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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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From Scrybs board...

Monday, May 11th –

Patrick works valiantly to get Michael’s heart beating again when there’s a crisis during the surgery. Michael’s loved ones are faced with the difficult decision of whether or not they should ask Patrick to stop the operation.

Tuesday, May 12th –

Carly gives Patrick the go ahead to continue Michael’s surgery. Patrick gives everyone the news that Michael made it through the surgery and now the waiting period begins to see whether or not it was successful.

Wednesday, May 13th –

Patrick tells Carly that Michael should be awake by now and reluctantly admits that if he doesn’t wake up soon, he probably never will.

Monday, May 18th –

Holly arrives on Patrick’s doorstep looking for a place to stay.

Tuesday, May 19th –

Meanwhile, Holly pours on her seductive charms while making herself at home at Patrick’s.

Tuesday, May 26th

Robin reunites with Patrick and returns home.

Wednesday, May 27th

Patrick is thrilled to have his family back.

Thursday, May, 28th

Robin cautions Ethan not to believe everything Holly says.

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I love Serial Drama!! She is always on the money when complaining about GH and I always agree with everything she says! :) :)

I will say that the one good thing to come out of this stupid and hated Ethan storyline, is that it can't last long beacuse the Luke and Laura fans are going insane!!! We as Lacy fans don't have to do a thing, we will never have to lift a pen to paper and write how much we HATE Ethan, cuz those die hard LnL fans will do it for us. I don't expect him to last very long and thats a good thing.

As for last weeks/this weeks clips I will put them together as soon as I get the chance, sorry I am being slow in posting them but my heart hasn't been in it lately, but I will have them up.

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RECAPS, Thursday May 7th


Vets: Tracy, Luke

Kisses: zilch (I'm going to have to come up with some other words for nothin')

Appearance: Turquoise jacket

Other Stories: Rebecca/Nicholas still working on her room at Kelly's (gotta admit they are cute and playful); Carly/Jax/Jason/Sonny struggling with whether to let Patrick operate on Michael today and Carly chooses Patrick do it immediately; Spin helping Lulu at Crimson but making it clear it's Lulu he's helping not the "Faithless One"; Claudia is around the hospital and tries to support Sonny but Jason lets her know he's on to her without actually saying it; Kate is back and is as bitchy as ever giving Spixie 24 hours to find the leak or she and Lulu are fired

Line of the Day: Matt to Patrick about doing Michael's surgery and assisting even though Matt thinks it's a disaster in the making: "Guess you're driving over a cliff and I'm riding shoot gun".

Sc. 1 - Piph pulls out the paper and says she doesn't "know if it's good news or bad but there is no DNA match. This young man is not your son." Ethan and Tracy both sigh with relief and Tracy looks over at Luke to see how he's taking the news. (Seriously, if Tracy tempered with anything she's not letting it show).

Sc. 2 - Luke asks if he can see the test and Epiphany explains it to Luke so he can read the markers. Luke sees that there are no connections at all and Luke says it seems strange. Tracy is looking slightly shifty as she thanks Epiphany. Ethan says that means he can stay and shakes Luke's hand then leaves. Tracy comes over to Luke and strokes his back then puts her head on his shoulder (the way you like it, TL) and says Ethan/Holly's scam just lost its edge. Luke still looking at the papers says there's one thing he knows - and that's that Ethan isn't scamming anyone. Then Luke leaves the conference room still looking over the report. Tracy comes out of the room folding the manila envelope. It's hard to tell if she looks suspicious or concerned about what Luke will do next.

Sc. 3 - no Tracy; Ethan goes to Crimson to find Lulu and asks her to see Luke because he's upset and Luke would do better seeing her face. Meanwhile Luke walks down the stares and balls up the paper, then opens it again, folds it and puts in his pocket.

