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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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thought I'd check in quick

I probably agree more than I am willing to admit. It's just bringin' me down so until I officially hear it from the source I choose to believe nothing of the sort, I smell the roses and lavender fields and I see the sunshine and warmth instead of this below freezing crap I have going on right now (not a fan of crappy weather. I like it cold when it is also nice out, or when it's snowy, just plain cold and crumby is not my thing)

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I got this off soaps.com baord!!! Lacy is number 60!!

After many were disappointed with the SID lists, fans have voted and these were voted in order the top 300 couples in soap history.


1. Bo Brady & Hope Williams (Days of Our Lives)

2. Doug Williams & Julie Olson (Days of Our Lives)

3. Mackenzie Cory & Rachel Frame (Another World)

4. Luke Spencer & Laura Webber Baldwin (General Hospital)

5. Mason Capwell & Julia Wainwright (Santa Barbara)

6. Cruz Castillo & Eden Capwell (Santa Barbara)

7. Steve Frame & Alice Matthews (Another World)

8. Holden Snyder & Lily Walsh (As The World Turns)

9. Adam Drake & Nicole Travis (The Edge of Night)

10. Greg Nelson & Jenny Gardner(All My Children)

11. Josh Lewis & Reva Shayne (Guiding Light)

12. Tom Hughes & Margo Horton (As The World Turns)

13. John Black & Marlena Evans (Days of Our Lives)

14. Bill Horton & Laura Spencer (Days of Our Lives)

15. Victor Newman & Nikki Reed Foster (Young & the Restless)

16. Jesse Hubbard & Angela "Angie" Baxter (All My Children)

17. Steve "Patch" Johnson & Kayla Brady (Days of Our Lives)

18. Joe Riley & Victoria Lord (One Life To Live)

19. Phillip Spaulding & Beth Raines (Guiding Light)

20. Rick Webber & Lesley Faulkner (General Hospital)

21. Tad Martin & Dixie Cooney (All My Children)

22. Cliff Warner & Nina Cortlandt (All My Children)

23. Steve Aldrich & Carolee Simpson (The Doctors)

24. Mickey Horton & Maggie Simmons (Days of Our Lives)

25. Travis Sentell & Liza Kaslo (Search For Tomorrow)

26. Jack Snyder & Carly Tenney (As The World Turns)

27. Jeff Baker & Penny Hughes (As The World Turns)

28. Zach Slater & Kendall Hart (All My Children)

29. Sonny Corinthos & Brenda Barrett (General Hospital)

30. Steve Andropolous & Betsy Stewart (As The World Turns)

31. Clint Buchanan & Victoria Lord Riley (One Life To Live)

32. Jack Deveraux & Jennifer Horton (Days of Our Lives)

33. Steve Hardy & Audrey March (General Hospital)

34. Snapper Foster & Chris Brooks (Young & the Restless)

35. Sky Whitney & Raven Alexander (The Edge of Night)

36. Brandon "Lujack" Luvonaczek & Beth Raines (Guiding Light)

37. Bo Buchanan & Nora Gannon (One Life To Live)

38. Austin Reed & Carrie Brady (Days of Our Lives)

39. Nicholas Newman & Sharon Collins (Young & the Restless)

40. Bruce Sterling & Vanessa Dale Raven (Love of Life)

41. Lucas Horton & Samantha Brady (Days of Our Lives)

42. Barnabas Collins & Angelique (Dark Shadows)

43. Quint Chamberlain & Nola Reardon (Guiding Light)

44. Philip Brent & Tara Martin (All My Children)

45. Jason Morgan & Elizabeth Webber (General Hospital)

46. Nick Bellini & Althea Davis (The Doctors)

47. Alan Quartermaine & Monica Bard Webber (General Hospital)

48. Shane Donovan & Kimberly Brady (Days of Our Lives)

49. Lucky Spencer & Elizabeth Webber (General Hospital)

50. Frisco Jones & Felicia Cummings (General Hospital)

51. Michael Bauer & Leslie Jackson (The Guiding Light)

52. Don Craig & Marlena Evans (Days of Our Lives)

53. Ryan Harrison & Vicky Hudson (Another World)

54. Hal Munson & Barbara Ryan (As The World Turns)

