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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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<p>But that's the simple reading of the Tracy/Edward story from 30 years ago. Everywhere I looked people were thinking the development in their relationship was totally OOC, so now it appears the writers are ruining all of their advancement. </p>

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<p>You can only pander to so many fan bases. Obviously being the &quot;Real Quartermaines&quot; doesn't take into consideration the positive things that have happened in that family over the years. </p>

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<p>If Luke is going to help Tracy with AZ, I hope he also shoves it so far up Edward's ass he chokes. That's been a long time coming and I STILL haven't seen Luke do much to tell Edward to back off of Tracy.</p>

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<p><strong>Hooked</strong>, did you see my message on FB? Check out Khan - it's got a lot that might help in the short term.</p>

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Edited by remos
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If looks could kill..... When Anthony mentioned Gino's name and how she had hired the hooker and he died as a result, Tracy looked shocked that AZ knew all of this. Then, her eyes narrowed and she gave him a menacing stare. I thought as I was watching it that she could kill him if pushed far enough. Wouldn't that be an awesome storyline? The look she gave him almost scared me. Haha. JE is an awesome actress!

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I didn't watch, but Edward's actions sounds like old school Edward to me. I just don't buy that JI can play old school nasty Edward. I mean, he seems like a nice guy off screen, and he can do kind and cuddly, but he doesn't have the chops David Lewis had to play mean and oily. Even Jed Allen could do it(too bad about him being so young). John Ingle, when trying to be menacing, just looks like a buffoon.

Maybe because he's just too nice IRL? I don't know.

And Lulu/Ethan ghost busting? Really? I guess it gets him away from Kristina, but dear Lord. What nonsense.

I still say AZ is either going to be murdered, or he fakes his death to set someone up for his murder. A good story is that he fakes his death, someone is set up and either cleared or sent to jail, then he turns up alive and someone kills him for real.

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On the surface it all sounds questionable without actually seeing it, but GW has already proven himself to be able to weave story and showcase relationships in a way that makes sense. His tenure during the strike could have been even better if not restricted by others. I have no doubt it will all come together when the time comes.

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So today sounds like Jane had significant scenes with Lulu and AZ....tell me, is Tracy's "big secret" really going to be just stealing the money from Gino? Really? I was hoping for more.


But I'm glad JE has something to do. Some on SOC were complaining about AZ/Tracy being boring. I don't expect everyone to enjoy Tracy-I don't care, honestly, who doesn't-but for those watching-if you weren't a Tracy fan, would you be interested in the scenes?

I kinda look at it like, I've been bored by the same people for years now, I can't muster up sympathy for anyone being bored by Tracy. *shrug*

It does sound like the build up of Tracy and Luke's first reunion meeting is going to be emotionally meaty, lots of layers to play there.

For those watching....GW's GH...better or worse than Guza? In what ways better or worse?

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It's pretty much the same, maybe a little better. The only improvement I see is balance. A lot more of the cast is getting more time to shine/more episodes per month, thus far. other than that, not much has changed.

Other than that I am (kind of) liking Carly right now. Not the horrid actress that plays her, but the character.

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Tracy and Lulu's final scene today was fabulous!!!! Tracy's dialogue and Jane's delivery were just amazing. I can't even describe it. I tried (to my Mom), and I didn't do it justice. On the topic of delivery, Tracy's delivery of "that b-tch" about Skye was perfect.

Anthony and Tracy were fine, I guess... Good to see Tracy, but I feel like it's a lot of re-hashing of dialogue. Oh, and that tongue Anthony's been eating is DISGUSTING!!! I was making the same expressions as Tracy - haha.

Ditto to what Linnie said about Jane's look once Gino's name was mentioned.

And Jane's been looking lovely these last 2 days. New wardrobe, hair has a little oomph, and make-up is great...

Totally becoming a Tracy fan girl again. *squee*

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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You know what I think I like most about what everyone is saying about the TraLu scenes yesterday?

Bora would NEVER tell her daughter to get over herself. Bora would prop and excuse Lulu to Kingdom Come.

Lulu NEEDS someone who won't sugar coat it, and that person is TRACY.

People keep saying Laura's kids need her back, but to do what? To sit and cry with them over their problems?

I don't think they need her. I think Tracy is what Lulu and Ethan need, if not Lucky. It's a shame they don't seem to have any plans to ever develop Trucky. Tracy could do him a world of good as well.

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Yesterday's TraLu scenes were very good. I have to wonder about JMB though, I got the impression that while Tracy was speaking to her about relationships and "Lulu" began to tear up if it wasn't Lulu, JMB looked really upset especially when she wiped her tears while drinking the coffee. It was like she couldn't contain herself. Maybe i'm reading too much into it.

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Huh. Interesting. I would imagine being a young married, that she knows a little about what Lulu is going through, so it might not have been all acting.

Then again, there have been times with Jane, in scenes, where I am not sure if she's acting either. I think that's when you know they are good: when you can't tell if they are acting or if it's real emotion. But then maybe in certain situations there is no difference, like when Anna Lee died and Lila also died.

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So how bad was the luke/skye today? Reading the boards of course lunacy is done and luke was all over skye (although others said skye was draped over luke) and luke was in denial as much as ever and wanted to skip out with skye. skye was like i'm not your ticket out and go see what your kids are up to but you aren't going to like what you see and then luke seeing lucky with a pill bottle.

Another person I know said it was more like Luke was resigned to thinking tracy would no longer want anything to do wiht him and he was being his old self wiht skye.

The good news...skye only has 2 scenes left befoer she is gone. too bad they aer with luke on or near the plane.

funny if you are still lurking, could you pm me your email again?

I need a lunacy fan's realistic take on the scenes today...

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Okay I watched! Skye and Luke talked he made some lame attempts at flirting with her but not even he was buying it. She actually seemed annoyed that he learned nothing from hitting Jake or from his drinking. She figured out that he was back to see what his family was up to. The person Hooked to say that Luke seem resigned to Tracy not taking him back was true, but he did want to know if she had moved on with someone else, but Skye didn't tell him anything. She told him he could not come with her when she leaves and he might not like what he sees happened to his family while he was away. Here is the You Tube link if you have a chance to watch it:


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