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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Sorry Remos but SOC isn't/hasn't been fun any more. And at this point those posters opinions dont mean crap to me. I'm tired of the constant bashing/bobble-head banter. They can have that hell-hole. I'm gonna watch the show without thinking of what SOC posters have posted daily. It makes life much more enjoyable.

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But that would be so long ago, what would have caused that shortly after getting Holly pregnant himself?

I think whatever Robin knows is the real reason Robert and Holly split up and she was running for her life in the first place.

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And here is the answer to the Ethan story...in SOW (note the bolded part which sounds good)

SOW: A Closer Look, Ethan

Holly comes clean about Ethan's father this week - or does she? Nathan Parsons parses words to ask, "Who's your daddy?"

SOW notes the story starts with Robin blowing the "Robert is your father" theory out of the water.

NP says that Ethan goes to Robin's house and tells her that he just heard he's her brother, or could be, at least. Robin doesn't think that makes any sense. She goes about trying to use his birthday to prove that it's impossible for Robert Scorpio to be his father. Which is weird because Holly had *just* said, Robert Scorpio is your father.

SOW asks if that means Holly is now suspect.

NP says absolutely. Holly is tough but there was a part of Ethan that thought that when it came to something as sensitive as to who his father is, she might actually be honest about it for five minutes. He's angry. It's painful to be used like that. Holly should know what it means to find out who his real father is and to jerk him around about it, is very upsetting.

SOW asks what happens when Holly tries to set the record straight by saying Luke is actually his father?

NP says that Ethan is like, yesterday it was Robert, today it's Luke. Holly seems genuine, but she's also a very good con artist. For Ethan the question still remains, you've lied about this before, so why would you just suddenly turn around and tell the truth? That doesn't make any sense, is it part of your game?

SOW says a part of him must be happy to get confirmation that Luke is his dad, no?

NP says on one hand, yes, he's secretly happy about it, on the other hand there's a huge cloud of doubt and that's overshadowing it. What if Holly is getting his hopes up higher and then she's going to dash those? It's hard for him to wrap his head around, but he does hope it's true.

SOW says so the audience can wonder if she's lying?

NP says yeah, maybe Holly was just telling them what they wanted to hear. There are all sorts of questions about what she stood to gain. It's hard to figure out if what she said was true or if it was all just a game to get Tracy's money and get Luke away from Tracy. But in the end, she doesn't get either of those things.

SOW says at least Ethan gets what he wanted, connecting with Luke, right?

NP says yes. The only problem is that he never wanted to know his biological parents, it was the last thing on his mind. Ethan's a lot more honest than you'd expect. He doesn't want to find out who his biological dad is and never had an inkling about Luke being the father, until Luke brought it up. Now Ethan's being thrown from Robert Scorpio is your father to Luke Spencer is your father. He got what he wanted in that there's still a connection between him and Luke. It might be stronger than he ever thought it was and he also found out who his mother is. He found out who it was that abandoned him as a baby and that's something he didn't really want to know.

NP confirms that Ethan believes Holly when she says she's his mom.

SOW notes Holly then flies the coop.

NP says that it's yet another reason to doubt that she told the truth about Luke. She came to PC for money and leaves with nothing. So what happened, did her plan fail?

SOW asks if Ethan will stick around.

NP laughs and says hopefully. Like Luke he's one to slip away for periods of time. There's a very good chance he might be gone for a while, to process things. But he might stick around, too, now that he has ties in Port Charles. He does possibly have a father, which means he also possibly has a brother and a sister.

SOW asks NP about himself and being on the move his whole life.

NP says they moved around a lot. He was born in Adelaide in south Australia and they moved to South Africa, Colorado and Texas and now he's in L.A. He's been in America for 10 years.

SOW notes he still has an accent.

NP says he plays it up for the show and his normal speaking cadence is not quite as intense.

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Thanks Hooked. Love to see the confirmation that Spanky keeps her money and her man - in whatever order you wish.

RECAPS, Thursday May 21st (Okay, the dialogue was quick and heavy, and my boys were royal pains, so I can't swear to the accuracy of these recaps but I think I've got the essence.)