Sc. 4 - Tracy walks into HS and sees Luke drinking. She says he's more upset then he's letting on, but Luke says he's not upset and doesn't need an excuse to imbibe. Tracy wants to know why he wanted Ethan so much when he's never been thrilled about being a father. Luke doesn't know what to tell her. Tracy points out that Lucky's theory was probably the right one - that Luke wanted an image of himself continuing especially after the year he's had having to face his own mortality. Luke says that wrong. Then Tracy asks him to give a girl a break - "give me a hint about how I'm going to be paying for this in the days to come". Luke doesn't have any idea, but starts telling her that all the little quirks of Ethan, his idiocyncricies and Holly pointing Ethan in Luke's direction seemed a little more than coincidence, but hey it didn't happen so there's one less kid to worry about. Tracy reminds him that Lucky will be happy that he doesn't have a brother and Lulu didn't even know. Luke is greatful Lulu wasn't in the know, but just then Lulu and Ethan arrive and surprise both Tracy and Luke. Tracy asks Lulu what she's doing there and Lulu tells Tracy about Ethan's concern. Then Lulu turns to Ethan and thanks him for being right.

Sc. 5 - Luke thanks Lulu for his support and she says Ethan isn't the scammer she thought he was. Ethan smiles and says flatery will get her anywhere. Tracy quickly interupts Ethan and Lulu and sends him to the house to see what Luke stole before Edward finds out. Ethan complies and Lulu goes over to the bar. Then Lulu says Ethan has surprised her and Luke says Ethan surprised him too with his ability to be empathic. Lulu admits she likes Ethan more than she thought she would. Tracy says "think again, Missy", which surprises both Lulu and Luke.

Sc. 6 - Tracy asks Lulu why she changed her mind about Ethan because he's scamming all of them. Ethan can't be trusted. Luke says if that's the case they why did she send him unescourted to the Q mansion because he could be stealing the deed right out from under Monica's nose. Tracy looks up and says right, what was she thinking (her delivery was strange - not sure what Tracy's thinking), but before she goes she tells Lulu once more to stay away from Ethan. After she leaves Lulu walks to the bar and asks what Tracy's problem is because she's gone from practically having a crush on Ethan to wanting him gone. Luke wonders why the change is indeed.

Sc. 7 - no Tracy; Luke wants Lulu to help him - when Tracy's around show Ethan a little more attention. Lulu says she doesn't get it. But Luke says of course she does, just flirt with him. Lulu is surprised because she's sure Tracy doesn't have romantic feelings for Ethan so she wouldn't get jealous. Luke says no, that's not what he's going for. What then, Lulu asks. "My beautiful, divious wife is up to something and watching you flirt with Ethan will tell me everything I need to know." (Thats twice in the past few 'days' he's called her beautiful, sigh....)

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Thanks remos

I think Ethan messed with the test and then Tracy did too.

So it will all be up in the air for a while.

They are really pushing the Scorpio angle. But my hunch is telling me in the end---he will end up being Luke's.

Did it seem like the scenes would continue tomorrow? Or maybe the flirting/kiss is next Monday?

Emma Samms article in SOW says her visit is all in PC, no adventure story/fantasy etc. It is all about feelings this time.

She does have scenes with Robin.

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hi all!!!

I know I haven't been on in FOREVER. I just have a question. Since it's been so long I don't remember who it is on here who works in a theater in NY. Can you help me out cuz I have a few questions for you?

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Next week: 5 days Luke and at least 3 with Tracy :)

(SoapOperaNetwork.com) -- "General Hospital" VCR Alerts for the Week of May 11, 2009.


Monday: Michael is in dire straits. Spinelli promises Maxie he'll come through for her. Luke is certain Tracy knows more than she's saying.

Tuesday: Ric reminds Claudia that her fate rides on whether Michael lives or dies. Luke shares his suspicions about Tracy with Ethan. Maxie fears she'll end up losing her job after all.

Wednesday: Patrick has distressing news for Carly. Luke and Ethan set out to rescue Holly. Spinelli uncovers the truth about Kate.

Thursday: Carly refuses to give up on Michael. Someone is keeping their eye on Luke, Ethan and Tracy. Ric backs Claudia into a corner.

