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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Honestly, I'm relieved that GH might end. *shrug* I love Jane, I love Tracy/Luke, but they've never really given them much, and it's mostly still going to be true that the best Lacy stuff has been in fanfics, because the FF writers, unlike Guza, are not afraid to give Tracy stories. As long as she gets a good exit, it really isn't going to bother me. My main reason for even caring about GH-the Quartermaine family-hasn't been a force on GH for almost a decade now. I truly believe Guza will end the last episode of GH with either Jason, or a Corinthos, as the final parting shot. What a shame.

I do think they are denying the rumors right now, because ABC knows as much protest as they've had with AMC/OLTL, it would be so much more with GH. Or so they think. Kind of like how they kept certain firings quiet until it was too late...they will announce the termination of GH probably after the last episodes have been written, LOL.

My only sadness with GH ending will be the fact that JE has been pretty much wasted, and the Q's are dead. Otherwise, I can't bring up too much regret.

On another note, TPTB on every show airbrush the stars photos, don't they? Who started this practice, and why? I know models on the covers of mags have been airbrushed for years now, but why did they start it with soap stars and other actors? I mean, when you've seen a "real time" picture of the actor, or seen them on a talk show, or in person, gray hairs, wrinkles and all....it's kind of insulting to see a promo pic of this actor or actress with NO lines in their face.

I love JE and I don't care that she has a few lines-and I don't need to see an airbrushed perfected picture of her. It's stupid. I saw the promo pics of GF for Y&R, and it's like...uh, she didn't look like this five years ago. She sure doesn't look that "perfect" now.

It's not needed. I get that Hollywood is so obsessed with youth and looking "good,", but airbrushing celebs is why women feel constant pressure to look good, to the point of eating disorders.

Enough already. Personally, I love actresses like Kate Winslet (who is still airbrushed on mag covers, but openly admits her weight/size). Rant over, sorry. I just had to vent about that.

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Arg Gh is sooooooooo depressing

Don't get me wrong - love that Tracy is getting air time but do they have to be at eachothers throats the whole time

Making me sad - It is ike watching your parents fight

and I had a two and a half hour lecture today on death - it is like the world wants me to be sad right now

oh well

clips up soon

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This is the only day Tracy is on next week and it's pretty brief I think

On Wednesday, May 11, Kristina's abrupt meltdown triggers Michael's suspicions. Luke tries to hustle Carly & Tracy

Luke is on giving lucky advice and provoking jason again.

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So today ethan drank with luke and luke told him about his abusive/drunk father and how he and bobbie grew up and how he refuses to see himself as an alcoholic cause is not like his father.

Then Ethan told him to cut tracy a break as she is putting her heart on the line to get him help and he was like tracy just wants me to go to rehab to get rid of my other vices like women, etc and she wants a kinder gentler luke and that is the mistake laura made.

He is in such denial...cause describing his father is just what he is like now (other than the abusive stuff)

however, what doesn't work in this story to me is the fact taht luke's drinking was not even an issue til he killed a kid. and if he didn't hit jake nobody would care about his drinking etc. I can see how he is consumed with drinking now and trying to drink himself to oblivion, but they didn't portray him that way for any amount of time til after he hit jake.

I'm glad for the good material for them but I sure miss happy snarky luke/tracy banter

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Hooked I'm with you on the whole Luke drunk when he hit Jake. Yeah he is a functioning alcoholic but he wasn't drunk as Lucky and everyone is making him out to be. If gh wanted this to be about Luke being drunk then he should have made him drunk a few times before hitting Jake then have the accident happen.

Yeah I miss the drunk fun Lunacy. Luke is depressing me with all his wanna kill himself drink until he dies attitude. I miss happy LuNacy.

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After reading the comments and complaints about the intervention, I see what folks are talking about. The Spencers were definitely on their game. Nicholas and Sonny walked through it like those actors walk through most of their stuff. Carly….. still trying to figure out why she was there.

The one thing I have to add to everything is I think the problem was it had to be done in 42 minutes. That truly should have been a 2 1/2 hour play. They barely scratched the surface and that must have frustrated the creative forces to know they had so much material but so little time to deliver. Out of it all though, I have come to the complete conclusion that Luke is NOT an alcoholic but he is in danger of going that way if he doesn't get the help he needs, and that is grief counselling. It was so sad for Tracy to say she only though Luke would want her if he was drunk. What a sad view of herself she much have.

Looking forward to seeing this past week. BTW the episode cut into another show then switched back to GH on my PVR so I didn't get most of Ethan's stuff. What was his flashback?