55. Mike Karr & Nancy Pollock (The Edge of Night)

56. Leo du Pres & Greenlee Smythe (All My Children)

57. Cord Roberts & Tina Clayton Lord (One Life To Live)

58. Ridge Forrester & Brooke Logan (Bold & the Beautiful)

59. Bob Hughes & Kim Andropolous (As The World Turns)

60. Luke Spencer & Tracy Quartermaine (General Hospital)

61. Carl Hutchins & Rachel Cory (Another World)

62. Robert Scorpio & Anna Devane (General Hospital)

63. Jonathan Randall & Tammy Layne Winslow (Guiding Light)

64. Victor Newman & Ashley Abbott (Young & the Restless)

65. Roman Brady & Marlena Evans (Days of Our Lives)

66. Tony DiMera & Anna Brady (Days of Our Lives)

67. John Hudson & Sharlene Frame (Another World)

68. Frankie Brady & Jennifer Horton (Days of Our Lives)

69. Tony Vincente & Joanne Tate (Search For Tomorrow)

70. Quentin Collins & Daphne Harridge (Dark Shadows)

71. Ben Harper & Betsy Crawford (Love of Life)

72. Jake McKinnon & Vicky Hudson (Another World / As The World Turns)

73. Jackson Montgomery & Erica Kane (All My Children)

74. Tony Lord & Pat Ashley (One Life To Live)

75. Jack Fenelli & Mary Ryan (Ryan's Hope)

76. Roger Thorpe & Holly Norris (The Guiding Light)

77. Nicholas Newman & Phyllis Summers (Young & the Restless)

78. Robert Delaney & Lenore Curtin (Another World)

79. Scotty Baldwin & Laura Webber (General Hospital)

80. Gina DeMott & Keith Timmins (Santa Barbara)

81. Cass Winthrop & Frankie Frame (Another World)

82. Chris Kositchek & Mary Anderson (Days of Our Lives)

83. Lance Prentiss & Lauralee Brooks (Young & the Restless)

84. CC Capwell & Sophia Wayne (Santa Barbara)

85. Billy Lewis & Vanessa Chamberlain (Guiding Light)

86. Neil Curtis & Liz Chandler (Days of Our Lives)

87. Brad Eliot & Leslie Brooks (Young & the Restless)

88. Larry Wolek & Karen Wolek (One Life To Live)

89. Roger Coleridge & Delia Reid Ryan (Ryan's Hope)

90. Larry Wolek & Meredith Lord (One Life To Live)

91. Bill Prentiss & Tess Krakauer (Love of Life)

92. Jasper "Jax" Jacks & Brenda Barrett (General Hospital)

93. Bill Matthews & Missy Palmer (Another World)

94. Ed Bauer & Maureen Reardon (Guiding Light)

95. Lucky Spencer & Samantha McCall (General Hospital)

96. Bo Brady & Billie Reed (Days of Our Lives)

97. Sonny Corinthos & Carly Benson (General Hospital)

98. Dan Stewart & Kim Reynolds (As The World Turns)

99. Rick Latimer & Caroline "Cal" Aleata (Love of Life)

100. Luke Snyder & Noah Meyer (As The World Turns)

101. Kyle Sampson & Reva Shayne (Guiding Light)

102. Mel Hayes & Dorian Lord (One Life To Live)

103. Noah Keefer & Julia Santos (All My Children)

104. Peter Taylor & Diana Maynard (General Hospital)

105. Miles Cavanaugh & Nicole Drake (The Edge of Night)

106. Neil Winters & Drucilla Barber (Young & the Restless)

107. Mateo Santos & Hayley Vaughan (All My Children)

108. Steve Kaslo & Liza Walton (Search For Tomorrow)

109. Ross Marler & Blake Thorpe (Guiding Light)

110. Phillip Spaulding & Harley Cooper (Guiding Light)

111. Paul Britton & Amy Ames (The Secret Storm)

112. Ryan Lavery & Kendall Hart (All My Children)

113. Victor Kiriakis & Caroline Brady (Days of Our Lives)

114. Tom & Alice Horton (Days of Our Lives)

115. Catlin Ewing & Sally Frame (Another World)

116. Cass Winthrop & Kathleen McKinnon (Another World)

117. Frank Ryan & Jillian Coleridge (Ryan's Hope)

118. Charlie Banks & Victoria "Vicki" Davidson (One Life To Live)

119. Robert Scorpio & Holly Sutton (General Hospital)

120. Bill Marceau & Martha Spears (The Edge of Night)

121. Duke Lavery & Anna Devane (General Hospital)

122. Bo Buchanan & Sarah Gordon (One Life To Live)

123. Edmund Grey & Brooke English (All My Children)

124. Alex Masters & Ava Rescott (Loving)

125. Mitch Blake & Rachel Cory (Another World)

