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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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From SOD:

Monday September 19th: Tracy is unaware Luke is watching her (that is the date with AZ day)

Also from SOD/SOW Ding Dong Skye is gone! The week of 12th is skye's last week. She tells edward about tracy's past. Skye runs into Luke. Skye gives him an emotional challenge.

I wonder what it is: perhaps to observe the damage he has done to his family from afar and then do something to fix it?

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drop from DD

Luke comes back and realizes Tracy's past life is coming back to haunt her and it will effect the Quartermaines as well.

I also "heard" that Luke IS going to help Tracy but it may not be obvious at first. I'm assuming this is GW's "don't assume" type thing. Like maybe it seems he is working with skye or trying to work against trcy but he is really helping her

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From Soap opera source week of the 12th

Anthony sits down with an entrapped Tracy. Tracy advises Lulu as Lucky begs Dante not to give up on his sister. . Lulu and Lucky discuss Luke’s addiction and her relationship with Dante. Luke overhears Lulu and Ethan talking about life since their father disappeared.



Skye exposes Tracy’s dirty mob past to Edward on Monday, September 12th.

Luke returns to Port Charles and is faced with an emotional challenge from Skye on Wednesday, September 14th.

Carly walks in on Shawn freshly out of the shower on Thursday, September 15th.


Luke is watching Tracy, unbeknownst to her.

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I think the Kristina kills Anthony thing was someone's guess at the "haunting" riddle, but I guess now we know the haunting riddle is about Lacy?

All I know is, if Kristina is supposed to be paralyzed, how (and why) would she kill AZ, when :

#1, she basically owes her life to him

#2 she'll be in a wheelchair.

I mean, what's she going to do, crush him under her wheels?

She's a joke, I don't really care....but I don't think the rumor about her offing AZ has any truth to it.

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the haunting is not about luke/tracy at all. It is about wyndemere and this lady in white story.

It was a drop about the kristina thing with az faking his death to further taunt sonny etc. It is probably not true, but she I doubt will be in a wheelchair long. I think she is going to be offscreen for therapy for a couple of weeks--enough time for ethan to be haunted by this lady in white stuff.

OMG the pic of Tracy walking into her date is hysterical. JE looks like Joan Collins in Dynasty with a big ass hat and sunglasses. I will ask if I can post it! If not I will pm you guys! Then there is one of her dancing with AZ with not a happy face. She is wearing her ring still or course.

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Thanks for the pics, hooked. It looks like she is dressed for a funeral. laugh.png Appropriate attire for a date with a murderous psychopath, I must say. I am ready for a murder mystery with AZ as the victim. The whole cast could be on the suspect list.

Edited by Linnierose
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Some chicken-sh!t foreign student stoled the SIM card from my daughter's cell phone during our move and wracked up over $600 in international calls. Who raises their children to think it's acceptable to steal like that? I am SOOOOOO pissed.

I hope Tracy is worth the effort this week or I might just give AZ another job in Spain with a couple of lame-ass teenagers.

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I guess I just misunderstood the riddle spoilers, then, because I thought one of them said "love haunts you" or something like that.

Luke loves Tracy, and he is haunting her, in a way, by standing in the shadows and lurking, and also possibly helping her without her knowledge.

Plus, it was specifically said that Tracy's past "haunts" her, and that word hasn't been in a legitimate spoiler for anyone else.

But I guess I just interpreted them wrong. I personally don't see how the lady at Windemere can fit into "love haunts" when Ethan doesn't know the woman, much less love her. Or AZ "dying" and haunting Kristina, because that's not "love" haunting you.

Guess I misread or whatever, because none of it makes sense except Tracy/Luke.

Unless Ethan realizes he does love Kristina (dear GAG)and she DIES and comes back briefly as Ethan's "guide" or whatever. She can't be a guardian angel because humans aren't angels, guardian or otherwise, but that's a can of worms I don't want to open here.

Which would be the best thing GW can give me for Christmas. Kristina's death, that is. Doubt it, though.

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It is foreshadowing of upcoming stories and ethan is going to be haunted by the lady in white who appears and then vanishes even though she is human etc...he and lulu are gonna be ghost busting

So there were three tracy/az scenes today. he brought her lunch and it was tongue. He said the tongue was from THE CITY. clever as they were takling about gino and how they had a mutal friend.

There should be one more scene tomorrow and then tracy advises lulu tomorrow. Luke is back Wed

OMG I hate how they write tracy/edward now. Skey tells edward all about tracy and what she did and how az has the info and edward is all set to screw tracy over and throw her to the wolves....he is going to protect ELQ and separate it from her assets and not warn her and willing to let a psycho path murderer deal with tracy.

That is not the complex tracy/edward that we saw for years. Edward didn't hate her!

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