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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Luke tried to warn Lucky again about being married to Liz and then Lucky went off on Luke. Then Luke said that love is a risk like gambling is and he should be playing the same number over and over again. Then Lucky said something like He couldn't stay faithful and blah blah and said that he left the love of his life for a marriage of consolation. Luke didn't agrue back. :mad:

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Yeah I noticed that.

Luke admonished Lucky against gambling everything on one shot at love or some such anaolgy.

Lucky says it's not gambling it's love.

Lucky says something like you (Luke) couldn't make it work with the love of your life or stay faithful and now here you are in a consolation marriage with Tracy.

Luke's only reply is pretty much "I just don't want you to make the same mistakes I did".

That's all he could say!

Why couldn't he say "Tracy is no consolation prize!, "she's my wife and I love her very much"

Sometimes I hate Luke and the writers of this show. :angry:

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It seems to me like they (the writers) don't want to completely shut the door on LnL.

Someone on another board said it best, she said she was a Lunacy fan, but she sometimes feels a little like Luke is just biding his time with Tracy,just waiting for the day when Laura returns.

Sadly,I sometimes feel the same way.

Tracy deserves so much more.

Where's Lord Ashton when you need him! :(

JE is a queen she should be front burner on this damn show not playing second fiddle to a woman whose not even in PC! :mad:

Edited by Jin
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Yeah i saw that quote as well. You on SOC too? This is why I stayed away from that board for so long. It's just frustrating, I mean like that poster said Laura is the elephant in the room or the dark cloud that lunacy's relationship. i just wish they'd make a decision on where to go and just do it.

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I lurk at SOC sometimes but that's all, seems that all they do is gush about Jasam and bitch about Liz. Boring!!

You know, I think Guza wants it both ways.

He wants to keep the LnLers tuning in and keep the Lunacy fans as well.

It's like he keeps Luke hanging between the two women, especially lately.

Luke is married to Tracy now, they are the senior couple on this show, why don't they just establish once and for all that Luke loves Tracy and has no regrets about Laura?

I for one, am sick of all the "laura mentions", if she's coming back bring her on already if not, shut up about her. :mad:

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I see your points, and agree, but I also think Luke wasn't really about to start defending his marriage to Tracy etc cause lucky was already all pissed off with him and it wasn't really the time or place and Lucky would have probably just walked out. I think Lucky is the one they always have portrayed as more "loyal" or "faithful" to Laura. Lulu is much more ameniable to Tracy and I think accepting. Lucky was the one when Laura was in LA with Scotty who said there is no way Luke would stay with Tracy when Laura was alive and well, but Lulu was like I don't know about that. It is pretty true to Lucky's character.

I think they have had luke tell Tracy and others over the years that he loves her. Remember that conversation with Nik where he said his love with Laura was once in the lifetime, but so is what he had with Tracy.

I think they are trying to diffuse some of the backlash from the spring with the whole Ethan bastard son debacle that pissed off so many old LnL fans and Robert/Holly fans, but from what I can tell, Luke even said to Liz a week or so ago that sometimes love isn't enough--just look at me and laura, etc...

To me the fact that Laura is alive and well in Paris and Luke is in PC and seems to have no real burning desire to go sweep her off her feet again, is proof enough now that he is happy with Tracy.

I have noticed they are making a point to include Tracy in Spencer family stuff--I was really surprised to see her at the LL2 engagment party at the Spencer house. And she was in Lulu's hospital room and the only one who seemed to think she was all reckless and crazy for going after Claudia.

Here is a really old pic of JE I came across in an old article about her going to GL. Remember in the 45th anniversary GH video where Jane said her first day on GH they were expecting NYC Susan lucci type to walk in the door to play Tracy, and in she walked with no makeup, red overalls and permed frizzy hair??? I think this might have been that "look" LOL


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Wow... now that picture has her looking so young! She was really a cutie. Thanks for posting it.

And I'm with you on the Lucky thing, Hooked. Yeah, it would be nice if Luke would shut Lucky down - but he never has. Lucky has been ripping Luke a new one for years and he just takes it. Tracy is the only one who's ever shoved it back down Lucky's throat. Luke has a particular genius for guilt, and I think he feels Lucky's treatment is his punishment for.... whatever. I mean Luke freely admitted how miserable he was in Laura's life, but he stayed anyway. Luke had no problem explaining his staying with Tracy to Lulu and to Nicholas, but he never had that conversation with Lucky. And Lucky is the one who's constantly pushing Laura/LnL. Everyone else has moved on except him.

Must say it was sickeningly gratifying that they are still writing Lucky as narrow minded and self-righteous. The other day's scene with Jason really pissed me off because I KNOW if GV had been doing it, he would have taken Jason out. But since JJ's Lucky is so lame compared to Jason, there was no real threat. But today I only laughed. At least when GV was self-righteous it fit. This time is still looked like a kid trying to play with the grown-ups and not making it. The best I can figure is that they are really setting Lucky up for a huge fall, and it will probably be Luke (with Tracy's help) - the one Lucky keeps treating like [!@#$%^&*] - who will actually be the one there for him.

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