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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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LMAO... if they wanted GF they'd have her. Money wouldn't be a concern, especially after SBr just left. She's as ready as a virgin during Frosh Week to always show up at GH. It's all rumour and more for the LnL hardliners to cry foul.

JC I can do without, but NP leaving does not please me. I think he's got the stuff and he's great with the Spencermaines. That generation doesn't need to loose men, they need a couple more women.

At any rate, isn't LuNacy supposed to be back together today? At least Tracy is supposed to be around.

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Tracy's rings are still on. Luke and Ethan just returned to a very busy Haunted Star with the new dealer - "Link" and the new bartender - "Evan". They bear a striking resemblance to Luke/Ethan. Luke is happy to see Tracy, but so far Tracy is not interested in touching his dirty self.

Tracy is enjoying Link and Evan as they tend to "Miss Tracy". She doesn't believe that Luke was away and kept captive. Ethan vouches for Luke but Tracy doesn't believe him. She says she now has replacements that are superior "in every way". Luke pantomimes that she stabbed him in the heart and it hurt. Tracy says she doesn't care but Luke grabs her by the arms and says he doesn't think the stand-ins can do this... and pulls her close while he kisses her, not letting her pull away.

That's it, two scenes but complete LuNacy!

Edited by remos
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Do we really know 100% they were cut? And perhaps not all of them. Who knows - I just want to see Tracy's reaction to that kiss. I want her to loose herself into him, giving him the reaction he was needing. Then for her to catch herself and make a snide comment, giving HER the saving of face that she needs.

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Hey Nex--if you want we can share clipping duties! Not that I think the burden will be too large! LOL. Just let me know . I'm happy to do them if you are busy with work.

Remos--was Tracy wearing that grey jacket she is wearing in the helena scenes in the hospital the week of the 19th? I am trying to figure out if those will show up.

I wonder if Tracy scores an invite to the LL2 engagement party. There are a few more medianet photos loaded and they are of luke, bobbie, liz, lesley, lucky at the Spencer house with balloons in the background. That is the day Audrey is back too I think (the 19th). I wonder if Tracy will be there with Luke. It is a total "spencer" looking party so I am doubting it. Even though she was there for both LL2 weddings--that is how long she and luke have been married.

ALso--Luke is the one who sees Niz kissing and has to decide whether or not to tell lucky (per an article today with JJ and his return). Hope he consults Tracy who will probably tell him to tell Lucky.

Per SOD--Nik sends Helena back to switzerland on the 20th of October. Damn--was hoping she was around for a while.

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Finally the drought it over.

First the good:

*Luke was jealous that Tracy had replaced him with "Link". LOL

*Tracy looked lovely

*They kissed!

Now the bad:

Why must they always do the hijinks thing?

I know Lunacy are not "touchy feely" but it'd be nice to see

them being tender and loving with each other instead of Tracy always

bitching Luke out and him always apologizing.

Meh... I guess beggars can't be choosy.

At least we get LUNACY BACK ON SCREEN!!!

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No, it's two different jackets. And Luke has cleaned himself up by the time he sees Helena next week, according to the pictures.

I don't see why she wouldn't be. Bobbie and Lesley being raised from the ashes is interesting, but after almost 5 years if Tracy's not there it's mentioned why not - LuNacy isn't news to anyone. I haven't seen the pictures, but is Lulu in any of them? They aren't going to have a party without her. Tracy might not like the Amityville Horror, but she knows she's part of the family.

She'll be back *in Arnold voice*.

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Hooked, I just looked at all the mediapics for that week (19th) and Luke is wearing the same outfit at the engagement party as he is with Tracy at Helena's bedside. Given we have one of Luke/Bobbie/Leslie and one of Luke/Liz and one of Luke/Liz/Lucky (god, GV's all kinds of sexy and JJ is not the actor to carry this part), I wouldn't be surprised if there are other combinations of people who didn't get in the mediapics. The other possibility is that it's really low key so Tracy doesn't want to be part of it. I think there's no way of telling exactly, but LuNacy is together that day.

Two pictures are up for the week of the 27th with JJ and TG. I'm sorry but GV IS Lucky now. JJ doesn't look old enough to have graduated from high school. I tell you - this is going to backfire.

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Can you see JJ being Lulu's older brother???

The party on the 19th I think is the little Liz goes to break it off with lucky and he surprises her with a party. Then I think the next week is the party that turns into the engagement party and kicks off sweeps.

From the listing from tomorrow of what is happening and know the scenes tomorrow were about Valentin I dont' think we will get any follow up to the kiss. DId you see the scrubs follow up from the wig scene? Kmc and JT said they had a couch makeout scene that got cut I guess.

Anyway, glad they were back. IF the scenes were cut from tomorrow, maybe we just go from her being pissed and then the kiss bowled her over. People on dish said she looked like she was kissing a lemon! I haven't watched yet as I am knee deep in homework!

Luke is supposed to talk to Alexis on TH about the new cassadine--maybe she will pop up again. Helena is checked into the hospital on TH

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Try youtube.

Just type Tracy Quartermaine in then go newest and it should be there\

Can't wait to see to see the episode

Screemed in form room when I found out

I am now the school freak and proud of.

Oh and my music binder now proudly have Pictures of Tracy, Luke, Dillon and Paul on it. (only used paul and Tracy photo because TRacy looks AMAZING)

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JJ's definitely not going to look old enough, but I don't think he's going to be around enough to really matter.

As for "lemon face", lol they must have better eyes than I have, because Tracy's face was covered by Luke's. You can't see any expression. You can only see Luke holding her very tightly in his arms and first holding her head to his then both arms holding her back and he tries not to loose balance.

We will get some follow-up with the kiss somehow. I hope it's tomorrow but even if it isn't, the mediapics have them standing in a very close/familiar way beside Hell's bed. That is not her "I'm not going to be associated with you" pose. That's her "I'm Mrs. Spencer and I'm here with my husband" pose.

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