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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Opps, I misread. Thanks for the correction, and it does look like some serious Tracy sightings - proper thing!

I still thing the whole Laura thing is a big lie aimed and stirring up the LnLers - it's been done often enough we should recognize it for what it is. Now who's trying to stir them up is anyone's guess.

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Can anyone post a pic of Ethan/Tracy waking up together? I can imagine that, but I wish I could see it. About Bora's birthday, isn't it 11/18/10? Or close to it? Perhaps they get "engaged" on her birthday. Obviously, they didn't and aren't getting married on that day. I am confused as to why Edward, even as a game, would want Ethan and Maya to stay married.

Cool to know Tracy asks Lulu to be her maid of honor. Now, can we get a Dillon/Ned mention, please? And could we get a BL/Tracy scene? (scenes?) Is it too much to ask that they acknowledge the Brook/Tracy relationship once a month?

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Laura's birthday is December 21st that is where the xmas wedding and near her birthday comes in. Check out this site ILTQ for screencaps. The lame reason why edward offers them money is because he is amusted and mayan remind him of him and mary mae in their early days per SOW. LAME-O


Here is the hotsheet for next week:

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The latest info I got was it is Luke who ultimately decides to show at the wedding, not someone convincing him. He realizes what he wants. I was also told to think of this as a xmas present and that Tracy will make a beautiful bride. I'm taking it that means the wedding for sure happens and Luke is thinking of bolting but decided what is really important and shows up. I remember a drop on dish a while back about him showing at the last minute and sweeping Tracy off her feet.

I'm sure it will all be blown to hell a couple weeks later, but that is the soapy way! B)

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I've been away from this board and I come back to see this, can someone tells me what this means?

Laura's mentioned in the ABC hotsheet for next week's spoilers:

"Tracy starts demanding that Luke give her a Christmas wedding..but will that conflict with his memories of being married to Laura?"

What are they doing at GH?

Laura's not even on the show, why would Luke be thinking about her now?


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Last year for weeks before Christmas we were getting spoilers that said "Laura's spirit is with her family" or some variation on that. And for weeks the LnLers were primed for Laura's return, LnL reunion, pie-in-the-sky stuff. What did it amount to? Lucky put Laura's angel on the tree while LuNacy kissed passionately at the doorway, nothing more (but an amazing kiss).

Considering Luke has recently used the term "Angel" for Tracy and hasn't mentioned his ex-wife in forever, I'm willing to bet this particular spoiler came with the intent to rile up the LnLers again. No, Laura isn't part of the canvas. She's mentioned occasionally - and I think Anna is mentioned more. I'm not putting any stock in this "Laura" business.

Unfortunately LnLers are such an easy group to manipulate (and sadly, most don't even recognize it's happening) that one mention of the name "Laura" is going to get their attention. It is ridiculous but not because of any inclusion in LuNacy's story, it's ridiculous because every time an event happens for LuNacy that particular fanbase is pumped into believing something else will happen and it's always a fail. It's rather Pavlovian, actually.

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I agree with you Halee, I think it has more to do with the big wedding that Tracy wants not the timing per say. Luke just wants to get married and fast and I'm sure the thought of a big wedding makes him squirm...think of the last two he has had. Remember years ago he was like I can't imagine saying those words to someone else when he skipped town to the markham islands and left tracy at the alter at the silly decoy wedding? Of course that was then, but I'm thinking it is the whole wedding spectacle, coupled with it being close to his anniversary and laura's birthday and xmas.

I do think Jin, that Genie is returning and will be there right after lunacy remarry and appear to be finally happy and legally wed. I don't think it is just blowing smoke or manipulation and I think it will be announced soon...I'm guessing next week.

I am actually looking forward to it because I think it will provide JE some good material and keep her involved in an actual story down the line.


Your welcome Halee!

Edited by hookedongh
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This was on dish last night....this sounds like something Guza would do for sure! actually would be soapy and would give all three characters some story. But I hate rewrites for sure!!!

PS From what I'm hearing an announcement will be out very soon. The set up is all there for a laura return.

Edited by hookedongh
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Hello all!

Chiming in to say that I enjoyed the morning after scenes with the 4 of them in the hotel. Not a fan of the wedding flashbacks, but still glad to see Tracy getting screentime. :)

ILTQ, there is not a good screencap of Tracy/Ethan in bed, or else I would post it. Your best bet would be to go on YouTube to see the brief clip.

Thanks hooked for the spoilers!

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Hey Ms. Q!! Here's hoping to decent wedding hair and wardrobe. The last white dress for the markham islands silly wedding was hideous!

Funny that would be a really nice surprise. Her rings back. But I'm wondering if it could be a call from Ned or DIllon or something like that. Funny that tracy's kids wouldn't be at her wedding, but then again it is her what...9th wedding? I was watching an old clip frorm 1978 and edward was commenting that Tracy had four failed marriages before Mitch!!!

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