126. Dimitri Marick & Erica Kane (All My Children)

127. David Renaldi & Jenny Wolek (One Life To Live)

128. Langley Wallingford & Phoebe Tyler (All My Children)

129. Stone Cates & Robin Scorpio (General Hospital)

130. David Vickers & Dorian Lord (One Life to Live)

131. Jake Harrison & Megan Gordon (One Life To Live)

132. Kevin Collins & Lucy Coe (General Hospital / Port Charles)

133. Herb Callison & Dorian Lord (One Life To Live)

134. Grant Colman & Lisa Shea (As The World Turns)

135. Mike Powers & Toni Ferra (The Doctors)

136. Justin Marshall & Reena Bellman (Texas)

137. Jake McKinnon & Paulina Cory (Another World)

138. Dan Kincaid & Belle Clemens (The Secret Storm)

139. Edmund Grey & Maria Santos (All My Children)

140. Stuart Chandler & Cindy Parker (All My Children)

141. Scott Baldwin & Lucy Coe (General Hospital / Port Charles)

142. Sam Fowler & Amanda Cory (Another World)

143. John Dixon & Lucinda Walsh (As The World Turns

145. Mason Capwell & Mary DuVall (Santa Barbara)

146. Ed Bauer & Rita Stapleton (Guiding Light)

147. J.R. Chandler & Babe Carey (All My Children)

148. Dustin "Dusty" Donovan & Lucy Montgomery (As The World Turns)

149. Alan Michael Spaulding & Harley Cooper (Guiding Light)

150. Vince Wolek & Wanda Webb (One Life to Live)

151. Trucker Mackenzie & Trisha Alden (Loving)

152. Steve Frame & Rachel Davis (Another World)

153. Nick Davis & Anne Tyler (All My Children)

154. Jack Abbott & Phyllis Summers (Young & the Restless)

155. Billy Abbott & Mackenzie Browning (Young & the Restless)

156. Gus Aitoro & Harley Cooper (Guiding Light)

157. Cristian Vega & Jessica Buchanan (One Life To Live)

158. Ian Thornhart & Eve Lambert (Port Charles)

159. Michael McBain & Marcie Walsh (One Life To Live)

160. Damian Grimaldi & Lily Walsh (As The World

161. Julian Cannell & Eve Lawrence (Somerset)

162. Rex Balsom & Gigi Morasco (One Life To Live)

163. Rex Sterling & Katherine Chancellor (Young & the Restless)

164. Paul Williams & Lauren Fenmore (Young & the Restless)

165. Phillip Chancellor & Jill Foster (Young & the Restless)

166. Hart Jessup & Dinah Marler (Guiding Light)

167. Steve Guthrie & Deborah Saxon (The Edge of Night)

168. Sam Reynolds & Joanne Tate (Search For Tomorrow)

169. Jamal Woods & Alison Barrington (Port Charles)

170. Kelly Nelson & Nola Reardon (Guiding Light)

171. Lucas Prentiss & Leslie Brooks (Young & the Restless)

172. Jared Banks & Natalie Buchanan (One Life To Live)

173. Brad Snyder & Katie Peretti (As The World Turns)

174. Ken Stevens & Laurie Hollister (The Secret Storm)

175. Kevin Kincaid & Amy Ames (The Secret Storm)

176. Ned Ashton & Lois Cerullo (General Hospital)

177. EJ DiMera & Samantha Brady (Days of Our Lives)

178. Richard Winslow & Cassie Layne (Guiding Light)

179. Thorne Forrester & Darla Einstein (Bold & the Beautiful)

180. Rick Bauer & Abigail Blume (Guiding Light)

181. Simon Frasier & Katie Peretti (As The World Turns)

182. Victor Kiriakis & Kate Roberts (Days of Our Lives)

183. David Stewart & Ellen Lowell (As The World Turns)

184. Robert Barr & Kelly Capwell (Santa Barbara)

185. Joe Novak & Siobahn Ryan (Ryan's Hope)

186. Sandy Cory & Blaine Ewing (Another World)

187. Cass Winthrop & Cecile de Poulignac (Another World)

188. Barnabas Collins & Josette du Pres (Dark Shadows)

189. Adam Chandler & Brooke English (All My Children)

190. Draper Scott & April Cavanaugh (The Edge of Night)

191. Lionel & Augusta Lockridge (Santa Barbara)

192. Sean Donely & Tiffany Hill (General Hospital)

193. Frank Carver & Susan Ames (The Secret Storm)

194. Tony DiMera & Renee Dumonde (Days of Our Lives)

195. Buzz Cooper & Jenna Bradshaw (Guiding Light)

196. Ryan Lavery & Gillian Andrassy (All My Children)