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I agree remos...I don't think luke was an alcoholic in the sense that it pervaded his life and ruled his existence, etc ever. I think it was a part of his life, but I have to say alcohol (wine) is sure a part of mine for relaxation etc. LOL

I think since he hit Jake he has turned to alcohol to numb the pain and is drowning in it. I think he has become addicted to it now and is now turning into an alcoholic. I haven't watched the intervention yet but Ethan's flashback was of the drunk waking up in vegas with luke looking for the marriage license. I really think they should have used the scene where he was leavinga t the airport and luke stopped him saying that even if he wasn't his son he still wanted him to stay or whatever...the point of it was times luke had been there for them, etc.

I think they had carly there because I'm sure LW would have pitched a fit if she wasn't included in a special episode and also so that she was eliminated as a crutch for luke to find refuge when tracy cut him off for both food, shelter and alcohol.

The bad news is that as seriously as they have played this story for the family members etc. apparently lulu finally is the one who gets luke to go to rehab, however a drop this morning said it is campy and almost a mockery of what they do with it. I am nearly certain based on something that taped that they family all is with him, checks him in and then luke probably finds someone there to charm/con etc to helping him escape.

I liked what ethan told luke yesterday about would tracy really open up a vein like that in front of all those people if she was so petrified of losing you etc.

Tony is playing every beat though--usuing story of his dad almost as emotional blackmail to ethan and with lulu telling her he will love her whatever choice she makes etc. Blaming lucky/tracy for forcing lulu/ethan to go along etc.

He also said tracy just wants him in rehab so he can get rid of his other vices like larceny, gambling and women. That is bullshit, but it is realistic in the sense that he is making any excuse possible.

What I'm not looking forward to is more luke provking jason blah. Enough jason is in enough stuff.

Looks like a big summer for ethina Remos. Ethan/krissy take off and alexis/sonny go after them. Ethan is the one to discover her drug addiction and get her help etc. Maya returns but only very briefly (probably one episode) and that is it. No Q goodbye even which is so typical for GH.

Meanwhile OLTL is on fire lately. Beating GH in hte ratings.

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I haven't been paying attention to ratings for so long I haven't got a clue who is where. But every show is "on fire" shortly before they end because every viewer wants the last piece and the writers/cast have nothing to loose. GH still has a future for the moment (or at least the illusion of one) so they have to be much more calculating.

As for the Luke/campy stuff, it's always in the eye of the beholder. Unless it's someone who is appreciating the nuance of this story I don't hold much for their interpretation. I took a brief walk over to SOC the other day and all of them are missing the point, so I'll pass on any other interpretation. Besides, I don't think Luke is in the position to "charm" anyone right now.

I think there is a difference between Luke becoming an alcoholic now and being drunk when he hit Jake. His reaction is almost noble really - don't blame vice, blame me. I understand completely how Luke is going about this, he doesn't want any excuse and he wants his family to avoid the easy answer. I almost cheered when Ethan told Kristina (and yes, I'm excited for their summer) that he didn't think Luke was drunk that night. Alcohol is far too easy an out for Luke and he refuses to go there. I can also understand why Lucky MUST go there because how else can he accept his father killing his son? And Tracy…. in all of her various marriages and affairs she has never had to deal with this one, and is doing the Q-thing: tough love. My problem is she's done the "not in my bed, not my money, not the HS" so often that it looses its effect. Luke telling her he married her pure, without an agenda was quite telling. Erroneously he's saying she did have one, but the reality is she's grasping at straws to not only keep Luke from falling completely apart but also to keep him within the family. Gotta love how big Tracy's heart is.

On LW, I agree. Sheeba probably screamed like a banshee to make sure she was involved, but she was so marginalized (didn't even get a flashback) that it was obvious she was the least of those gathered. Good point on her being needed to stop the comp. from the MC. Even her telling Luke "I do love you" rang so bloody hollow. Now if that was SBr's Carly, not only would it have been incredibly played, they would have had real history to speak to. I realized LW was the only recast in the room (aside from a SORASed Lulu) and really doesn't have much history to speak of in the Carly/Luke dynamic.

If we could get rid of all this Scrubs/Lisa stuff (hate that they have "ruined" Lisa for Robin, even though I realize that is the character's role; Lisa was always the more interesting of the two) and Brenda/Lucian (can't she be gone already?), and very disappointed the the Candy Man has become a footnote. If all of those were removed, GH isn't bad at the moment. Oh - and lets tone down Mabby. A good thing is being destroyed once again by overexposure.

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