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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey Nex! I haven't tried to download them since I got home, but I will go try now and if I can, I will edit them and post them.

Leslie is not doing a fan event at FCW this year. I think that is like the first time ever. Doesn't she always have something?

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Some good news today: Betty Boop has left the building. Skye's last day in PC is july 29th. Guess she just leaves after she gets her $ back in Spain. No farewell scene with the Qs!

I like Robin Christopher but I can't stand Skye. Her return was completely pointless.

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YAY!!! That was the most ridiculous "return" ever, and I hope will stop anyone else from bragging that all they have to do is pick up the phone and call their buddie and suddenly they can come back. Now while it's hilarious that EWCBO whines to every mic/reporter who'll listen about how they don't want her and RC just has to pick up a phone to ask, it really does underscore the fact that if the story isn't there the actor shouldn't be either.

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Hey Funny! Hope you are enjoying your summer vacation.

This is pretty cool! From the author of an Elvis book:

and...here is an article about helena/tracy from a detroit paper--too bad the story seemed to have been cut short.


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Here was what was in SID this week mentioning Tracy...

Please note: I didn't add the comment/quote in Red at the end of the article...the person who scanned it for me and I dont know how to get that quote out of it. So if any lurkers are out there--who want to go to other boards and bitch about us, it was not my doing.


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Oh, who cares what the LnLers think? Not I, said the redhead. Okay, so I'm a natural brunette. But still......not I. They and their "debates" got old for me a long time ago. Personally, I have nothing against GF. I think she's highly overrated as an actress, and I could only stand Laura for the first five minutes, but I bear the woman no ill will as long as I don't have to sit through her scenes. I'm a okay in fact, with her coming back to GH, if it means I don't have to endure Tracy/Laura stuff. I don't feel "threatened" by her. Laura is no match for Tracy, and GF doesn't even know the zip code of JE's league as far as talent goes.

As far as the poll, eh. I didn't vote on it, and I just don't put any stock in the polls. I mean, if it were 99% in favor of Lacy, that would be cool and all, but it would still be "eh" for me. I honestly just don't trust mag or online polls anymore. I don't think I ever did.

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Oh the poll stuff is silly. If anyone paid attention to polls than liz/jason would be back together.

There was more to the article about TG saying how he didn't like them constantly saying luke was a bad parent, etc. That was the only part my friend scanned for me. It was an interview with TG, NP and JJ.

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Meh.... regardless of the debate of who's the best pairing for Luke, not a single one of them can suggest GF is a better actress than JE, and that's ultimately what TG said. (After all he's worked with and bedded Liz Taylor. He has a starting point for his comparison that's pretty impressive.)

The poll in intriguing - and it's suggested to be based on Tracy's ability to forgive. She might not be the "forgiving type" but this is Luke we're talking about - he's a whole different ball game. It won't be easy but we all know it will happen. I just hope their story has teeth and isn't just played for laughs come fall.

Speaking of our fair one, has anyone else noticed the pattern of those having a summer break? RC is gone and BH is on mat leave, but JE, NLG, KeMo and LA are just some of the names saying they've got less to do in August. It's almost as if it's being set up to be Brenda and the Men. Intriguing that....


Someone has now posted the whole thing:




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