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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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You know, I actually requested Tracy/Helena femslash, but had no takers. I don't know the character of Helena well enough, I think, to tackle it yet. (Remember, I've only watched the show since this January--I've never seen Helena in action; I've just read the transcripts.) Personally, I'd love to have fun with those two...

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I hated the whole Tracy/Helena "alliance",thought it was stupid and contrived and just generally made me ill.

Not to mention it was just one more way to make Tracy look "EEVVILLLLL", AND I say no thank you to that.

I wouldn't mind a story where they are on opposite sides,which is where they should be.

But Tracy should have never been written as willingly going along with Helena for any reason,especially something as dumb as breaking up Nikolas and Emily...when in all likelihood,even if he is a Cassadine,Tracy wouldn't really care too much.

MinervaFan if you've watched every day since January,you should have seen Helena briefly torture Courtney.

Did you miss those few shows?

She isn't around much anyway,although rumor is she'll be back soon,though I have no idea what the story will be.

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Actually, I did see those episodes, but I really couldn't get a lot out of it. I think, from what I know of it, that the Helena-Tracy team-up did sound a bit ridiculous. OTOH, the pictures of them together were just more than purty and made my femslashy heart go pittypittypat! But finding a way to get them together legitimately for a fanfic? I haven't got there yet. The only way Tracy would stoop so low would be if Helena blackmailed her, and I don't want to write a Helena Has The Upper Hand story, you know?

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More than one fan has speculated they might have turned out to be secret mother/daughter ...with better writers.

One fan fic has Stefan Cassadine,one of Helena's sons,as Edward's son,making Helena the mother of one of Tracy's brothers.

Helena's famous for brainwashing,she did it to Lucky once,and I could see her doing it again,to Tracy or anyone else unlucky enough to incur her wrath.

I don't like the mother/daughter idea myself.

I HATE it when even fan fics seriously jack with the characters history.

Yesterday on SZ people kept saying Ned should be de-Q'd so Skye could be RE-Q'd. Uh,NO. Never. They were wanting Skye to be Tracy's kid and Ned to be...well,NOT a Quartermaine.

Leave my Ned alone,vultures.


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Regarding the "Trena" alliance: Loved JE and CT in scenes together (and I loved their joint interview in Soap Opera Digest, LOL) but why Tracy would ever want to team up with her is beyond me. Didn't it begin by wanting to frame Emily for Mary's murder? Tracy wanted Emily out of the running for Lila's inheritance, right? Something really stupid. At least Tracy came through for Emily in the end. (There's a sentence I'd never thought I'd say, LOL). But then...sometime down the road, Tracy teams up with Helena AGAIN (circa NYE). Love my girl, but come on. :rolleyes:

In regards to changing history: I'll allow Skye to Tracy's daughter, but Ned MUST remain a Quartermaine. TPTB would have to establish that Ned/Skye never slept together then because of the ick factor. Hey, I just thought of another spoiler (err...rumor that never happened). It was around the time WK was released from contract, yet at the same time, the Q's were rumored to be front and center again. :huh: Something about Ned not being an Ashton, but a Cassadine, and this was going to turn the Quartermaine and Cassadine empires upside down starting with Helena and Tracy.

This was also around the time Tracy/Helena teamed up again, and it was speculated that Helena blackmailed her into it (or else she'd reveal Ned's paternity). (Then came the wacky speculation that Ned and Skye were switched at birth, LOL.) Anyway, although all the evidence suggested that Ned was a Cassadine, he really wasn't, but he and Lois would leave the country to find out for sure...without any likelihood of returning. Something crazy like that. :lol:

Fanfiction Updates:

Oh, Baby: Chapter 10

The Missing Scenes: Graduation Day

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I remember that Ned spec/rumor Ms.Q and yes that would make an awesome fan fic.

I don't think I've ever heard them called "Trena." Tralena,Helacy,LOL...but not Trena,but I actually like that name best.

I read your updates last night.

I loovee the baby story.

When is Coleman coming into the picture,and WHAT will he do?

All kinds of possibilities. Can you imagine Coleman finding out/thinking the baby is his,and PROPOSING??

BTW someone out there needs to supply Coleman/Tracy clips for MinervaFan.

Methinks she would likey. :)

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EYEW! Skye as Tracy's daughter? You are so kidding me. Not a chance. OTOH, Ned not being Tracy's actual son could be fun, especially since JE and Wally Kurth have already played lovers on another show. There's just that freaky undertone between them that amuses the hell out of me every time they're together on screen. But then, I'm a freak.....

Oh, not just me. My girlfriend thinks that Tracy and Coleman are the hawtest couple who ever lived. I mean seriously. She would love ya'll forever.

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No, I had actually stopped watching around that time because i was in school and i didn't have soapnet at the time and it was just really time consuming to try to videotape and/or watch it online so i just stopped for a while. Plus, at the time, I wasn't really exposed to Tracy; Helena was my favorite but there was all the drama about wether she'd come back or not and i dunno. I even signed the petition to bring her back and i didn't even see her on the show! lol But now tracy is my favorite with helena running a close second and i would like to see my two favorites together in a plausible, "Trena"-worthy sl/fic. Actually, i'd rather the fic, at least i know it'd be done right. :P

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Yep that's how I feel about Skye being Tracy's daughter,too.

Uh,a big fat NO to that.

NO to Ned not being Tracy's son...now they could think he wasn't for a while,that would be interesting.

But ultimately he'd have to be her baby.

And Coleman/Tracy? Not nearly given a chance.

In fact,most days I think that in terms of how he'd treat her, Coleman is a much better match than Luke.

Coleman may be sleazy but I feel he'd treasure someone like Tracy,ultimately,after they got to know one another.

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ILoveTracyQ, I made up "Trena" myself, I think, LOL. And I'm glad you like the updates. Interesting ideas about Coleman. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet (:o), but of course he's going to be involved.

tracyluver, ah yes, "plausible" is the key word there because the last Trena alliance? Made. No. Sense.

Regarding Tracy/Coleman...I have no clips except for Shazzer's LuNacy Video. I agree the two were never given a chance. She found him in her bed, and 2 hours later, she was in love. Riiiiiiight. Loved their scenes though...until the jealousy games kicked into full swing. Remember when he was stuck in the elevator with Courtney? "Sweetheart? Are you all right?" Then she was screaming/banging on the door, "We're gonna get you out of there!!!!!" :lol:

*sigh* I miss Tracy. Think she'll be involved next week when Sonny faces the Q's? Or does that mean "Sonny faces Alan and Monica?" Tracy HAS to be there, just for the laughs. Oh, and this just in from SoapDish: Question: Who is the couple most likely to stay together? Answer: Luke and Tracy. (There were different questions for most of the couples). Not leaving spoiler space because that seems more like speculation than anything. ;)

ETA: Why do my posts seem to be turning into essays? The last 2 ones, anyway. LOL.

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:huh: Have I been gone that long?

If I have, I think I deserve to be decked by Tracy like her hubby was, what, a week ago? She deserves daily love, after all, seeing as TPTB won't give it to her.

Is it me or did we have almost Tracy overload last week and basically nothing this week?

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