Vets: Tracy, Luke, Holly, Monica, Edward, Mike

Kisses: none

Appearances: Black/white jacket, black pants

Other Stories: Lulu fills Lucky in on their family situation; Michael is even more an ass then usual treating Carly like the dog's breakfast; Jax tries to make Carly feel better but is having trouble; Spixie bugging the Crimson office to find out what Kate is doing; Nic/Becs/Liz at hospital just talking stuff; Olivia and Johnny cute morning after interaction complete with her slapping his butt; Kate susses out that Olivia and Johnny did the dead (Kate is actually cute with Olivia today); sweet Lulu/Michael bonding

Line of the Day: Kate to Olivia "Does Johnny look better in underwear or a towel?"

Sc. 1 - Alice sighting. Very funny...Monica and Edward bickering about Michael, Tracy and Luke arguing about Holly and Luke tells her to relax. As Alice moves back and forth serving the groups as the bickering focus moves back and forth. Finally Tracy says she's not going to pay for Luke to relive his glory days. Luke asked when those were? Tracy yells she never wants to hear the name "Holly Sutton" again, just as Holly wants in and says good morning to Luke - nice to see him surrounded by family and the perfect picture of domesticity...

Sc. 2 - Holly tells Luke for the 'king of the open road' it's so sad to see him boxed in with his family. Tracy wants her gone but Edward welcomes her in. Tracy asks Edward if she has to remind him that Holly is a con? Edward waves that away saying Tracy says that about everyone. Tracy then says Holly is in town for a family reunion. Oh, where's Robert, Monica asks? Not here, Tracy says, because Holly is around to tell Luke that Ethan is his son. Edward laughs wondering how many there are and Monica says that's something Edward is more than familiar enough with. Edward says Ethan is a fine young man, but Monica points out that Edward said Ethan was a thief and would drink them out of house and home just like Luke. Edward then says it's easy enough to see if Ethan is his, just have a DNA test. Luke says they already did that but 'your darling daughter' rigged the results, so he's going to get the answers right from the source - as he points at Holly. "Not before I get my money" Holly replies sweetly. Everyone turns to Luke.

Sc. 3 - Edward says Ethan is the child of Holly and Luke? Well he can offer any advice because he's had experience. Monica agrees that Edward has more than his share of experience on that one. Tracy points out that they don't know yet if Luke is the father, but Monica tells Tracy that's not what she's worried about. No Tracy is worried that if Luke and Holly are Ethan's parents then Luke will run off with is new family. Edward says there's nothing to keep him there as it is. Luke twisting his wedding ring, walks over to the bar and says he might just have the urge to get on the road, you never knows. Tracy takes it all in and asks what the price is. Holly coyly says that's for her and Luke to negotiate, and then Holly leaves. Tracy walks to the bar to join Luke and he says that any price is worth it to know the truth. Tracy just stares at him.

Sc. 4 - Liz talks to Luke at the Haunted Star telling Luke that she knows how much he loves Lucky, but in all of this Lucky is being treated like he doesn't matter. Luke says he didn't want to be a father but he still loves Lucky, he's Luke's son. Liz points out that the two of them never got beyond Lucky being a cop and yet here comes Ethan who Luke accepts without problem. Can't he see how much this is hurting Lucky? It's no picnic for himself and 'poor Ethan' Luke says. Liz asks if Luke hears himself, he's talking as if he and Ethan are a unit and where does that leave Lucky? Meanwhile at the Scrubs house Tracy shows up at the door with a cashier's cheque "with $2M more than you deserve" (so we don't know the real amount) and says she can now leave. Holly says there are a lot of things she needs to consider but Tracy says she's got her money so now she can take her bait. Holly says Ethan is a dear but that's not what she's really wants. What does she want, Tracy asks? Holly says Tracy is smarter than that, she's actually an inspiration to her, Holly says. Cut the crap, Tracy says and lay it out. Holly says she's here to take Tracy's husband. And at the hospital Monica and Edward visit Michael and tell him how good it is to see him again, and how he must be anxious to get out of there. Michael agrees and Edward asks him what he wants... is he hungry, Edward is sure Cook can come up with something. Michael says he wants a hamburger. Edward and Monica laugh and they tell him they hope to spend a whole lot of time with him - no matter where he lives.

