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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Is it wrong to PRAY ( I mean really pray ) for Tracy to be kidnapped by Helena? It seems like a blatant misuse of a request of God... and yet, not.

Hooked, explain to me how JUICE is messing with GH! I need to understand this. I don't. Does SB own shares of the company? Is it HIS company? What's the deal, and what does he want from his colleagues? Does he want them to invest? Promote the stuff for free? Allow the stuff to be imbibed on screen? WHAT? I don't get it. And is the JUICE the reason t this HORRIBLE thing is happening to SCRUBS?!?!?! Why would they pair Patrick with Liz just before they reduce the hell out of Liz's profile?!?! I don't get it.

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You're right. But look at all the back and forth that happened over "Tracy gets sick". We even has 'insiders' saying it didn't happen and people here who kept saying it's all a lie probably because they didn't want to get excited then disappointed. But the proof was in the pudding. Not only did she get sick (and was probably the best acted sick person there) but we had amazing TraLu as well.

Now getting kidnapped, alone or with Luke will make great story. Will it happen? Well lets discuss Tracy getting sick. We don't know but the odds of things happening to Tracy have increased greatly, especially since they denied Luke being her hero during the toxic ball thing and now with the closeness developing between Tracy/Ethan and Hells returning (said to be controlling Ethan), Tracy is being put in a vulnerable position. Remember it has always been Luke's loved ones that Helena goes after to hurt Luke. Well Tracy pretty much tops that list now.

LOL... no LB, I'm sure God watches soap operas and understands the true intent behind your words. It would be perfect. We'd get Tracy/Hells interaction (which was great last time even with less at stake) and Lukey either with his Spanky Buns or trying to find her.

(Here's my theological mis-quote for the day - "Jesus came into the world as a poor carpenter who lived on the outskirts of town in poverty, and a nobody from the lowest rungs of the social ladder. If God came today she would be a black uneducated, disabled lesbian." That's the largest fan base for soaps - I think your prayer will be understood. :P )

And before I get heckled, I'm outta here. I'm off to take the kids to see excerpts form La Boheme at the Opera House downtown. Don't know if I'll be back in time, but I doubt there will be anything different today from yesterday - more Mobbie fall-out, Scrubs drama, JoLu/JoMax difficulties, and Saving Spinelli. Perhaps we will see Rebecca but outside of Helena's reputed pawns, there isn't much that's interesting.

Edited by remos
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Just got home. We didn't get to the concert (it was free and people were lined up before we even got there), so we went to a camping supply flagship store where the kids could play, then to Kensington Market (TO's answer to SoHo)..... I miss Grunge, sigh....

At any rate it seems I was right about today's eppi. Diane sighting though, LB. Scrubs, Saving Spinelli and JoLu/JoMax interaction.

Also heads up if anyone is over at SOC, the usual baiters who have some sense of humour got off on the wrong side of the bed this morning. The site is poison today. I've left until they finish feeding on each other. Enter forewarned.

So, odds on Tracy tomorrow? Rarely has she been on just one day, so knowing that she's going to be on Thursday probably means Wednesday and/or Friday.


I'm off again, but before I go....

Carly questions Jax behavior

Sam starts her new career off with a bang

Winnie and Spin connect

Maxie looses her cool over Winnie

Johnny goes home

Tracy and Luke scam the Q's

Claudia goes to Lulu

Sam needs Jasons help once again

Sonny thinks Claudia is up to something

Claudia thinks she's found the answer to her prayers

Rebecca has outside connections

Ethan gets Lulu drunk and they get into some hot water

Jax confides in Olivia

Super Freak

Edited by remos
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Morning all. not much going on around the horn this morning. These were on DC..

When Holly returns… Tracy is not happy. Bobbie sighting? Is this the over 40 part of the spoiler blog? Bobbie SHOULD have some screen time about her grandson. Tracy has a talk with her hubby about scamming her family with his latest sidekick and Holly, well Tracy is not going to like Luke’s ex-lover being in town.

Nothing new, but the part about LuNacy scamming the Q's is supposed to be this week. There doesn't seem to be anything else about anyone.

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Recaps, Wednesday March 25th


Vets: Luke, Edward, Tracy

Kisses: none

Appearance: Black shell with Red sculptured jacket, one button and open at her decolletage; frill up the back; black pants (impressed I noticed, Ms. Q? :P)

Other Stories: Lucky/Nic arguing about Rebecca; Ric being an ass to Jason; the Ziblings discuss Michaels shooting and Sonny not finding out; Scrubs PPD drama continues and Robin finally talks to Lainey; Sam/Spin discuss the PI business and deal with Win being fired

Line of the Day:

Sc. 1 - no LuNacy

Sc. 2 - no Tracy; Edward comes into the HS to see if he can find Tracy. Ethan says she's a real pistol and gives Luke a run for his money. Edward says Luke doesn't have money, and that he's had to come out of retirement to take over ELQ because Tracy isn't paying attention to business. Ethan says he's never heard of ELQ and Edward says he's not surprised. Then he tells Ethan he'll pay him to give Tracy a message to call him. Ethan says he doesn't have to pay him - isn't that what America is for? Just keep his money and Ethan's happy to help. Edward is impressed and asks what a fine, upstanding young man is doing pouring drinks for Luke. Ethan assures Edward he's done worse. Edward tells him to watch his wallet around Luke then drops something and Ethan reaches down to pick it up. Luke watches from the doorway as Ethan pick-pockets Edward.

