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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I think it means that he might be done with taping as of now. But he will be airing through May sweeps I guess or end of May.

This is from SOD

SOD Record This:

5/11 - Michael is in dire straits, Spinelli promises Maxie that he'll come through for her, and Luke is certain that Tracy knows more than she's saying.

5/12 - Ric reminds Claudia that her fate rides on whether Michael lives or dies.

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SOD Breaking News! GH's Emma Samms returns!

It's only a 2 week stint, but ES is thrilled to be returning. Holly's reappearnce is tied to Teethan Lovett.

"They have a lot in common because he's not your typical upstanding citizen"

While viewers are waiting to discover who Teethan's daddy is ES says not to make any assumptions. "We don't even know for sure if Holly is the mommy"

When Holly 1st came on she was a con artist, "I think without a man in her life she's reverted back to that - its what she knows"

ES reasons "that is why I would return every now & then, b/c the Holly was transformed by the love of a good man was just not as interesting"

She says she almost didn't come back because of a prior commitment. She is doing a dancing show in London.

As for probability of another return "I would love to do it, I love working with TG, it's heaven. I have my normal life with my kids at home then I come back to this joyous place, it's the best of both worlds


Edited by hookedongh
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Passing the Torch:

Talks about the BRILLIANT casting of NP (Teethan). And how NP reminded everyone so much of TG. TG even says he reminds him of himself

Speak out!

Some hope Ethan turns out to be Luke's son, but not everyone. Some are hoping he's Robert's so Lulu & Ethan can get together.

Many want Claudia to pay for Michael's horrific shooting, but aren't exactly hopeful "Anyone who says crime doesn't pay clearly hasn't been to Port Charles!"


Contance Towers is coming back says a source.

Sneak Previews!

S&C make an important decision.

Will Ethan prove to be Luke's son?

In the Next Issue!

You'll all be waiting with baited breath...The truth is out! GH's Nathan Parsan's tells all about the guy who's so fascinated us...himself!

Okay fine he talks about Ethan a bit, too.

Comings & Goings:

ES (Holly)shows up May 15th.

Edited by hookedongh
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'lo everybody. It's been a long while so I just wanted to check in. If it makes you guys feel any better, I've been neglecting almost all of my online spots. Work has been crazy and it's adding an extra layer of exhaustion on top of the pregnancy.

I'm having a little boy. I can feel him kicking now (although hubby can't yet) and it's got to be the weirdest feeling ever. And apparently, he wants me to eat every other hour because my stomach is grumbling more often these days. I've been trying to snack on healthy things to keep from gaining excess weight. My next doc's visit is the glucose test - fun, fun, fun, right?

Anyway, I've been skipping GH during the week and catching up on the weekends. Last I saw looked like it was building up to some good Tracy/Luke stuff with Ethan, so we'll see how that pans out. I've also been watching some old Days clips of Jack and Jennifer - I forgot how much I miss the slow build for couples. We just don't see that on soaps anymore, and it's most of the reason why I think there are no more supercouples on soaps.

Anyway, hope everyone is doing well.

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Oh Star, that's so cool. Yeah the kicking... it's to be experienced it cant be described. I once heard my husband trying to explain that kicking was like indigestion and I just cut him off - it's nothing like it. Enjoy these moments - and I agree with Hooked. My daughter and I had that push-pull thing from conception, but little boys come with their own sweetness that can't be compared. With a little boy you always know you are the center of the universe.

I gotta tell you on SOC, the Holly vs. Anna wars are huge. I thought Tracy vs. ewcbo was bad but we at least know who came first and who was chosen in the end. Anna/Holly have no such clarity.

Funny et all, ILTQ sends hugs.

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Here is the Luke's leaving town story from SID

THe bad news? It's just about time for fan-favorite Anthoy Geary (Luke) To take his annual extended vacation. The good news? Although he was scheduled to finish taping in early May before hitting the road for his much deserved break, rumor has it Geary has been working like crazy to tape episodes which will air until at least early June. Yes, that will still mean we have t ogo awhile without Geary and his alter ego (both of whom are set to return in the fall), but something tells us the residents of PC--especially Tracy!--will be buzzing in Luke's absence. A GH rep had no comment on Geary's final pre-vacation air date or scheduled return.

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