Sc. 5 - Monica and Edward talk to Michael about AJ, and Monica tries to explain Carly to Michael and asks him not to be too harsh on his mother. Monica explains that Carly was there all the time and pushed for the surgery when everyone else wanted to wait. Edward laughs asking when she became a fan of Carly's and Monica says she's a mother too. Michael asks if Monica was there when Jason woke up, and Monica says no she wasn't, but it didn't mean she didn't love Jason. Monica's pager goes off and she has to leave, then Edward says what Monica said was all bull - the Q's are Michael's real family and no amount of talk is going to change that. Meanwhile Tracy suggest to Holly that she take the money and run, because Luke isn't part of the deal. Holly says Tracy's had a good run and she's amazed Tracy held on to him this long. Tracy asks if Holly knew about Luke's heart attack, Holly didn't but she bets he now whats to live all the more. Tracy gets her smile on and says Luke is hers and Holly doesn't get him. Holly says Luke doesn't belong to anyone. Wanna bet, Tracy asks? Holly stands and says she's not playing. She is taking Luke and there is nothing Tracy can do about it. Tracy waves the cheque again and says it's her last chance at the money. And at the Star Liz and Luke's conversation continues as Luke pours out how much it hurts him that Lucky takes every opportunity to shut him down and insult him. It's not easy with Lucky walking in every second day and threatening to arrest his bartender... or treat him like a drunk. Son of a bitch, Luke says... he's tired of Lucky treating him like he's nothing. He did everything right as a dad, Luke says, or at least he tried to. He saw all the games, took him to school, played with him. He lived in that house until he felt the walls closing in and he was going to explode. And it still wasn't good enough for Lucky. Luke says he loves Lucky, but if Ethan is his son he deserves Luke's love too. He can't choose. Liz asks Luke if he thought Lucky would grow up some day and be like him. I don't know Luke admits. Liz then asks if Luke thinks Lucky will resent living with her and her kids, and Luke tells her he fears that Lucky will awaken one morning and be so angry and caged that he will do something to hurt Liz and her kids, just like he did to Laura. Perhaps, Liz offers, Lucky doesn't feel trapped and wants that life with her because he loves it - that love should include Luke too.

Sc. 6 - Ethan comes into the HS and tells Luke family is overrated. Luke agrees. Well Lulu is fond of you, he tells Luke - is she? Luke asks. Lucky is a different story, he's pissed of at Luke. Ethan says he's pissed of at both of us, the difference is Ethan doesn't care. Ethan wants to make sure that Luke wouldn't keep any information from him, and Luke is surprised at the notion. Meanwhile Tracy says a good opportunist knows to take the money and run. Holly says there's still more adventure to have. Wow, Tracy says, then turns on Holly and asks if she realizes what she has done. Luke's children have lost the last bit of respect for him having a child with Holly, and what about Laura? How is she going to feel when she finds out that Luke fathered a child with Holly while they were still married. It's over, Tracy yells at her, the bar in Singapore is empty and used up - just like her. Holly won't budge. And at the hospital Edward fills Michael's head with guff about how AJ loved him and tells Michael he will be moving into the Q home. Mike at the doorway cuts Edward off and says Michael isn't going anywhere with him. Michael is happy to see Mike, and Mike tells Edward to leave.

Sc. 7 - Luke promises Ethan that if Holly had told him anything he would have told Ethan first. Ethan asks if he's sure, because whether or not Luke is his father isn't the real issue. What Luke asks? I'm just the bait, the real questions is if he's going to dump Tracy and leave with Holly. "Oh, I'd really like to know the answer to that" Tracy says quietly from the door. Meanwhile Lucky barges in on Holly at Scrubs (she's expecting Luke - isn't she always) and demands the answer about Ethan's paternity.

Edited by remos
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Thanks remos. sounds like a great Q day. I guess we will hopefully get some continuation tomorrow or see how Luke tap dances out of that one. I wonder if Holly took the check. And did we ever think we would see the day that Tracy would be sticking up for Laura?

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Seriously, it was fabulous. Those of you with SoapNet, THIS is the night to watch it live if you haven't done so already. Tracy spoke up for Laura, Monica spoke of for Carly, Ethan spoke up for Tracy, Liz spoke up for Lucky, Lulu spoke for Ethan.. the Spencer and Quartermaine families were all over the place today with solid issues. And the opening scene was a riot - Alice quietly moving back between the bickering Quartermaines and the bickering Spencermaines.

I don't know what's next - and I seriously doubt Luke will tell Tracy he's sacrificing their marriage - but today was a whole lot of mini-fireworks. But the best were Tracy and Luke - Tracy staring down Holly and Luke talking to Liz. Those were the highlights by far.

And you know how others have been saying ES was a little dead in the acting department.... well she stepped it up with JE just like they all do.

Jeez, they can't leave a good day alone, can they. Emily is about the only one possible, and the rest are crap we've seen before.

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