197. Ethan Crane & Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald (Passions)

198. Eugene Bradford & Calliope Jones (Days of Our Lives)

199. Bill Horton & Susan Martin (Days of Our Lives)

200. Bob Hughes & Lisa Miller (As The World Turns)

201. Palmer Cortlandt & Daisy Murdoch (All My Children)

202. Chuck Tyler & Donna Beck (All My Children)

203. Justin Kiriakis & Adrienne Johnson (Days of Our Lives)

204. Johnny & Maeve Ryan (Ryan's Hope)

205. John Black & Isabella Toscano (Days of Our Lives)

206. Shawn Brady & Belle Black (Days of Our Lives)

207. Lance Prentiss & Leslie Brooks (Young & the Restless)

208. Greg Peters & Susan Martin (Days of Our Lives)

209. Dustin "Dusty" Donovan & Lily Walsh (As The World Turns)

210. Jason Morgan & Robin Scorpio (General Hospital)

211. Jeff Martin & Mary Kennicott (All My Children)

212. Matt Powers & Maggie Van Allen (The Doctors)

213. Trevor Dillon & Janet Green (All My Children)

214. Greg Mercer & Carrie Wheeler (Somerset)

215. Al Holden & Marcie Walsh (One Life To Live)

216. Ben Davidson & Victoria "Vicki" Lord (One Life To Live)

217. Michael Hudson & Donna Love (Another World)

218. John Randolph & Pat Matthews (Another World)

219. Asa Buchanan & Renee Divine (One Life To Live)

220. Matt Reardon & Vanessa Chamberlain (Guiding Light)

221. Nick Davis & Erica Kane (All My Children)

222. David Hayward & Erica Kane (All My Children)

223. John Abbott & Jill Foster (Young and the Restless)

224. Gary Sinclair & Josie Watts (Another World)

225. Dillon Quartermaine & Georgie Jones (General Hospital)

226. Ed Bauer & Holly Norris (The Guiding Light)

227. Cristian Vega & Evangeline Williamson (One Life To Live)

228. Todd Manning & Blair Cramer (One Life To Live)

229. Philip Kiriakis & Chloe Lane (Days of Our Lives)

230. Patrick Thornhart & Marty Saybrooke (One Life To Live)

231. Reese Williams & Bianca Montgomery (All My Children)

232. Dan Phillips & Kate Swanson (Love of Life)

233. Thorne Forrester & Macy Alexander (Bold &

235. Craig Montgomery & Rosanna Cabot (As The World Turns)

236. Ridge Forrester & Caroline Spencer (Bold & the Beautiful)

237. John McBain & Marty Saybrooke (One Life To Live)

238. Hogan McCleary & Sunny Adamson (Search For Tomorrow)

239. Lincoln Tyler & Kelly Cole (All My Children)

240. Phil & Jessie Brewer (General Hospital)

241. Preacher Emerson & Jody Travis (The Edge of Night)

242. Jack Abbott & Jill Foster (Young & the Restless)

243. Donald Hughes & Mary Ellison (As The World Turns)

244. Tony Jones & Bobbi Spencer (General Hospital)

245. Adam Drake & Brandy Henderson (The Edge of Night)

246. Tom Hughes & Carol Demming (As The World Turns)

247. Steve Slade & Carrie Wheeler (Somerset)

248. James Stenbeck & Barbara Ryan (As The World Turns)

249. Stuart & Marge Bergman (Search For Tomorrow)

250. John Wyatt & Eunice Martin (Search For Tomorrow)

251. Lucas & Felicia Gallant (Another World)

252. Andy Dixon & Julie Wendall (As The World Turns)

253. Mark Reddin & Laurie Hollister (The Secret Storm)

254. Mark Eliot & Laura Donnelly (Love Is A Many Splendored Thing)

255. Antonio Vega & Talia Said (One Life to Live)

256. Scott Phillips & Kathy Parker (Search For Tomorrow)

257. Len Whiting & Patti Barron Tate (Search For Tomorrow)

258. Nicholas Alamain & Kate Roberts (Days of Our Lives)

259. A. C. Mallet & Harley Cooper (Guiding Light)

260. Kelly Nelson & Morgan Richards (Guiding Light)

261. Joey Buchanan & Dorian Lord (One Life to Live)

262. Scott Baldwin & Dominique Stanton (General Hospital)

263. Phil Capice & Louise Grimsley (The Edge of Night)

264. Eric & Stephanie Forrester (Bold & the Beautiful)

265. Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald & Sheridan Crane (Passions)