Friday: Carly collapses in Jax's arms. Jason confronts Claudia with the truth about Michaels' shooting. Luke is surprised by a visit from Holly.

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I'm in a much better place than last week - it never fails to amaze me how much one's personal situation truly does effect what they can handle with their friends. When Mike's a walking talking (home for 13 f*cking days straight) bag of negativity, I just can't deal with anything except roses and lollipops.

Tonight I have a very cute little man running around naked (he's '4 n haff', he tells me) and more than a few glasses of vino down the pipes. So I'm ready to laugh at just about anything and trust me - there's much to laugh at around the net....

  • ewcbo and JJ have decided to not only contact TG BUT have also been in an interview saying how terrible it is that GH has dismantled the 'loving Spencer family' and how it's just not right. Personally, can you see Jane Elliot saying anything about a character she last played over a decade ago let alone write to her former co-star/TPTB about their personal disgust and 'ruining the icon'? Naw, me either. But seriously - ever since ewcbo's return was announced in 2006 she's done something for a PR stunt every 2-4 months. Go back and look... every 2-4 months. Pathetic or what. :wacko:
  • today's episode has people riled up that Luke is pushing his daughter at her brother - of course don't let reality hit you in the butt on your way to that one. Luke is focused on Tracy and he's asking Lulu to do something to push Tracy's buttons so he can find out what Tracy is up to. It never fails to amaze me how viewers don't even listen to the dialogue/action but assume that their misinterpretation is exactly what happened.
  • funny, funny (not you, R), Lulu reassuring Luke that Tracy doesn't have romantic feelings for Ethan. In retrospect I'd have to say that was the most priceless moment of the day - even better than Luke calling Tracy "beautiful *** wife" twice in the past few days. Lulu was very seriously telling Luke that Tracy wasn't fooling around on him - he didn't have to worry about Tracy's devotion. Lulu is such a LuNacy fan - love that about the girl. :wub:
  • also reported that ewcbo supports LuNacy - I'm thinking 'no sh*t Sherlock', she knows she's toast so lets appear like she's such a gracious person'. News is old anyway, that was the PR stunt 2-4 months ago
  • worry that JI is retiring and GH will lose another Q. DC is reporting it.... the only problem is they didn't tell their readers this was rumoured 6 months ago - again old news, but on the net is anything ever old????
  • GH is up in the rating from last week - substantially up. The best anyone else improved was GL at 130K (those attending the drawn-out wake I'd guess) and OLTL at 85 K. But GH improved 234K and regained it's 4th place standing. I hope they continue to perform better in the ratings because the show is getting better and better all the time. Perhaps Guza was right, 'cause since Meg's appearance behind the scenes the consistency between days and in the stories in general has been almost perfect. :D


Funny (this time it is you, R) LuNacy were married on the 19th of May in the year of our Lord two thousand and five.

Edited by remos
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Someone keeps pushing awful hard about Ned coming back (on dish). I will believe that when I see it.

JI is about ready to retire from what I hear from a reliable source (not dish)

Tracy follows Luke/Ethan when they go to "singapore" to rescue Holly. I know Lulu is supposed to kiss Ethan coming up. That is either tomorrow I guess or Monday maybe.

From dish IL

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I think we all have a whole lot of 'believe it when I see it' moments. Remember how the insider said the DNA test will show that Ethan did something to the test to make you think he wasn't legitimately taking it - and then the actually test wasn't shown at all. Insiders have far more agendas then viewers.

I think the surest way to know if Ethan is Luke's is to watch Luthan. The mouse ears will NOT do incest. Days will. B&B will. GH/OLTL/AMC will not - Disney is far too much a family-first series of stations to go that route. If they want to skip Luthan and go straight to Lulu/Dante that is the only real possibility (since Johnny/Spinelli obviously aren't going to happen now). Yes Luthan = no Spencer boy. Yes Spencer boy = no Luthan. It's very simple.

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