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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey guys, since last weekend we've only got 4 more pages on here so I guess I haven't missed TOO much, but I'm still feeling like crap. Haven't heard back as to whether or not I have mono yet. I went for the test Friday but the lab was closed so I went yesterday. It closed at noon and is closed today so I don't know if I'll hear until Tuesday, which is a pain. I'v had at or near a 103 or 104 degree fever all week till yesterday. I'm way too wiped out and I going stir crazy.... it's boring!!! I need something to do with my time which is odd seeing as I can't sit up too long. Oh well! Hope to be feeling better and back soon. I'll talk to you all later if I can.

Hope everyone's having a great weekend.

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It's only been 4 pages since last weekend?! :o Aww, man! Folks, we're slacking! I think it's 'cause Tracy wasn't on at all. :( And I haven't been hanging out here and every second of the day either. (but never fear, that seems to be changing already).

OT: I realized I felt "ugh" earlier, not because of the lasting anesthesia effects, but because I haven't eaten a real meal since Friday morning. So, now, it's me, soup, and then a shower (I haven't showered since 6am on Friday, eww; and the only time I changed clothes was early Friday afternoon, when I changed my dress pants and black socks after getting caught in the rain). Oh, and I have to attempt to read for linguistics.

knh, I am so sorry you're sick. That's a pretty high fever, isn't it? Aren't there OTC medicines you can take to lower that? I hope you get the results of the test soon. Are you able to sleep? 'Cause that usually makes time pass quickly (I would know since I've slept more in the last 3 days than in the last 2 weeks (ok, maybe that's an exaggeration, but still, I slept a super lot). Anyway, take care of yourself! We'll all be thinking of you!

hooked, that Kelly's comment is hilarious! It's not the first time Kelly's was rumored to blow up, so it's probably not real. Everything is always being rumored to blow up...or sink (Haunted Star). In fact, I remember one episode, the cast was on the HS, it shook, lights went out, but after the commercial, it was all good. (I think this was just before the hotel fire).

In any case, I could see GQ being in there together, Dillon shielding Georgie, but the both of them dying anyway. Actually, I take that back. I was going to say that GH doesn't care enough about Tracy to kill off her son (although, they did almost kill him during the epidemic, and they killed off her brother), BUT...GH doesn't care enough about Mac to kill off Georgie. Not too mention Felicia is forever out of town. Nah...If GQ leave, it'll be away to school somewhere. Then in 5 years or whatever, GH can bring back a "hunkier" Dillon (he will return to PC to be with his one true love...Lulu -gag- and then Georgie will be an afterthought). Oh wait...UNLESS...Dillon saves Georgie and gets himself killed in the process. Ooh. GH could do that. Then Georgie leaves town to deal with her grief. :o

And about Monica...She'll be at Kelly's, all right. For like the second time in 5 years. Just so GH could kill her. They could even save money. Double funeral. (kidding, I hope). And then (I'm spoiling for EXTREME negativity...it's NOT a spoiler, but you've been warned...EXTREME NEGATIVITY follows)

Oh, and does Amanda = Amelia? Hah, shows how much we care about the newbies. Take that, GH!

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Just in case you're counting... 6 DAYS UNTIL LAINEY GETS HIGHSPEED! ha

Um.. Zabars? Or that Kosher Market on Broadway in the 90s? (Or is it Amsterdamn. It might be Amsterdamn). Either way -- that's MY HOOD! (Both places must have been mad houses today!! You're very brave to venture to either of 'em!

oh.. TL, good luck with the MRI. I'll be sending you positive vibes!

Ohmigod. Ms.Q, get off the drugs! Geez. Where'd that come from? A.. might happen.. eventually. But B.. THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN. Ever. Oh my. **deep breath** Tracy loves Luke. Luke loves Tracy. Laura isn't coming back (at least in the short term). And hey, TG -- he takes too much vaco, but JE probably deserved one by now. So.. All is good. ALL IS GOOD!

Edited: Anyone out there? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

I'm trying to write, but not having much luck there.......

Edited by LaineyBev714
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Seriously OT: I finally learned to get clips off DVDs. I know there are a few Voyager fans out there, so I thought I would put it up. The song is "Bride of Chaotica." I wrote the words and music and did the original arrangement with The Duras Sisters. This version was done by the Harmony Heifers. http://www.sendspace.com/file/splxfj

I'm going play in the break room with TracyLuv, Hooked, and Lainey. Buh-bye.

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Lainey, sorry for the negativity! I would have blamed it on the drugs, but the last hydrocone I took was at noon...err, well, I just took one now, but I was pretty free of the drugs when I typed that up!!! :o

MinervaFan, just watched the vid. Never seen Voyager before, but the characters sort of scare me, anyway. LOL. I still think it's SO COOL that you wrote the song and the music. And if I start going around and singing, "She's the briiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide of Chaotica," it's all your fault. J/K. :P

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Dear Lawd, Mother. Is it our boy Keith, return from Far Far Away? I declare, I believe it is. Someone get me my smelling salts. I'm overcome with The Vapors!

