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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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OMG that is hysterical!!! When he starts getting hair sticking out of his ears, he needs to retire! :lol:

I guess some kiss is better than no kiss! I looked at a screencap and it looked lemony to me too. Ethan's face is funny here (well it is funny all the time, but his expression is funny here).


Edited by hookedongh
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I dont think whether he looks older or younger than Lulu is really a big issue; my brother and sister are younger than me yet both look older than me. How long is he here for? ON some of the other boards, I've read he'd moved his entire family down to LA and that he was here for at least a year or two.

It looked lemony to me as well.

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I agree with those who say the kiss looked "lemony" LOL

Why can't they have a real kiss without all the hijinks?? *Sigh*

I'm excited to have JJ back, I loved looking at GV's gorgeous face, but JJ is Lucky for me.

Tony and JJ are great together, can't wait to see them in action.

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You know, for me, it's not weather JJ or GV play Lucky, it is how he is written. I like GV, he is a decent actor and easy on the eyes, but the way he has been written for the past few years has been horrible. I can only wonder how Lucky will be written once JJ takes over, if they all of a sudden change his attitude and character, that is where my problem will be. Because it means that they could have written for GV but just perferred not to.

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Nex I agree. That will be really interesting and tell us a lot about where the character of Lucky will be going, and for how long. If they continue the way they have, then JJ is definitely there to wrap up the character. If they write him better, that will be a huge slap in the face for GV. How I would love to be a fly on some walls at Prospect.

The insider was correct unfortunately - no LuNacy follow-up. Blah....

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Yah that sucks. It is worse knowing they had several scenes today then realizing we didn't get to see them. Too bad we can't buy outtakes! LOL

Whole article on GF returning in SID...

She basically says she would love love love to return but for some reason they are dragging their feet and are not ready for her yet.

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I agree with you both and would bet my bottom dollar they will start writing Lucky with a point of view and with Luke and Lucky repairing their relationship back to what it was. Lucky will probably get his edge returned, etc. I have no doubt that JJ will get much better screentime and writing then greg did.

I love Greg. He may not have been the best actor, but I don't think he got a fair shake...however, that said....he stuck around and kept sticking around so.....

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I know. ANd what I hate also is that the next time they are in a scene together they will be in Helena's hospital room and will we even know if Tracy is still mad or whatever?

I guess a good sign that no divorce bullshit is coming is that her ring was still on. Not that they would get divorced, but you know the same tired routine. I keep hoping maybe they will have her pop up before he goes to talk to Alexis tomorrow...

Here is the GF article from SID..

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Interesting read.

Looks like Genie is eager to come back to the fold.

I wonder will she get the chance?

Just last year she was sounding like she was ready to "move on" from Laura.

I guess the economy changed that. :rolleyes:

I've decided not to worry about it, I'll just enjoy my couple and whatever happens, happens. B)

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Ya I wouldn't worry about it--if she does come back it would probably give Tracy more story. she usually gets the most when Laura is around or when Holly or someone else is around.

I noticed these on ABC.com site today


Old screen caps. I like the courtroom pic the best!

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Lordy, how long has GF been singing this song? You'd think she'd be embarrassed by now. "I really want to be there but they don't want me". Since 2006 anyway.

Yes Tracy gets a lot of time with Luke's past returning, but I'd like her to move beyond that shtick. No matter how many times Luke picks Tracy, some fans and Tracy herself will always believe the next time he'll pick Laura again. The whole thing has gotten quite old actually.

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Word! I'm over the rumors and the backstage whatevers. All I'm looking forward to is LuNacy on screen.

Remos you are right GF rumors always pop up every few months. And people love to fall for them. I could care less as long as it doesn't mess with Luke and Tracy.


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