Sc. 3 - no Tracy; Luke enters the HS and says hello to Edward. Then pushed Ethan to the bar and says he'll pour him a drink - Luke demands the wallet from Ethan. Edward asks if Luke has seen Tracy and Luke says not all day. Edward wonders what Luke is telling Ethan and Luke covers saying he's just telling the new kid the social order of things, and only the best for his Father-in-Law Luke says pointedly at Ethan. Edward says not to even say those words, he's only interested in talking to Tracy. Ed decides to leave and Luke says he will pass on the message. Then when he leaves and Ethan looks at Luke saying he almost blew it. Luke yells back saying no, YOU almost blew it.

Sc. 4 - no LuNacy

Sc. 5 - Luke tells Ethan to give him Edward's wallet, and he'll take it back to Edward's 'little bungalow' and put it behind a velvet pillow for Edward to find. Luke then tells Ethan the Q's are off limits to every other con except him. Ethan challenges it a bit as Tracy walks in with her hand held out to Ethan and says "give it". Ethan plays dumb but she again says "give it" or she will tear the place apart brick by brick. Luke tells Ethan he better listen to her, she'll do it. Ethan wonders how she knew, and she says it wasn't hard when Edward said he was missing it and when retracing his steps he said he'd been at the HS talking to a nice young man who refused his money, and Eddy thinks "the Reprobate" took it. Luke says "The Reprobate" wasn't even there, that he walked in to see "Tall, Dark and Gruesome" take it. Tracy smiles suggestively and says "Tall, Dark and Gruesome" might be exactly what she's looking for. Ethan leans on the bar and asks seductively what she had in mind. Horrified Luke asks what she has in mind, too. Tracy just smiles like a Cheshire cat.

Sc. 6 - Luke tells Tracy they aren't interested. Tracy says she's talking to Ethan who can answer for himself. Luke puts up many protests, not the least of which is Edward's poor heart. He also says Edward will figure it out instantly and a cannon could blow a hole in her plan. Tracy asks Luke when he grew a conscience and that Ethan is so far gone he can't be saved anyway, so why not use him. Luke continues to protest and tells Tracy there is no way it can work so "woman" leave it alone. With mouth hanging open Tracy just looks at him, then says she has no idea what is going on with him but Ethan is the one she wants to work with her. Tracy storms out and Luke turns on Ethan to tell him not to help Tracy. Ethan says why not, if there's money in it for him. Luke says that's just the point, Tracy won't part with any of the money - he knows her. So Ethan's best bet is to work with Luke to scam Edward. Ethan looks like he's considering it over a drink. Meanwhile behind the door Tracy overheard everything and has a huge smile on her face.

Sc. 7 - no LuNacy

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I'm here, sorry I haven't been around much but I have been pretty busy here at work, and I have little to no free time to post. Plus the fact that Tracy has not been on in over a week leaves me with little to talk about! LOL Unless bitching about work is something you all want to read? Doubt it!

Glad to hear that Tracy was on today and I will have clips up as soon as I can, but it seems to me like there is going to be some follow up tomorrow, so I will put the scenes together.

Also, I have been working on a vid but I seem to be at an impass and cannot finish it, is there anybody out there who maybe wants to pick up where I seem to fall off??? I have this really really awesome song and the vid is about the Toxic Ball storyline, it is in no way a Tracy or Lacy vid, more of an ensemble vid but I can't seem to get past the half way mark. If anybody is interested please let me know!

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I"m just feeling lonely. It's no fun having the club house all to myself. I'm so glad you came back to play.

Whomever can get me a screencap of Tracy in that fabulous new outfit today - preferably with her Cheshire Cat smile - will have my gratitude. Serious Tracy loving going on at SOC today. What a difference 24 hours and actual airtime makes.

Early word is that JMB might walk when her contract is over, so the Luthan vs. Ethan Spencer problem may go away anyway.

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I am away skiing with my parents. Luckily my sam friend texted me to tell me Tracy was on today. I finally got online. Only two scenes huh? Bummer. The text I got said "hair and makeup still hate her" LOL

I guess she is on tomorrow where she must outsmart the two of them. I hope it spils into Friday, but not holding out too much hope. So much has been rewritten and edited that I am not sure tha spoilers for the week of the 6th wil come to pass, but hopefully they will.

I'll be home late saturday night. Hope everyone has a good couple of days. No spoilers in site anywhere for next week.

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