266. Rex Balsom & Jennifer Rappaport (One Life To Live)

267. Stefan Cassadine & Katherine Bell (General Hospital)

268. Kevin Collins & Eve Lambert (Port Charles)

269. Howie & Jane Dawson (General Hospital)

270. Julian Cannell & Victoria Paisley (Somerset)

271. Steve Sowolsky & Trisha Alden (Loving)

272. Tony Lord & Cathy Craig (One Life To Live)

273. Tony Cooper & Ginger Kurtz (Somerset)

274. John Black & Kate Roberts (Days of Our Lives)

275. Johnny Dallas & Laurie Ann Karr (The Edge of Night)

276. Mike Kasnoff & Rosanna Cabot (As The World Turns)

277. Paul Williams & Cassandra Rawlins (Young & the Restless)

278. Ray Slater & Arlene Lovett (Love of Life)

279. Shawn & Caroline Brady (Days of Our Lives)

280. Vic Lamont & Cookie Christopher (The Edge of Night)

281. Julian Crane & Eve Russell (Passions)

282. Michael Baldwin & Grace Turner (Young & the Restless)

283. Ted Capwell & Laken Lockridge (Santa Barbara)

284. Justus Ward & Faith Rosco (General Hospital)

285. Chris & Nancy Hughes (As The World Turns)

286. Fletcher Reade & Alexandra Spaulding (Guiding Light)

287. Hal Munson & Emily Stewart (As The World Turns)

288. Barnabas Collins & Maggie Evans (Dark Shadows)

289. Rick Webber & Monica Webber Quartermaine (General Hospital)290. Joe Perkins & Kelly Capwell (Santa Barbara)

291. Duncan McKechnie & Jessica Griffith (As The World Turns)

292. Ross Marler & Carrie Todd (Guiding Light)

293. Duncan McKechnie & Shannon O'Hara (As The World Turns)

294. Alan Spaulding & Annie Dutton (Guiding Light)

295. Danny Santos & Michelle Bauer (Guiding Light)

296. Michael Powers & Sara Dancy (The Doctors)

297. Arthur Tate & Joanne Barron (Search For Tomorrow)

298. Zach Slater & Myrtle Fargate (All My Children)

299. Billy Aldrich & Greta Powers (The Doctors)

300. Scott Baldwin & Heather Webber (General Hospital)

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Hey all, I'm back. My oldest son is 8 today, my daughter has a sore throat and head-cold and my youngest two have Pink Eye. Oh joy....

On the upside, Mike leaves tomorrow for a week. :D

Tracy was great on Friday - I know we have to go through the pain of yet another breakup, but after what I saw on Friday I don't think it's 'wacky hijinx' like they are doing for Nicadine. Luke might try to jolly her a bit, but he knows this is crunch time. He isn't that much of an imbecile.

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This was dropped on SD just now...

What happens with Luke/Tracy? Does she divorce him? Or does she come around eventually? Does Luke really try hard to win her back? Does he want to remarry her the right way? Are they on much in December?


She goes to the Dominican Rep. but does not go through with the divorce. Although she lets Luke believe she did. He tells her just because she divorced him, it does not mean that they are over. He intends on winning her back.

Sounds like the card game goes in Tracy's favor but she can't go through with it. I bet this plays into Alan tricking her to "give up the goods" and admit to Luke she didn't really go through with the divorce.

Here is some more...

Thank you. Does she come around before the end of the year? Does Luke want to "remarry" her the right way?

Any idea of what goods Alan tricks her into giving up?


She comes around after having a little fun first. Alan basically outs her.

Edited by hookedongh
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Love this. Too bad we don't have an end date for this little game, but as long as they play it true to character it should be great - wonder when the ultimate con player will realize Spanky has the upper hand.

BTW, why was the Search feature removed from SD? That was the only way I could endure that site with their endless Jizzy-go-round.

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I was talking to this "backstage insider" tonight on the dish...not sure of the legitimacy of any of this....and will refrain from adding my opinion...but for some positivity (although I can't see how much more flexible TG can get...)

Only have limited backstage information. I can't help with storyline questions. Sorry.

Any scoop on when they might announce TG is retiring? Or if he is staying til March or May sweeps? What about a return on Genie or Kin?

There were rumors sometime ago that he was likely leaving at the end of his current contract but those in charge are in process of trying to work out a new and more flexible contract . And there are no immediate plans to bring back Genie or Kin.

(this part was not me obviously)

The fact that they refuse to bring back Genie is the perfect illustration of why GH's audience continues to erode every single month.

Anybody care to predict their first weekly 1.9 in HH? I say within the next three months.

GF returns never bring up the rating especially these last two returns. the rating was as low as ever.

Edited by hookedongh
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