatter her anymore.

JMHO. The color and the cut soften her face.

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We always end up discussing her hair, don't we? I love the blondish shoulder-length bob, too. I think the current cut could work well for her, if she'd just soften the color a bit. (Knock, knock! Dierdre? Ash Brown, medium, is a great color. Trust me.)

I've reconsidered Tracy/Dr. John Carpenter. He's meant for Barbara Bennett, and nobody can convince me otherwise. (Take that, MTM fans!) Maybe a quick flirtation with Tracy would wake him up to how much he loves Barbara, and Tracy would be like, "OH, thank god. If I had to stay another five minutes with that do-gooder rockabilly doctor, I would have slit his wrists." Um, not her wrists, mind you....

Hoping to get something creative done this weekend. I've been sooooooo busy with RL; all I've had the chance to do was set things to download.

Oh, there's a new Fanfiction board up: http://boards.heavens-angel.net/fics/index.php I asked the person who made it, and she's agreed to add a Luke/Tracy folder on the board. So if you're looking for another place to pimp your stuff....

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Oh no...You know it's bad when we start talking about Jane Elliot's hair. :lol:

So, let's recap (SPOILERS INCLUDED...KIND OF):

Soap Opera Weekly: Our couple is important enough to be on the cover. *Ms. Q smiles gleefully, despite the horrific photo-shop job* We get a cutesy article that tells us to expect "fireworks" between Robert, Holly, Luke, and Tracy, as Tracy tracks down her husband. TG states that JE is going to make the ridiculous SL realistic...All right, I added the ridiculous part. ;)

General Hospital: Tracy sets off to find her husband, but the Super Sonic Port Charles Jet is not working, so it's taking her an extremely loooooooooooooong time to get to the islands, or so we are led to believe. We have a lot of questions: Did her plane crash? Has she been kidnapped? Is she lurking about Luke and co.'s camp site, waiting for the perfect moment to unleash her fury? Is she on the wrong island? Has she given up and returned to Port Charles? Naturally, all this is taking place offscreen.

Finola Hughes's Blog: She filmed scenes with JE. Lots and lots of laughing on set. Too bad I couldn't have been there, LOL, because it sounded fun. In any case, JE has filmed some scenes on the fake island set, so Tracy must must be involved, unless the scenes are cut. FH is only back for 5 episodes, right? TIIC wouldn't cut her scenes, would they?

Soaps In Depth: Tracy is at home worried if her husband and Holly are "getting it on." I'm guessing this article was completed before FH's wrote in her blog. Not sure how the interviewing/printing process works, but I'm certain it's impossible to have the magazine done in such a short amount of time. However...if Tracy IS at home (and let's say she did give up, even though she wouldn't do that), it says she's "worried." Are we supposed to assume she's worried, or will be able to see that? And of course, this is all provided that Tracy returns to Port Charles.

I'm betting there's been some rewriting going on. I believe she was supposed to be involved from the beginning (hence SOW). GH decided to add the younger crew (Dillon/Lulu/Robin/Patrick) and figured, "Pfft. Who needs the character of Tracy?" GH doesn't want to write for her, so she is sent offscreen to search for husband, which GH obviously forgets about seeing as the SID article has her at home (either that, or SID can't keep its facts straight...or Tracy does indeed come home). Whatever the case may be, somewhere down the line, GH realizes they are making a big mistake by not including JE/Tracy...and voila! She's getting scenes with TG and FH. Heh. I have no idea. I wish I knew WHAT was going on...

Been lurking at SoapDish...They want a ladies night out with Holly/Anna/Tracy/Monica. Holly is on my "You are so evil" list, but eh...JE is so much fun when she gets to play drunk. I'd go for it.

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I just love how Tracy periodically offers Skye a drink. The decent human in me is scandalized, but the other part of me? LMFAO--it's so mean and !@#$%^&*]y and perfect, considering how awful Skye treats her. (Yeah, I know it's deserved, but I prefer Tracy.)

Hmmmmmm....you may get the Tracy and Monica, if I ever get back to my story. Maybe I could throw in a couple of other people--any requests?

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Thank God. One more person who does not see Skye as Tracy's widdle victim.

Poor,poor victimized Skye.

Yeah right.

Skye,as Tracy said,gives as good as she gets. If I ever saw Skye attempt to be nice to Tracy,I'd almost feel bad when Tracy slings her arrows at her.

But since I've never seen anything but tit for tat,I think Skye can more than take care of herself.

Ms.Q you're trying to rationalize things. You sound like me.


BTW where did you read JE filmed scenes on the fake island set?

That wasn't in the first blog you posted,was it?

I don't know if I can wait until the week of the 22nd. I just don't know if I can do it.

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LOL, ILoveTracyQ. Sorry. It's a bad habit. About the island...[whisper] Yeah, I sort of just assumed that she filmed there since she had scenes with FH, and Anna never returns to PC. I guess it's possible the scenes are in that run down "vacation" house (in the media pics) though. Oops. [/whisper]

The week of the 22nd? Eh...[chants] We can do it. We can do it. [/chants] :lol: After all...We made it from July 20th to October 7th (yes, it's sad that I have the dates memorized) with 1 TQ scene. This should be nothing, LOL.

MinervaFan, ooh, I am anticipating that Tracy/Monica fanfic.

Chapter 21 has been posted.

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Awww...*sniff* I was so hoping you'd put up the next chapter.

I love your story,it has so much heart.

I felt sorry for Luke,with his suitcase.


Don't mind me I'm not normally this sentimental.

Chalk it up to PMS. LOL

And YourDillon gets Line of the Year:"My mom's done enough crawling."

No words. *sniff*

What will happen,will Tracy think Luke's taking off again?

Ooohh...that'd be enough to make her move into the MetroCourt.


ETA I guess I missed that banner. I LURVE it. Soooo cute. :)

Yeah we can wait I guess. Maybe all the secrecy will be worth it?

Let's hope there's more of an explanation than just that she got lost.

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hey, all!

MsQ, w00t on the new chapter of "Oh, Baby." I'm so anticipating it. The Tracy-Monica story already has about two pages on it, but I'm probably going to rewrite it,as the POV is problematic.

What I really want to do is a Change of Habit fic. As it would probably be the only CoH fanfic in history, it would have to be the only fanfic ever needed in history, so that might take a while.

OTOH, if I never get home before 11:30 (that was the earliest I got home this week after work with all the errands I had to run), I won't have time to do nuthin'.

Oh, today is Cinco de Mayo. We're having tequilla shots and chips and salsa over at the Ficathon. Tracy has stopped counting and is now doing a Coyote Ugly dance on the bar. Luke is passed out in a corner, Coleman is charging spectators who are ogling Tracy, and Skye is sulking because she's sober.

Edit: DEAR ME! Tracy just grabbed Lorenzo and yelled, "Free Body Shots!" into the crowd. I think Skye's gonna explode now.

But don't worry about our girl--tomorrow is Kentucky Derby, so she can work off that hangover with some mint juleps! (All this ruckus, and I don't even drink. I'm just the chronicler of this madness.)

Oh, and Alan--who's had at least six shots and a couple of margaritas--is our designated driver. But don't worry--Tracy knows where to stash the evidence. (Gawd, let's hope they never drain that lake....)

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