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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Today's Recaps (Tuesday, December 30th - New Years Eve)


Vets: Tracy and Luke

Kisses: oh my.... it starts with him kissing her hand, then he leans in to kiss her mouth but she turns her cheek so he kisses her ear and works his way over towards her lips. Just before he gets there Tracy opens her mouth, turns into him and kisses him with more passion than I've ever seen, throwing her arms around his neck. Luke is momentarily surprised then wraps his arms around her and pulls her close as he deepens the kiss.

Appearance: Wearing Salmon coloured Jacket :D:D:D:D:D , hair is slightly messy and reminds me of how it looked after the cut in January on in the DR after the rain - in her face, only softer

Stories: JoLu (NY at home), Nicadine (dinner on the island), Spixie (computer problems) and CarJax (MC restaurant) share New Years

Line of the Day: Carly to Jax - "That's the difference between men and women - women will go anywhere for their sugar"

Sc. 1 - no LuNacy

Sc. 2 - Tracy (in my favourite jacket) enters HS, expecting a party. Luke said he had a guest list of one, and she's arrived. Tracy is shocked, saying NYE is the most lucritive night of the year and he's got the only gambling liscence so basically he's throwing away her investment for some meaningless romantic gesture. Tracy doesn't know what he's doing this for, to which he responds "sure you do", ...resistance is futile (someone's a Trekkie). Luke continues "I've grovelled until my knees are raw and you've bent as much as you can". Tracy says then they are at an impass. Luke agrees - which is why they are going to put the New in New Year.

Sc. 3 - Luke pours drinks for them and pushes one across the bar to Tracy who pushes it back. Tracy says getting her drunk isn't going to change her mind, didnt the Dominican Republic show him that? The DR showed him she wasn't ready to give up their marriage. Tracy counters that she doesn't make impulsive decissions. Luke says she's not willing to give this up and she still loves him. Tracy says he's glossing over the salient point - Laura (your other wife) could come back. Then how hard would you fight for me? Luke keeps smiling at her throughout her tirade.

Sc. 4 - no Lunacy

Sc. 5 - Luke with the roulette table saying this is what life's all about, risking - you just have to put it all on the line. Tracy says she's never put it all on the like for any man. Tracy starts to leave and Luke rolls the wheel saying black you stay red you go. Then he challenges Tracy to see the answer. The ball lands on black and Tracy says it's rigged. Luke says no, it's just the way it is. They are the way they should be. Then he says "I could fill this room with roses, but that wouldn't be real, that wouldn't be us." Then he says something else and I missed it.....

Sc. 6 - Luke continues to give Tracy her win. Tracy says he's letting her win. Luke says no he respects her too much. Tracy asks when Laura's birthday is assuming he filled Laura's room with roses (the ones he said earlier weren't them). Luke says that's enough. She's the one obsessed with Laura, not him. He doesn't think about Laura, only Tracy does that. He says she can't let Laura go - it's not senior prom. Luke is angry saying she's got to come back to him. Tracy says she kicked him out, he's got to come back to her. Luke says that's what he's trying to do. Tracy then says okay, Laura's birthday is December 21st while hers is April 6th. If the Roulette ball lands on the 21st he gives her the divorce and leaves the country. If it lands on 6 then she takes him back.

Sc. 7 - Tracy puts all the chips that she's won (symbolically risking it all) on the 6 and the wheel spins. She's shocked to see the ball land on 6 (not sure if it's rigged - Luke claims it wasn't). Luke smiles in triumph and takes Tracy's hand and brings it to his lips. I've described the kiss above but all I can say is wowza!!!

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Can someone explain the whole gambling symbolism to me? I have a headache, and while it's prob. ridiculously easy to figure out, I don't feel like giving it a try.

remos, the one site that usually has screencaps up right after the show hasn't been updated since last week, and the other site's most recent caps are from yesterday.

More commentary re: today's episode to come...

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Lain, the arbitrary mods have already pulled it - they just don't make sense. But we know the real outcome!!!

Ms.Q - the whole gambling thing was described by Lulu, Luke and Tracy...

- Spencers like to take chances

- I've never risked it all on a man

- take a chance and see what happens

- we're worth the risk

The whole point was that Tracy didn't want to risk her heart again, but Luke pushed her to finally let go and have everything ride on the chance of them - which ironically is the sure thing. The last kiss was a recognition that they gambled their love and they won.

Does that help?


Laine, I reformed your poll on SOC and so far so good. Here's the new one ('cause I was po'd they removed yours):

Which couple touched your heart the most yesterday and today (Dec 29/30)?

Edited by remos
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Can't wait to watch. TL texted me it was okay...was bummed, but sounds pretty good and typical Lunacy. Glad that Luke called her on the Laura [!@#$%^&*] being all in her head. Oy--watch out...it is going to be ugly on the boards I am sure.

Can't wait to watch--bottom line--ended 08 with a kiss--always the good stuff on the Haunted Star! And they are back together! Yay!

Today is my anniversary--18 years...that was the best part of the day--knowing they at least had a moment of happiness!

Damn he should have shown up wiht a diamond though!

We must have a celebratory chat tonight ladies! Early maybe around 8pm central?

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