Hi, yourself, Keith. Welcome back.

*waves to LaineyBev*

Edited by MinervaFan
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Hey everyone. It's a pretty bla and muggy day here in CT so at least I don't feel bad about being in the house all day. I swear this is the last day I'm staying home. I'm going stir crazy so I think I can go back to work tomorrow. At least I woln't have the litle kids and I only have a half day Tuesdays so I won't have to lift anyone up and it won't be for very long, so that's good. Yes, Ms Q, the I've been able to do nothing but sleep lately (which is why they think it's mono). I think I've been awake for around 4 or 5 hours total everyday. It's been great in that I'm catching up on a lot of sleep, but since I'm sick I'm still pretty tired. I feel better for the most part now. I'm not dizzy or light headed anymore, I haven't had a temp in 2 days (and no, since I'm diabetic I have to watch all the OTC meds that I take b/c of the extra sugars, so I usually just don't take them) and I'm not quite as weak as I was. I'll be wiped out for a long time though, which sucks.

Plus side is I get one more day of live GH. The last week was absolute sh-t, so I hope they want to make it up to us and have an amazing day planned for today cuz I'm back to taping it tomorrow.

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Hi Keith...welcome back!

Ms Q...I like that spumor of Tracy supporting Luke! MinervaFan...glad that this is the ghostbusting week, according to TV guide (just read your post on JE online). I watched your video...love your song...and the video is cool too!

Boy, I didn't realize how much I value my down time til I had out of town company! :)

[b]knh Hope you are feeling better

Lainey...hope you have a good day off today and don't feel guilty!!! TL...have a good seder tonight!

I'm off....to run errands with my mom. Here's hoping it is a TQ kind of day on GH!!!!

Have a good one everyone!!!

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Looking forward to some great Tracy today, preferably with Luke. I hope the ghostbusting happens this week and I like the spumor too about Tracy supporting Luke.

OT - Well as you can see I made it back from my MRI ALIVE!! Thanks for those of you who were sending positive vibes my way:) they helped, that and the valium of course;). Seriously is was very traumatic for me. My sister said to me would you rather get an MRI or your thyroid byopsied (which I've had several times already). I said I'd rather them stick 10 needles in my neck for the biopsy then to feel like I am in a headlock with some radioactive thing going through me for 30 mins. Anyway... Thank god it's over and hopefully will be able to some relief for my shoulder/neck/arm once results get back.

Keith, Welcome back, good to see you.

Lainey, Hooked, - Happy Passover to my Yiddisha TQ/LuNacy buds B)

Ms. Q, I didn't realize you did the banner for the main page at dorian's LuNacy site. Nice work. :)

MinervaFan, I will watch your vid later. I want to be fully aware, I'm feeling a little stoned right now. Well not but a little out of it and I want to enjoy it when I'm more awake.

knh, Didn't I tell you to get better already!! :)

Edit: I just realized my 200th post was of me pissin' -n- moanin' about my MRI to come. oh well.

Edited by TracyLuv
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Sorry, I tend not to hear things the first time I'm told... I'll get right on that TL!!

and everyone wishes the rest of us a Merry Christmas, so I'm gonna return the glad tidings to you three (and whoever else is included) and say have a Happy Passover!!

Edited by knh
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TL, it's "Bride of Chaotica," for goodness sake. I'm thinking watching it stoned would only make things more fun! :D Sorry to hear about your MRI. That sounds like a chamber of horrors to me--I couldn't even ride 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea at Disney World because I was too claustrophobic. *brrrrr.....* Glad you're done with it.

I guess I'll jump on the bandwagon and wish all my Yiddish friends on this board a happy Passover. Thank you for the lesson in the breakroom last night. You'll have this lapsed Catholic, born-again Pagan sounding like a native in no time. Oy!

ETA: I updated the Resources page on the ficathon to include a Message Board section.

Also, I saw a local production of Auntie Mame this weekend and spent the whole time WISHING it was Jane Elliot playing the part. The woman who did the role was excellent, but I just kept thinking how incredible our girl would be in that part. Sigh. Adding to the wish list.

Edited by MinervaFan
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TracyLuv, yeah! You made it! I hope you get the results soon, so they can solve the problem.

knh, it sounds like you're feeling a little better. Still sending you get well wishes.

Keith, welcome back! Since Tracy is spoiled to be on at least one day this week, we better see you around more. :P

I'm lovin' the new LuNacy sites...Hopefully, the other members start posting more soon. Whatever happens, this place will still be "home." :)

To those celebrating: Happy Passover!

A reorganized GH opening on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uukFwxz4FU (Tracy's next to Luke, where she belongs...but her screenshots are quicker than usual).

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